<p>So, I recently took both the SAT and ACT for the first time. I am currently a junior and am wondering what you guys think the best plan for me to move forward into senior year with. I am pleased, but not ecstatic, wit my scores and I am wondering how to proceed to better my scores and my application. I plan to prepare over the summer and retest in the fall. </p>
<p>SAT: Studied using a book for only 1 week before</p>
<p>M: 710
CR: 740
E:710 essay:10</p>
<p>so, 1450/1600 and 2160/2400</p>
<p>ACT: only practice was a shortened test in January and some practice problems the night before</p>
<p>E: 33 (essay has not come in yet)
M: 35
R: 30 (I seemed to find the ACT reading than the SAT when practicing, but I found April's test especially hard)
S: 32
Comp: 33</p>
<p>I'm wondering which I should prepare for/retake, or if I should do both. Also, I know SAT subject tests are very important, and I have been preparing for them much more dilligently than I did for the SAT Reasoning and ACT. Just to put this into perspective, the schools I plan to apply to include Yale, Harvard, NYU, Penn, Georgetown, and Stanford, among others where I don;t think that my test scores will pose a problem at all. </p>
<p>Thanks for any advice you can give me!</p>