SAT scores competitive enougH??

<p>SAT score (JUNIOR year)</p>

(10 on essay)</p>

<p>total: 2230</p>

<p>I was aiming for 2200+ because i heard that was all you really needed for competitive schools. but i thought my MATH would be way higher because that's my strongest subject! i had NO idea my writing score would be that high. I only have 1440/1600 though!
(i took it sophomore year and got 580-W, 590-CR, 710-M..didnt improve much on math)</p>

<p>I'm asian though so it looks pretty bad to get a low math score right? but i am from Arkansas. haha</p>

<p>SAT IIs (sophomore year)</p>

<p>math II-760
US history-800</p>

<p>I'm retaking Math II in january, then Chemistry in June. Pretty confident about those scores.</p>

<p>And my GPA is one of the highest in the school, if not number one. (school doesnt rank though) </p>

<p>Is that competitive enough for UPENN?
Or should I retake and aim for a higher CR and Math score because I definitely have a lot of time to prepare for those? But that would be my 3rd time taking it..(Is that too much?)</p>

<p>Your scores are fine.



<p>Because all the Asians get like 800 on it. and have crazy high SAT/SAT II/ACT scores so that might make me look like a dumber asian? I do admit though, I’m probably not the smartest Asian when it comes to math but since I was practically raised in Arkansas, it shouldn’t really matter right?</p>

<p>stereotype yourself more. i dare you.</p>

<p>An asian got a 730 in kindergarten math???

<p>so i got a 670 on the math
does tat un-asian me? haha
ur scores r way better than mine
i got a much…MUCH lower score although i just took it again today</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t mean to be stereotypical! I just thought colleges would compare my scores to other Asians instead of everyone.</p>

<p>And I know I can do better on the math section if I just be more careful because it’s really simple math, just tricky problems. I just don’t want to risk my CR and W scores going down. because that would look really bad wouldnt it?</p>


You’re not being stereotypical. You’re stereotyping. I’d recommend taking a course in Asian American studies or a sociology course on race in college. You’ve got a lot to learn about race as well as how to talk about it.</p>

<p>I got a 2100, with 710 CR, !!!690 M!!!, 700 W and I’m an Asian applying to Wharton.
Granted though I’m still a junior and I plan on retaking the SAT, but still, you’re fine.</p>

<p>Yeah, Wharton’s going to be so competitive that I might just retake it.
I’m a junior too but I might just concentrate on getting a good MATH II score instead.
haha, math is so tricky on the SAT1. You can be a genius at math but if you’re not careful, you’re pretty much screwed. I totally thought math was going to be my highest! It always was on my practice tests!</p>

<p>That score is probably a bit above average for all schools combined, but probably borderline-to-subaverage for Wharton. Crank up the Math if you can.</p>

<p>Would a 800 in Math II make up for my low math score on the SAT1?</p>

<p>It’d definitely help, sure. That math score isn’t going to hurt you or anything. It just feels borderline to me.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know. I’m still not sure if I want to prepare for the SAT again and retake it just to improve my math score (which could drastically go up if I’m more careful…)</p>

<p>I’m in the most rigorous math classes my school offers, and if I get a 5 in AP Calc AB (wont be in BC until senior year so they won’t see my AP score for that) will that erase their doubts about my math ability? Because I’ve always thought that was one of my best subjects…and I had the highest scores in math on my practice tests</p>

<p>wharton wants high math scores…retake it if thats ur first time and you KNOW FOR SURE you can do better</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure I can do better. It’s just stupid mistakes that mess me up. Otherwise the test is simple algebra/geometry and there’s really no reason I should miss any of the questions.</p>

<p>That was my second time…
First time was in sophomore year.</p>

<p>hmm, i think its okay…but um don’t make my mistake</p>

<p>i got 800cr, 790m, 680w (6e) first time ---- then i was really cocky going into my second sitting
i got 750cr, 750m, 690w (8e) lol…dropped 80 pts total</p>

<p>DONT DO THAT!!! if u take it another time STUDYYYY lol</p>

<p>Haha I’ll definitely study if I take it again! Don’t want to risk my scores going down very much. Sorry about what happened to you! It happened to a friend of mine as well (but only 20 pt drop)</p>

<p>WOW I wish I had your CR and M scores. My high writing score isn’t going to impress colleges very much (or so I’ve heard)</p>

<p>800 CR?? HOW in the world did you do it? ANy tips??? Review books?? Strategies?? I struggle SO much with that section! I thought I did amazing, missed 7 (which is good compared to my practice test scores haha) but still got a 710…
Big improvement from sophmore year (590 HAH) but it seems impossible to get it higher!</p>