Does anyone know if University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign takes/considers SAT Subject Tests for Engineering?
UIUC (including engineering) does not require, recommend, or consider subject tests or recommendation letters for admission. If you send subject test scores or recommendation letters, they will not be provided to those who make the admission decisions. As to SAT and ACT, they do not formally superscore but instead use that test with highest composite except that some of the colleges or departments may consider a higher section score from a second test. Engineering uses the test with the highest composite but will consider a higher math score from another test.
There is no point to send your official SAT subject results, as they won’t be considered like official ACT or SAT results. You could mention them in the application if you are listing accomplishments, awards, etc. So, do not take an SAT2 subject test only for UIUC admission. If you needed to take a subject test for another school and received a high score, you can still mention it “unofficially” on your UIUC app, though it probably won’t have much impact.
There are basically five groupings of colleges when it comes to subject tests: (a) those that do not consider them even if submitted (majority of colleges, although many of those may require them for home-schooled students); (b) those that require them from all or the majority of applicants (a total of five US colleges); © those that recommend them (about 14 colleges); (d) those that neither require nor recommend them but consider them optional and will give them some consideration if submitted (about 50 colleges): and (e) those that accept subject tests in lieu of submitting an SAT or ACT (six colleges) Vanderbilt is in the (d) group, in that it considers subject tests optional but neither requires nor recommends them. Note that it can use language and math subject tests tests for placement after you are admitted.
USC neither requires nor recommends subject tests but considers them optional and will give them some consideration if submitted. That includes engineering and business.
Are sat subject tests still recommended for Duke applicants, even if I’m submitting the act not sat?