<p>I was just wondering how much a good SAT score/bad SAT score impacts your someone's chances for certain schools. Are there some colleges that view it as more important than others? I mean, I know a 2400 doesn't get you automatic admission to HYPS, but what about a school like Hopkins or NYU? I don't have a 2400 SAT (one can only dream :/ ), but I do have a decent score (2140). The reason I'm asking is because I am taking the SATs again this Saturday and I didn't know how important improving my scores will be when it comes time for college admissions. If you could lemme know that would be great!</p>
<p>Which schools are you applying to? You have to be more specific.</p>
<p>For NYU, you’re fine. Hopkins… I’d say you’re fine if your GPA is high enough. =] But if your GPA’s not as high, then, I’d say just retake it for a higher score. Is Hopkins your first choice? If you’re applying EA, then, 2140 is def. okay.</p>
<p>If you’re dreaming of ivy and don’t have a hook, a 2250 plus should be the goal.</p>
<p>Just to clarify on yummy’s (lol) statement: JHU doesn’t have EA, so it’s binding - ED (at least from what I read on CB). Not trying to be nitpicky but don’t want to confuse anyone!</p>
<p>Thanks for the help! In response to neethus1, I am applying to no Ivies except maybe Cornell, but Hopkins will be my top choice. I know the name is misleading but I actually don’t dream of ivy, I just kinda went with it. Also, you’re right, Hopkins is ED and binding. If I apply ED will that improve my chances? You can look at my stats on my thread entitled HELLLPPPP with lots of Ls and Ps added :D. My GPA is low because I missed 38 days of school my sophomore year due to medical problems, so I fell apart in classes like Honors Chemistry and Honors Geometry. I have taken the hardest possible course load at my school, and I transferred into my new school sophomore year. My freshman year school was too easy. So, after all the crap with sophomore year, my GPA is like a 3.6. I am working my ass of to get it up to a 3.7-3.8, but we’ll see. My AP Classes this year (AB calc, physics, and us history - my school has a three ap/per year limit) are extremely hard and the teachers pride themselves on most students, even though they are at the top of the class, getting Bs. In addition, there is no grade inflation, so if I get an 87 (which is actually pretty good for any of these classes), a 3.0ish is slapped into my GPA, bringing it down. For example, in my history class my teacher gives only two types of grades: essays and tests. Each test is very hard, but the essays are worse. He gives it either A+,A,A-,B+,B,B-,C+,C,C-, and only one kid has gotten an A this year. My average is B+. I know I’m rambling, but my weighted GPA (which colleges don’t see) is somewhere above 4.0. </p>
<p>Thanks again!</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/413821-sat-score-frequencies-freshman-class-sizes.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/413821-sat-score-frequencies-freshman-class-sizes.html</a></p>
<p>“I was just wondering how much a good SAT score/bad SAT score impacts your someone’s chances for certain schools.” It depends.</p>
<p>“Are there some colleges that view it as more important than others?” Yes.</p>
<p>“I know a 2400 doesn’t get you automatic admission to HYPS, but what about a school like Hopkins or NYU?” It doesn’t.</p>
<p>“I didn’t know how important improving my scores will be when it comes time for college admissions.” Nobody can tell you except the admissions committees that will see your applications.</p>