Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

I really do love you mom and dad. It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with you guys (I’d actually rather do that than anything else I’m doing right now), it’s just that everything is piling up on top of me this month. The first semester of senior won’t be any better later this fall.

I’m sacrificing this time so that all of us, in one way or another, will benefit. Please be patient guys :frowning:

I don’t understand why I don’t feel any connection to Berkeley and it makes me feel kind of bad - I’ll apply because my parents think I should apply to a wide range of schools, but…

Ah man. I really love MIT, but I need pigs to fly (hey, I mean, with the advent of genetic engineering <3) if I’m going to go there. I don’t really know if I should get my hopes up for college, actually. We’ll see.

My whole family is convinced that I’ll be accepted to either Princeton or Columbia like??? Are they freakin nuts? Only the top of the cream gets in…do they not know I am not the only person who gets somewhat decent grades?? They think it’s as easy as 1,2,3 to get in when it’s NOT. My grades are mediocre, my EC are absolute crud, and my ACT is horrendous, and I’m about to fail the SAT this Saturday like I am not a strong applicant???

Since they are expecting this, it makes me feel so bad because I will end up disappointing a lot of people. I doubt I’ll get into any decent college…

I’ve thought it over and I’ve stopped freaking out about it. I’ve been doing more things that make me happy these last couple of weeks (even if they aren’t the best decisions in the long term, lol). So yeah, I’d be down for a repeat of last week.

We’re all going to different places for college and I want to hold onto everything before it gets ripped to pieces in front of my eyes.

I don’t understand why I let you have this much power over me. I’ve thought about it countless times, and each time it makes considerably less sense.

I deserve better than this. I do. And I don’t doubt that you’re a good person at heart, but I should know better now. Should.

When you stay up until 2:30 in the morning working on a Spanish project just to be told that because there wasn’t anymore time in the class period I won’t get full credit,when on top of that I still came to your class even though you said seniors didn’t have to come because of senior ditch day. Not to mention,arguing that I came 10 mins late doesn’t even sound like a fair argument,when you chose a student to present,who came 30 mins late. How can this be fair when you were choosing the people to present and just because the period ended and you never got to me(and others) my grade is going to suffer(especially when this project is worth 20 points of our grade and I need to send my final transcript to colleges.sigh…

Turns out this teacher gave me an F for this project. :frowning: . I honestly, feel like I don’t deserve this type of treatment and it’s making me really anxious.

Just because it’s top ranking in Forbes, doesn’t mean it’s top ranking for me. Dad, just accept that I’m not going to like every top college. Why can’t you be supportive of my choices that aren’t as prestigious? Your high standards are making me feel like I need a college’s name to get a job.

How can I act friendly toward you without sounding flirty, and how can I reach out to you without fear of seeming too thirsty?

You’ve known about this for years, so would it have really killed you to pull me aside after tonight to offer me a hug and some support? I get that we aren’t friends anymore but you were my best friend for years. I thought maybe deep down you might still care about me, but I guess you don’t.

I think I’m finally done. I think I’m finally over it. I don’t want to fix things with you anymore because there’s nothing left to fix. And why should I be the one doing the fixing when you were the one who messed things up in the first place? After tonight, I can’t deal with this, with you, anymore. So I guess this is goodbye.

Sometimes, like today, I get worried out of my mind because I’m not taking the same path as everyone who surrounds me, because I can’t imagine myself happy without writing and researching and science-ing (I can’t imagine myself doctor-ing). I see all the friends I have, save for a few, volunteering at the local hospital, and it is psyching me the heck out because shouldn’t I be doing that too? (If I’m going into bioengineering/biotechnology, shouldn’t I crave being around people and bodily fluids and - well, I always liked molecular biology best.)

I don’t want to go to Berkeley or Davis like everyone around me, or even to stay in California. I’m taking college classes that I arguably don’t even need to (but I want to!!) take, and I’m not taking AP Bio because I wanted to keep Leadership (and oh gosh, that’s probably a terrible decision but I made it and I love Spanish and Leadership and I keep second-guessing myself at times like this), and I have an internship at the local newspaper. Which I start today, and am scared out of my mind for.

I’m happy with what I have, but I’m also terrified to be diverging from the pack. Part of me longs to be like them, to fit in (to be popular, ah, a blessing and a curse), to be safe.

(But then, that wouldn’t be me, would it?)

I’m so frustrated and angry and upset because you are completely unable to listen to and respect my wishes. Despite agreeing to something, you completely disregarded it and I know if I try to talk to you about it you’ll try to turn it around and blame me. I’m quite honestly sick and tired of dealing with your selfish behavior. I cannot WAIT to get the heck out of this house so I don’t have to put up with your crap anymore.

And as I write this, I feel sad. Do I mean it? I don’t know. All I know is that I’m an emotional mess and you’ve certainly never helped with that so why start now :frowning:

the highest grade on the final was a 90. My semester grade was a 97. and now its a 93 because i got an 81 on the final, which honestly should have been a 94 because the math came out to be a 93.8 and you said powerschool rounded up! If ALL the grades are so bad, why not use a curve??? luckily my gpa didn’t suffer too much but since this was your last year teacher ill forget about it.

i miss your class. i miss it so much, i think about it all the time. it was a time to unwind and you helped me realize my true potential in poli sci which lead to me forgetting about astrophysics… thankfully that was probably a good decision since i’m so awful at math.

i can’t describe how grateful i am that you bumped my final grade up 1 point. It wasn’t much but it was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

So, okay. I’m not entirely sure how to react to what you wrote. I like you too. But I can’t respond to that. IDK.

I can’t believe this is the only life I will ever live and I suck.

I can’t believe you would do this to me. I thought we were friends. What happened to all those fun times in Spanish? Now you immediately cancel your volunteering shift if I happen to sign up for it with you, without even considering my feelings. So what if we’re going to different schools next year? That doesn’t mean you can treat me however you want.

Whew. It was nice to get that off my chest.

Ah jeez, I don’t understand why I’ve been getting so anxious lately. I couldn’t sleep till four and woke up at six and ahhhh I don’t know why I feel like this!! Why do people scare me? People are lovely and ah

That moment when you are yet again reminded that ** all of your friends know your CC username :open_mouth: **


Rant time, and I apologize in advance :slight_smile:

I hate the decline of traditional academics. I miss memorizing, I miss hours of homework, I miss having something to strive for and I miss being told my skills were important. We tell kids now that nothing matters. I know that when we’re told that, they’re talking to the “I got a C freshman year and now my life is over” people, but it hurts just the same when the stupid so-called progressives come in and say we’re wasting our lives. I need school, in all of it’s previously rote and stifling glory. All school-mandated “creativity” and “social-emotional” learning has done is put me in an even smaller box. I know there are great arguments for things like getting rid of homework and reducing school start times, but I guess I’m just part of a small and silent minority of kids who used to thrive under the old methods. I was happy when I was allowed to memorize and regurgitate and I’m done being told that the things I’m good at are worthless. There’s a balance somewhere, I know there is. I also am aware that this whole post is completely selfish and emotional, but I just feel really devalued anymore.