<p>I got a 2200 on the SAT, but my CR and M were both 700. I got a 32 on the ACT ( 35 E, 34 M, 32 R, 27 S). But since my english and math scores on the ACT were pretty high, should I submit my ACT too? I wanna study english/ literature.</p>
<p>anyone? just gimme a sign of life</p>
<p>1440-1470 2160-2210 32</p>
<p>This is from the conversion chart that the UC system uses. Since the ACT is right in the range of your SAT score, I think you should submit your ACT.</p>
<p>What'd you get on the SAT 2's? I'd worry about the 27 on the act....</p>
<p>Science on the ACT is pretty much just reading comprehension. I don't think a 27 is that gigantic a negative, and a 27 in science is the 93th percentile according to the ACT people.</p>
<p>But with 2 700's and a 2200 total, that means that writing was 800. I'd stick with those scores and not introduce a 27, unless the sat 2's weren't good....</p>
<p>That's a fair point. The 27 science really isn't bad though, AFAIK science has the toughest curve of the subjects on the ACT. 35E is a lot better than 700CR, and 32R is marginally better. I don't think the 27 would be that huge a negative, and the 34M is better than the 700M (depending on the test dates, anyway).</p>
<p>Ya, by section, the ACT is higher in English, Reading and Math. That was my dilemma. My SAT IIs were US Hist, Bio, Math II, and Span, and I got 750+ on all of them.</p>
<p>i would submit the ACT too if money is not an issue since you did really well on math and english. colleges only look at the composite and only really care about english and math. reading and science are not that important.</p>
<p>Clearly your board scores (all of them) are over the threshold of getting in anywhere, so go ahead and send...</p>
<p>thanks everyone! i'll send them both.</p>