Sat Score Sending Dilemna

<p>Ok minor problem here. I have a 2000 SAT and a myriad of schools I want to apply to, the schools being UNC-Chapel Hill, Wake Forest (which is test optional), Swarthmore, University of Georgia (I live in Georgia), Emory, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Chicago. I am retaking the SAT on January 26th and am hoping and willing to study to get a 2300 or higher to greatly increase my chances at all of these schools and get scholarships. Some background is that im a URM (African American), have a 3.63 weighted gpa with 6 aps, lots of honors classes (thus why I greatly need a higher sat to get into most of these), upward trends in grades, etc if that helps at all. My number one choice is UNC and i've already applied to U of Michigan early decision.</p>

<p>Anyways my question is, with the 4 free score reports and 4 free ones with the January test, which ones should i send them into now and which ones later. UNC is my dream school and i wanted to send the January SAT scores, but looking at their admissions they would like regular decision applicants to submit December SAT test scores and i guess no later. Do you think they would possibly look at January ones? Or would i have to pay to send those to them but make sure I have already sent SAT test scores in that were taken by December if that makes sense (so in other words my 2000). I really want to go there greatly but right now idk if i could get in considering how stringent they are. The deadline to send in the 4 free reports is tomorrow at 11:59 pm. So like I guess the easiest ones to get into I should send first? I already have UGA down as 1, but what do you think the other three should be? Sorry if this post is a bit confusing, all help is appreciated!</p>

<p>Oh sorry replace Swarthmore with Northwestern.
So to make it cleaner the list of my top schools in order of preference is:

  1. UNC- CH
  2. University of Michigan (already applied)
  3. Northwestern
  4. UGA
    5.Wake Forest
    6.University of Pennsylvania
    8.University of Chicago</p>