I got a 690 on Biology M and a 710 on literature. I only took them in the first place to compensate for mediocre AP scores (3 in bio, 3 in AB calc, and 4 in US history). Most of the schools I’m trying to get into are pretty selective liberal arts schools (Colby, Colorado, Grinnell, Reed, etc). Also applying to Emory I think. So, are these scores even worth submitting or would they just hurt my application?
Any advice is appreciated 
For Emory, it’s on lower end. At least 730+ would be the scores that many competitive applicants have. If possible, re-take them.
I don’t think they’re worth submitting to Emory or Colby or any of your very selective schools. I think the 710 in literature is okay, but the 690 in Bio isn’t too amazing. But then again you should also read up on the school policies on subject tests. If the schools HIGHLY recommends them or even recommends them at all, I think you should just submit them. It’s too late for most schools to retake (November SAT was last weekend)…but if a school only “considers” them, then it may just be better not to submit them. Although they aren’t that bad. I don’t think they will “hurt” you, but they definitely won’t compensate for your AP scores.
Good luck!