SAT Scores for the Freshman Class of Florida's Flagship Schools

<p>Here are the SAT scores for the three flagship Universities in Florida:</p>

<p>The freshman class at the University of Florida have an aggregate SAT score of 1275- up from 1250 last year. Hopefully, we will hit 1300 this coming year. This still lags Miami by 10 points.<br>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For perspective, this is a virtual tie with Wisconsin's 1280 average score.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Florida State is at 1200 SAT Score, so the gap with UF is approaching 100 points.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>USF (South Florida) is at a respectable 1140</p>

<p>College</a> Search - University of South Florida - USF - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®</p>

<p>double post</p>

<p>Yes but UF still has a terrible student-faculty ratio and few highly ranked departments. The higher SAT is just a function of populaton growth and the high cost of going out of state for college.</p>

<p>S/F ratio is waaay overrated. Also, SAT scores are WAAAY underrated. Afterall, in college, students spend far more time interacting and learning from other students than they do in class learning from the profs. A high SAT score is indicative of a brighter student body and a more in depth learning experience. </p>

<p>Now, if you tout the greatness of the USNWES ranking system, which, I suspect based on your comments that you do, then there is no arguing with you. Personally, I feel the criteria used by USNEWS wouldn’t pass mustard in a a freshman statistics course. That is for another thread though.</p>

<p>what about UCF? I know they are close to FSU in SAT scores.</p>

<p>If I just wanted to hang around with some high SAT folks all day, I’d buy a $100 card for the Cambridge Starbucks. Faculty quality and school tradition of excellence also matter.</p>

<p>Those stats are wrong. FSU’s avg. SAT is 1265. College Board is known for having outdated stats. </p>

<p>Also, UCF’s stats are not close to FSU’s. I’ve done a lot of research on both schools, and UCF is still substantially behind FSU in terms of academics and student quality.</p>

<p>Here’s a link to FSU’s claim: [FSU</a> Highlights](<a href=“]FSU”>Strong Students and Outcomes | Florida State University)</p>