Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)


I honestly hate your guts. Both of you. You make my life a living hell by shoving your faces into it every single day. Youā€™re both annoying, arrogant, and utterly blind to those around you.
(ā€œCultural appropriation isnā€™t really a thing,ā€ said one white girl to a white boy.
ā€œYeah, I agree,ā€ said the white boy. ā€œIt doesnā€™t seem really that bad to me.ā€
The Asian girl behind you is ready to kick both of your ignorant minds back to Kansas or wherever your ancestors came from.)
On top of that, why are you in an AP class if you canā€™t handle the workload? You keep trying to be friends with me when honestly, I find you so repulsive that Iā€™d be overjoyed if you dropped out. Control freak, narcissistic, insensitive, tone-deaf, smugā€“
The only reason Iā€™ve kept my grades up this high is that so when I give the valedictorian speech I can finally let you both know exactly how much I hate you guys.

To one best friend: how many times are we repeating this loop, exactly? I donā€™t know why youā€™re afraid of telling me. Iā€™ve never held a grudge against you for anything else. You know I really care for you as a friend and whatever you said is not that terrible.

To another: where exactly is this line? Yes, I love texting you, but why message me ā€˜Heyā€™ if you donā€™t want to talk? And yes, I watch about half of the YouTube videos you recommend. Sorry, those are time-consuming and I canā€™t always watch them. I know youā€™re busy with college applications and homework, but donā€™t blame your procrastination on me. I already procrastinate enough as it is, and Iā€™m not responsible for your choices. Why initiate conversations if it cuts too much into your school time?

Is it so crazy to expect you as an AP teacher to teach? I am doing absolutely everything by myself because for some reason your students are your last priority. I have no idea how you even got this position in the first place. I am angry because every time Iā€™ve asked you for help, youā€™ve said that youā€™d get back to me and never did even after being reminded. Iā€™m angry because you havenā€™t graded my last 21 assignments so I have no idea how Iā€™m even doing in your class. Iā€™m angry because this will reflect poorly upon me when in reality itā€™s you thatā€™s the problem. Iā€™ve never disliked a teacher more than Iā€™ve disliked you. All I want is a bit of help and reassurance in this class and I canā€™t get that, but you know, keep collecting your paychecks.

All I want is this school to stop being so dirty and let me bring drinks into the building!

I feel like Iā€™m drowning.

itā€™s senior year and everything seems to be falling apart.

my anxiety/insecurity/self-esteem issues came back in full and i am legit worried i wonā€™t get into college?? i did what my college counselor said, i applied to safeties and matches and reaches but i am undeniably, absolutely terrified that i wonā€™t be accepted anywhere. and it doesnā€™t even matter that my friends and family are telling me that iā€™ll be fine and have good chances i just canā€™t bring myself to believe theyā€™re telling the truth.

once again my grades are dictating my feelings. iā€™ve had two (two!!) panic attacks from almost not finishing homework/stress (iā€™ve never had one until this year) and iā€™ve missed school twice (twice!!) to catch up on sleep (iā€™ve never done that before). iā€™m constantly tired.

iā€™m tired of the ultra-competitiveness of college admissions, the pressure to be absolutely perfect in every way: gpa, test scores, extracurriculars, essays. iā€™m tired of how sleeplessness has become a contest, with kids comparing their work ethic and even themselves based on how much they sleep (and i know iā€™m guilty of this too). iā€™m tired of this culture that encourages working and working until you drop and canā€™t work anymore

iā€™m so stressed. my grades mean so much to me as does getting into college (i donā€™t want to let my parents down) and iā€™m constantly worried and stressed and tired i just canā€™t function anymore. i hate how my past grades and past choices and past in general are the most important parts in college admissions, colleges canā€™t you see iā€™ve CHANGED from junior year? my grades are better !! i work harder !! and i also get less sleep

i hate my past decisions just as much as i hate my procrastinating nature. iā€™ve tried E V E R Y T H I N G to not procrastinate but i canā€™t stop?? website blocking, turning off my phone, etc, none of it works until i have school in three hours and no homework done. it just creates this negative feedback loop that just worsens my sleep deprivation and nothing ever gets better

my social life with friends at school is pretty much non-existent. iā€™m never invited to outings, i feel my friends are just acquaintances and donā€™t really like me. my only friends are online and that makes me so sad that i canā€™t even had friends in real life?? my self-esteem is (maybe) at an all time low and i just donā€™t know what to do??

and i hate that iā€™m stupid and bottle all of this up instead of telling people about it

I just want to graduate and these dual enrollment classes are messing me up. Why does registration have to be so difficult? You purge me from my classes when you wasnā€™t supposed to, you put me in classes I donā€™t need/want, you keep me from getting in the classes I need to graduate, and you say the class is full when there is the exact same class, on the exact same day, during the exact same timeā€¦but the class is full. Why must you be so difficult MTC? Iā€™m so ready to graduate.

