SAT score too low?

I am going to start practice for the SAT over summer break his year( I am a sophomore). I though it would be a good idea to take a sat practice test before i start preparing. my composite score was 1260. Is that good ? remember that i was completely unprepared fro the test? Also would there be a lot of room for improvement seeing that i still have to practice and want to go to extremely selective universities? Also i gave the psat last october, again i was completely unprepared, but i still managed to score a 180. Replies would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

1260 out of what – 1600 or 2400?

1600 … composite score= math + critical reading

Yes the score is low if you are targeting “selective schools”. What are these selective schools? You can google common datasets for these schools and it will show the 25th and 75th percentile of SAT scores for the enrolled students. See where you fall and where you need to improve.

1400+ and ur in good shape bro

Do practice tests and study to improve. Your 180 PSAT is like an 1800 SAT.