<p>I feel like such an idiot. I was rereading my Oberlin viewbook today and for the first time noticed that Oberlin "recommends" that applicants take two SAT Subject Tests. I haven't taken any because no other school I'm applying to requires them and my family doesn't really have the money for me to take extra tests. If I sign up today, I can take two tests in December but I'm not sure how I'll do on them. If I take them I'll probably take Literature (which I'm very strong in) and US History or Math Level 1 (which I'm better than most in). My SAT score is 2000 and my ACT is 29 and I only took those both once. So what I'm wondering is should I take the Subject Tests and risk sending in some weak scores (In the 600s maybe) or should I just stick with I have and risk having a gaping hole in my application?</p>
<p>Call or email the admissions office (maybe the admissions counselor who handles your state) and ask this question.</p>
<p>My son never took the SAT IIs and was admitted with a scholarship. He submitted SAT I and one ACT score. His scores were higher than yours but I don't think it will be a big issue to not have the SAT II.</p>
<p>Recommended is just that, not required. If you think you can do well on some tests, go ahead and sign up.</p>
<p>High SATI Test >>> Many SATII Tests
I’d suggest retaking the Reasoning Test.</p>