<p>Hi guys,
I took the May SAT and I got my scores back today. I don't want to be 'that guy' but I scored much lower than I expected. I got 610 math, 680 reading, and 660 writing with an 8 on the essay. I can understand my reading and writing scores as they aren't my best sections. However, on test day I was very confident with how I did on the math section and didn't struggle with any questions except one. Is it possible that there could be some error in marking as I was expecting much higher than 610, I thought math would be my highest score. I was expecting 700+. Does Collegeboard ever make mistakes in the scoring and if so is there anyone who can confirm a significant score adjustment? I may sound like a sore loser over my marks but I'm just having a hard time believing I got 610. It was my first time writing the test so maybe I made some error that messed up the order or my questions? If anyone could offer some advice that'd be great.</p>
What were the results of your hand scoring. Did the scores improve
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