Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

Geometry theorems are needed in proofs which are beautiful

Iā€™ve seen at least 20 people at my school wearing t-shirts for Trump today. My friends and I have made a game of counting them. It makes me mad that people can just overlook all of his moral issues just because they are strictly Republican.

*Iā€™m sorry if weā€™re not supposed to talk about politics on the forumsā€¦ I wasnā€™t sure where to go for those sort of guidelines.

I feel like my life is just spiraling downhill. Too many things to do with too little time, and I know itā€™ll just get worse and worse as I go on in life.This scares me.

The person I am dating is too busy, and is in high school (a year before me), so I can hardly see him. We text as often as we can, but life just gets in the way, and I fear losing him.

Some days, I can hardly give myself a reason for why Iā€™m even doing anything anymore. My self-esteem is like a roller coaster, constantly skyrocketing, but hitting rock-bottom after reaching its limit. I relish the times I feel a little bit superior, a little bit better, even if this makes me guilty for feeling this way.

What I am glad for, are my friends. They are always there when I need them, and they are constantly reassuring, even if their own lives are filled with hurdles.

There are too many decisions to make, too many expectations to uphold, too many things to do, too many dreams to fulfill, and too many regrets to be justified.

It doesnā€™t help that I am suffering a mild identity crisis.

Really? I mean, really? Did you mean to tip me that much? Your kids were so nice, I wanted to tip you!

Ack, Iā€™m on this thread again, but this is a nice thread, I applaud whoever made it (too lazy to check who).

I recently got a B on a geometry test, and Iā€™m bummed at how everybody around me is always spouting off their scores. I know that everybody in my school, even mildly interested in grades compare results with whoever they come across, (and I confess I do it as well), but sometimes I get tired of having myself getting mentally compared with all the other overachievers that reside in my school. This is the reason I have a roller coaster self-esteem, although I shouldnā€™t compare myself to others, I canā€™t help it.

ā€œOh, that person got an 100 on the test, did you know?ā€ -friend #1
ā€œWow! Thatā€™s nice, I got a 98.ā€ -friend #2 makes fake crying noises
While Iā€™m mentally decomposing at the sad test score of 88.

The words ā€œstop complaining you have such a great gradeā€ comes up much too often.

Didnā€™t do the math homework whoops

What is your problem??? You know Iā€™m having a bad night, you know I have a serious issue Iā€™m dealing with, you know Iā€™m in tears and I canā€™t fix it, you know I need some advice, and what do you do? YOU GO TO BED?? I would do ANYTHING for you, if you had a problem I would stay up all night to help you do it!! I do NOT deserve this!! I hate you!

Ily bae


Wait, I can say that anywhere else.

You canā€™t tell, but I just did.

bex killed kallakore nooooooo

I dislike Affirmative Action.

WHY IS OUR FRESHMAN YEAR AND SOPHOMORE YEAR GRADES WORTH MORE THAN SENIOR YEAR. Iā€™M LITERALLY WORKING MY BUTT OFF TO MAKE MY SENIOR YEAR AS STRONG AS POSSIBLE, AND THIS IS ON TOP OF THE MUSIC AND essays that I have to write, yet it doesnā€™t count for as much. My GPA is completely ruined because of this one folly and I feel like I canā€™t get into some of the schoolā€™s I would like because of this stupid system. The only people who actually get it right is the Canadian school like u of Toronto but they donā€™t even check an essay, which is also stupid, like seriously

To that girl that I keep ā€œrandomlyā€ snapchatting and texting, do you not have any sense of whatā€™s going on? Thereā€™s a reason behind itā€¦

I canā€™t wait to have all these college applications done. Plus why did I decide to take all these leadership positions? I have like no life because of college applications, scholarship applications, so many extracurriculars, web design clients, four college classes this semester on top of my high school curriculum, and a nasty case of senioritis.

I need to get off of social media until college season is over!

I just laugh at people that think getting straight A+ is a measure of actual intelligence, albeit I am one of those people getting straight A+

i kinda lied when you said be 100% honest? but i donā€™t want you and i to /do/ anything, especially since youā€™re already in a relationship and you have a pattern of liking girls who get close to you as friends and who like you first. my momā€™s right when she says the girl controls the flow of the relationship, and shizzle nizzle, you have no idea how many times iā€™ve imagined kissing you -
(and if you stop talking to me as frequently after what i said to you, then i know you were fake from the beginning, i guess. so)
but school and progress have to take precedence. i have so many dreams now, ones that are wholly unconnected to unromantic love, and itā€™s taken me seventeen years to get to this point.
i donā€™t want to throw away my shot, and i donā€™t want you to throw away yours either.

Why canā€™t they let me know if I got in? Iā€™m sick to my stomach waitingā€¦
Why canā€™t some people accept Iā€™m different? Why canā€™t they be respectful in class and in general so we can learn?
All this stress is fattening me up and wow do I need to lose some weight
And politics and life in general make it worse
I wanna help, but Iā€™m not on my own yet
And all it does is make me feel angry
And when I am happy, I feel guilty for doing so and get sad all over again.

But hey, when it comes to you, Iā€™m better off. Just stop flaunting.

My Euro teacher always asigns way too much homework and everyone is too afraid to intervene because they think that it will make them look weak. Also, my chemistry teacher is very annoying and I havr secretly been writing down every lie that he says.