Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

^^^ Yes. Goddammit, I’m good at memorizing. School killed my creativity but now they’re bringing back projects and I have to remember how to be creative again? Can I even remember? God.
And you. You constantly show off your friends and social life to me, but I know you’re trying to cover up your own family issues, body insecurities, low test scores, etc. Stop! I’ve found friends I love and n o w you’re coming back and talking to me? Being around you brings back insecurities I thought I’d gotten over.
Finally, to myself: get it together lmao. Fix your sleep schedule and stop procrastinating haha

I keep seeing all of my friends snapchat stories from Governors School and I’m livid I didn’t get in. I’m top 10 in the class out of 500+ and I’m so worthy of going. I was genuinely surprised I didn’t get in, considering a girl who is only in the top 100 got in for social science, and she’s only taken two AP social sciences compared to my 6. The head of the social studies department said I am the best SS student at the school… WHY??? Now I’m stuck in this terrible town. The money I’m making from my job is good, and that’s the only positive. Worst summer ever.

Dear Parents,
I’m sorry that I went and partied this whole year. I’ve been under your thumb for so long and I jumped at the chance to break from your grasp. I was responsible, I new my limits and I DON’T HAVE ANY REGRETS. I learned how to shotgun a beer and that weed is a better stress reliever than going to see a therapist that doesn’t help at all. I don’t care that you think I’m “spiraling.” Tell that to my straight A’s in 6 APs and Honors Pre-Cal. I won 4 elections for positions in clubs I love. You’ve raised me to be smart and to make right decisions, trust me enough to let me have a bit of fun occasionally.

Dear spine, Why the f*** do you hurt so much? I stretch you out, do yoga and you still want to be annoying when I make the littlest move. Plz stahhhp.

Dear M,
Seeing you at school this year killed me. You have never acknowledged what we had. Grrr. I still like you.

why do parents push on academia put not on real life things. the square root of a watermelon ain’t going to help me with taxes. also, why r some people so extra like??? no

To my parents:

I’m a stupid teenage fuckup.

Well, okay, that’s a little extreme, but some things really are my own fault and you need to accept that. Yeah, I have a lot of mental health issues and they can get in the way of school sometimes. However, I’m also only fifteen. I get bad grades not because we need to adjust my medication, but because I watched a few too many movies while I should have been working, I’m trying to fix this, I really am, but this is my problem. I am a mostly normal teenager who puts things off and doesn’t study as hard as she should and forgets to do her homework. I wish you could understand and let me take responsibility for what I do.

Will I ever be a good officer? Shoot. I didn’t mean to act before thinking, but I did (Alexander Hamilton, shooting off at the mouth again). I didn’t know that my president got in trouble for something I did - scheduling a meeting with an adviser without another adviser’s explicit permission - and now I feel terrible.

I’m already feeling like I’m walking on thin ice this year, with a few select people I feel like are out to get me (well, not exactly. They just dislike me, and I really want to please them, but by this time I’m SO tired of overly curating my image just to please other people…?) and now I’ve angered yet another person…I don’t know where the lines of the boxes are anymore and honestly, part of me is really itching to move out. That is, assuming that I even get into any college besides the local community college (ah. I’m freaking out about apps and such but…who knows ahhhh.).

Social dynamics are so hard to deal with. I wish I was a better person, or at least better at handling social situations, and I’m frustrated right now, but I just have to regroup and fix my mistakes.

I’m sorry for screwing up, for not being a good sister/daughter/student/mentor/friend. I don’t deserve any of you. I wish I could take back what I’ve said and done, but life doesn’t work that way.

I am going to be a junior in august. I really rly rly rly wanna go to a top university-- harvard, stanford, mint, etc., but the problem is that i am not that special. I didn’t really push myself in 9th and 10th grade because i had anorexia and depression. This summer, i work for a VY prestigious professor, but i can’t get him to see the true me and give me some advice. i’m technically also preparing for usabo and usnco.

One of my biggest disappointments is that my crush didn’t even accept my follow request on instagram even though he clearly saw it. That was probably his way of rejecting me. i felt rly betrayed because i thought that we had something special. he makes me feel like i am not worthy of him… like HOW. He’s not that attractive ngl-- kinda short, glasses, hunched over, always wears hoodies, etc… He is also mediocre in his studies. The clubs that he joins are rly superficial and stereotypical. his sat score is also pty bad.WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS???

ah shoot man i really want to learn how to master & mix music and that’s the only obstacle i have to producing actual ~professional~ music!! i struggled with being able to write and make my own songs for so long but now it’s this one last hurdle :confused:
i don’t even have a microphone and i don’t even know what i’m doing lol. i just make music because it makes me happy but ah man, i really don’t know what i’m doing

Switched back to AP World :smiley:

I’m reviving this because I think it’s been buried for a while now.
These next two weeks are going to be an epic blur. Will someone please dig a grave for me? I have teachers pilling assignments and tests on me the week ED/EA are due and I’m leaving school for college visits…oh boy

well it looks like high school’s pretty lame


Cause and effect and basic physics! Plus, I told you repeatedly why you can’t do that. Yes, I know I’m a sixteen year old girl. Yes, I know that that might make you think you don’t have to listen to me. But I earned my job and I know what I’m doing.

I hate being your friend. I HATE BEING YOUR FRIEND. But I am anyway. I don’t know what to do.

So sick of people treating me terribly when I would never hurt a fly and then making me out to be the bad guy when I defend myself. I’m not a doormat.

Algebra will be the death of me X_X

I mean, German isn’t my first language, so would you even consider me?

You know the worst thing about high school is clique-ish culture, and how hard it is to actually meet new people/friends because of that.

Thank the wonderful secondary public education system in America as to why teens get soooo much sleep! And it’s not like teens are biologically more inclined to be night owls.

Sometimes I wish that [certain] adults would LISTEN to us. “You have enough time to get sleep! You just need to use your time wisely!” is the worst possible thing an adult can say to me when they find out I don’t sleep as much as I should.

Some adults are understanding, and I appreciate them, but some people just need to be more open-minded.

I know I shouldn’t be stressing out right now, or even be on this website, but I can’t DEAL with life.

Also, geometry theorems are STUPID.