SAT v. ACT advice

<p>So, I recently took both the SAT and ACT for the first time. I am currently a junior and am wondering what you guys think the best plan for me to move forward into senior year with. I am pleased, but not ecstatic, wit my scores and I am wondering how to proceed to better my scores and my application. I plan to prepare over the summer and retest in the fall. </p>

<p>SAT: Studied using a book for only 1 week before</p>

<p>M: 710
CR: 740
E:710 essay:10</p>

<p>so, 1450/1600 and 2160/2400</p>

<p>ACT: only practice was a shortened test in January and some practice problems the night before</p>

<p>E: 33 (essay has not come in yet)
M: 35
R: 30 (I seemed to find the ACT reading than the SAT when practicing, but I found April's test especially hard)
S: 32
Comp: 33</p>

<p>I'm wondering which I should prepare for/retake, or if I should do both. Also, I know SAT subject tests are very important, and I have been preparing for them much more dilligently than I did for the SAT Reasoning and ACT. Just to put this into perspective, the schools I plan to apply to include Yale, Harvard, NYU, Penn, Georgetown, and Stanford, among others where I don;t think that my test scores will pose a problem at all. </p>

<p>Thanks for any advice you can give me!</p>

<p>Great scores, a retake will be better; the 33 ACT looks more impressive than your SATs. Saying that, the SAT2s are so important for your schools, I’d focus on those and taking those twice if necessary.
Your ACT is good enough for anywhere. You need 700+ on your SAT2s to be competitive for your choices.</p>

<p>Reminder - sign up is NOW for the June SAT or SAT2 subject tests. You need to look up the requirements on each schools website to determine which subject tests to take.</p>

<p>I already to signed up to take the Chem SAT II this saturday (coincides with AP studying) and the Spanish and Math II tests in June.</p>

<p>I have taken the SAT and the ACT once each.
SAT: 2220
Writing: 710
Reading: 740
Math: 770</p>

English: 31
Reading: 34
Math: 34
Science: 33</p>

<p>I am a junior looking at very competitive colleges. Which test looks better?</p>