<p>How are you guys preparing for it?</p>

<p>I'm using:</p>

<p>Blue Book
Princeton Review 2011
And Barron 2400.</p>


<p>I got 1940 in May and want to raise is to at least 2100. Im using the BB (already read it, just the practice tests now) but don’t want to exhaust the tests so early. I’m not going to use any third party materials because the grading is going to be more inaccurate. Also, I’m working on finding a single list that has sufficient vocabulary for me to study because sentence completion is my worst section right now. Good luck!</p>

<p>And by sufficient, I don’t mean Barrons 2400. Thats just crazy! I was thinking more like a 250-word list :stuck_out_tongue: good luck!</p>

<li>Blue Book</li>
<li>Dr Chung’s SAT Math (just got it since people are going crazy for it)</li>
<li>Plenty of PSAT/Old PSAT tests given by my school </li>
<li>Many books that are from Library (not in my possession now though, but later use)</li>

<p>I’m an ACT guy, but I’ll offer some suggestions :)</p>

<p>Direct Hits 1 & 2 for vocab.
Dr. Chung’s for math.
Rocket Review Revolution for CR.
Online CC guides for W.</p>

<p>BB for practice tests.</p>

<p>BB for practice, silverturtle’s grammar guide, Direct Hits, and, dun dun dun… search for the meaning and the synonyms of every word you don’t understand. <- biggest help for my CR.</p>

<p>I’m an international, got 2300+ for my SAT (800 for Math and CR), English as a second language. Before cramming these books, I didn’t even know what ‘adequate’ was. TT</p>

<p>Only thing I used was called up your score by six kids who got 2400s…I got a 2240 thanks to that book. Best $10 I ever spent</p>

<p>How can I get Rocket Review for a reasonable price? Does anyone have a link?</p>

<p>I got one for like 30 off of amazon a year ago</p>

<p>One day, people will stop saying “SATs”. Why is that extra ‘s’ there? It is thoroughly illogical.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, and just get direct hits and the blue book. /case closed</p>


I :heart: this. 10char</p>

<p>Agree, OtherWindow. Thought I was the only one who noticed that ;)</p>

<p>And OP, I raised my score 90 points to a 2200 just by reading CC posts. Swear to God. The only section I studied for using books was math, and that score dropped by 20 points.</p>