Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)


Don’t let your ego mistake me feeling your repeated insults as attitude. Just don’t. And adults that act childish don’t really deserve my respect, although I’ll absolutely fake it as best I can.

Wow, during exam week? Thanks, uterus.

I don’t get it. I really don’t get it. I texted you hours ago if we were still on for tonight and just didn’t get a response. I’ve been having a crummy day already and was looking forward to hanging out with you but I guess not :frowning: But really how hard is it to just text back and say “No, sorry, I have other plans” or even “No, not tonight?!!!”

And today was the day that I decided that I would never get so drunk to the point of losing control of a normal bodily function.

That moment when you remember your friends know your College Confidential account name :open_mouth:

Wow! Calling the gay girl a lesbian is such a creative, inventive, and devastating insult!

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you must be so proud of her.
i hope you both are happy.
i think part of me just wanted you to be proud of me too, because it was SO hard to gain your approval. but that’s the thing: i shouldn’t have HAD to work for your approval. you should’ve already respected me implicitly. i don’t mean to say that i should’ve been on a pedestal.
there were so many things you disliked that i wanted to be one of the ones you did. all i can say to that is YEESH

Update: my final calculus grade is a D… whoops

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What is up with Chemistry teachers and favoritism. You were hired to teach chemistry, not pick and choose which students to give good grades to and which students to not.


At first I wanted to join NHS, but when I found out I’d have to walk a stage in front of hundreds of parents I wanted to back out immediately. I cried so hard the morning before because I really really didn’t want to go. My mom screamed at me as I cried, saying if I didn’t join and go through with the induction I’d never get into a good college, they wouldn’t even look at me. I ended up going through it all… for nothing! The school I’m transferring to doesn’t offer NHS for juniors! The NHS adviser for my current high school says that I’ll still be a member when senior year comes around as long as I have my card and certificate, but it all sounds fishy and I wouldn’t be surprised if something ended up going wrong with my membership.

I can’t tell you this in person but I just had to say this and you don’t know my CC username so I feel pretty safe posting this here.

I’m really sorry for last night/this morning. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did and for that I’m really sorry. I think you went along with it because you feel bad for me but you don’t need to. So I’m really, really sorry.

s/o to the guy who said he finds asexuality unattractive

that’s a good thing, i don’t find him attractive either

Thank God personal views usually need some running by to make them laws.

ooh poppin!!
my diagnostic barron’s was a 670. (of course, i took that a mONTH AGO SO)

Why can’t a day have more than 24 hours…

I feel like for one to succeed in life these days, one must constantly be sleep deprived, overworked and tired.

I hate being borderline

Shoo-in, not shoe-in
Ivies, not Ivy’s
AP Class, not AP CLASS