SATS are in, Did I make the cut?

<p>I was told to repost this here so here it goes. </p>

<p>Hey everyone, I have been reading these forums for a few weeks now and this is my first thread.</p>

<p>The first Sat I took in January I got:
750 cr, 670 math, 780 writing</p>

<p>Now after on this may one I got:
800 cr, 630 math, 800 writing</p>

<p>So basically here is my question, with a super scored 2270(1470 out of 1600), is it possible for me to get into Yale/Harvard. The reason that I am asking is because there are so many great applicants and I am wondering if my "weakness" in math(I am going to take precalculus senior year) will be seen as an immediate rejection highlighter. I am a legacy at Penn and I face a very hard decision whether to apply there (which I have a great chance of getting in) or shooting for EA Yale and in the process losing any advantage at Penn. So basically my question to all of you is, with my SATS (just that) would I be a reasonable applicant at a school like Yale and have a good (however good can be expected) chance of admittance or is it better just to take the "safe" bet. </p>

<p>The reason I am mainly focusing on my Sats is because my other credentials seem good enough:
top 10% in the class a competitive prep boarding (hard classes)
2 APS junior year and 4 senior (they limit you)
ECS: President of the Debate club + won a tournament
Staff Writer for the School Newspaper</p>

<p>So overall this is my question, do I have a realistic enough shot at Yale to take apply EA or is Penn (the safer choice) my best option. Thanks allot for any replies</p>

<p>I would say UPenn is the better option. Yale is much harder, and pretty much a crap shoot for anyone. Are those your only credentials or did you just list a few?</p>

<p>Hi Bescraze...
It's an interesting dilemma that many students face... Obviously you want to go to Yale or Harvard. So, you have to ask yourself if you would be happy at Penn? As you already know, statistically if you apply to Penn ED as a legacy, you would increase your odds of getting in astronomically. Penn has a wonderful legacy admissions advising department. You are a great student from a competitive school with nice extra-curriculars and terrific CR and Writing scores, but in my opinion you don't stand out "in the crowd" enough for Yale/Harvard admissions. I'm sure most of the Y/H applicants from your school have fantastic stats as well. You have to ask yourself if you end up going to Penn, would you regret not having tried for admission Yale or Harvard? </p>

<p>Edit: Why don't you post this on the Yale and Harvard boards? You might receive some helpful advice.</p>

<p>well if you aren't going into to math than sure, but for YPS you probably want a 700+ on math...</p>

<p>also, you have to be special.. you seem like an everyday overachiever.. most applicants will have a high rank and a 2250+ basic.. on top of that you need to show your uniqueness.</p>

<p>I think you should try for a 1500+ (math & CR combined) for the schools you are interested in. Top 10% in a top boarding school is good, but you probably should be in the top 5% for Harvard & Yale. Good luck though.</p>