sometimes i wonder why iā€™m applying to these top schools when iā€™m justā€¦normal. like, i havenā€™t done anything to set myself apart. i have too many interests and i didnā€™t read that cal newport book about spikes and iā€™m just doing what i love, but itā€™s on too small a scale to be of any real importance, and it makes me sad because those things felt - and feel - important to me, but to the colleges i want to go to, theyā€™re just trivial

i donā€™t know

iā€™m just kinda sad because i really donā€™t stand a chance? i know i miss all the shots i donā€™t take, but still. i guess whatever doesnā€™t kill you makes you stronger

to my love:

I thought it was mutual
I guess not.
I wrote letters to you
about our future
but you sent me thisā€“
how should I put it?
can you make up your mind
for once?

accept my chocolates
and the roses
Iā€™ve sent them in the mail.
Please say
i do,
like in the movies
and Iā€™ll move in with you
when the time comes.

When itā€™s April,
Iā€™ll be waiting
for your ink
to dissolve in my
fiery heart.

that was nice. Had to get that off my chest. Yes, my lover is the school I didnā€™t get accepted to. weeps in the corner

Just please think everything over. I know itā€™s secret, so I canā€™t even consult other people. But stay safe. Emotional safety is important. I donā€™t want to lose you.

i feel like iā€™m drowning and itā€™s not even related to school and i just feel so on edge

(why are you back, why are you back if all you want to do is play with my feelings and use me as a stand-in? please stop because you donā€™t know how much youā€™re hurting me. you donā€™t know how much this has always hurt me)

Dear AMC test makers,

Why canā€™t you provide any accommodations for people with disabilities so they can take your test? I bet there are plenty of high school kids who would love to take it, but canā€™t.

Please work on that.



Oh, another thing too.

Dear college admissions and any post secondary education institution,

Why does applying to college have to be so competitive? I get that you want to make sure kid will be successful at your institution, butā€¦ I think the stress overload is apparent. No one can be the ā€œperfect applicantā€.

Iā€™m only a sophomore in high school, and Iā€™m worried if my extracurriculars are strong enough! And if I have enough service hours! What about my interests that donā€™t involve E.C.'s? Does self learning a subject even count to you if I donā€™t win any awards?

I hope that I get into a good engineering school. Ohio State University and University of Michigan, Iā€™m looking at you. I hope you see I worked my bottom off in school to prove to you I can do it. I may not get a perfect ACT score, but my hours of studying have shown that at least I try.

I wish the best of luck to others applying to other universities like yours as well.



I know youā€™re only keeping me around cause you want to kiss me. I wonā€™t let you, but you keep trying. I really like you. I know youā€™re probably just using me, but I have such low self esteem that I donā€™t care. Sigh.

Why canā€™t we just be friends?

Being an illegal immigrant sucks. Iā€™m turning 17 next month and still donā€™t have my learnerā€™s permit, let alone my driverā€™s license. I canā€™t get a job like everyone else. I canā€™t even apply to any in-state schools next year.

Needless to say, I hate white people who donā€™t realize how privileged they are. I would love to be able to have a job and be financially independent. I would love to be able to support my mom who doesnā€™t have a job. I would love to be privileged enough to be guaranteed to attend college after high school regardless of my GPA. I legitimately have no idea if Iā€™m even going to be able to attend college after high school. Even after working hard in high school, I might have to attend an online community college for two years because Iā€™m not a U.S. Citizen yet. After all, thatā€™s what happened to my older sister, who was in the top 10% of her graduating class, took gifted and AP classes, and had straight Aā€™s all throughout high school. Imagine that.

And yet you say Affirmative Action is unfair. Thatā€™s cute.

Take advantage of your surroundings, and donā€™t talk trash about minorities. Thatā€™s all I have to say.

dear english teacher: i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you and why do you teach ap lang i mean i really dont wanna take it anymore cause i could get a devil teacher

dear ____: i really hate you and when you talk i want to scream cause listening to you is worse than my ears bleeding

this has been a horrible year I JUST WANT TO GRADUATE ALREADY

Great. Absolutely wonderful. So I have to have a bacterial infection AND a virus SIMULTANEOUSLY during break?

Food poisoning sucks so bad. Not being able to eat for over 24 hours and feeling your mouth dry out because you canā€™t keep water down. Now I have a week to bring all of my grades up and find motivation to work hard and pass finals and start second semester.
Dear Parents,
Lay off my back start threatening to take away my clubs and activities it only makes me more unhappy and more likely to not work. I donā€™t know what I want to do or where I want to do. I just want to not worry about my grades all the time and college and career.