Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

thank you for not tearing <3 love ya tendons

There might be a pop Calculus quiz and I feel so fed up because this lady thinks she is so important. She gives us 3+ hours worth of homework and her teaching is straight up garbage and a waste of 45 minutesā€¦I still have an essay to write to turn in for a college app and the pressure is setting inā€¦and senioritis started freshman year HELP.

Stop. Stop. Stop spreading rumors about me. Iā€™m done with it. I never did anything to you, so why would you do this?

Oh yeah, and thanks for getting my sister involved. Very nice of you.

Please just stop.

Yeah, I miss you. And maybe youā€™re trying not to think about meā€¦

I suppose you have to make a decision now. And I really hope you choose meā€¦

O, that this too too solid flesh would melt
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
Or that the Everlasting had not fixā€™d
His canon ā€˜gainst self-slaughter! O God! God!
How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,
Seem to me all the uses of this world!
Fie onā€™t! ah fie! ā€™tis an unweeded garden,
That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature
Possess it merely. That it should come to this!
But two months dead: nay, not so much, not two:
So excellent a king; that was, to this,
Hyperion to a satyr; so loving to my mother
That he might not beteem the winds of heaven
Visit her face too roughly. Heaven and earth!
Must I remember? why, she would hang on him,
As if increase of appetite had grown
By what it fed on: and yet, within a monthā€“
Let me not think onā€™tā€“Frailty, thy name is woman!ā€“
A little month, or ere those shoes were old
With which she followā€™d my poor fatherā€™s body,
Like Niobe, all tears:ā€“why she, even sheā€“
O, God! a beast, that wants discourse of reason,
Would have mournā€™d longerā€“married with my uncle,
My fatherā€™s brother, but no more like my father
Than I to Hercules: within a month:
Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears
Had left the flushing in her galled eyes,
She married. O, most wicked speed, to post
With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!
It is not nor it cannot come to good:
But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue.

Why canā€™t you ever be in your office when I need you. I swear when Iā€™m trying to leave you always catch me and want to talk, but when I actually need you to fill out some information youā€™re always gone. Literally, the only reason I came to school.

i donā€™t understand this symbols and notation homework and it makes me so sad because my brain isnā€™t working?? and i have to apply for so many scholarships but iā€™m just exhausted of applications and pressure and life
i donā€™t even know what iā€™m doing anymore??
you ignored me today and i kinda missed you in calc. you make my calc better.

AP Psychology sucks now since my teacher left. I enjoy my other AP class, Physics, more even though iā€™m not that good at the subject or homework. Besides that, my teacher canā€™t teach and doesnā€™t know how to make tests. OR a RUBRIC! This woman acts like she doesnā€™t know what a rubric is and then deducts points for not doing something ā€˜herā€™ way. If you want it done your way, making a freaking RUBRIC! Itā€™s not that hard either.

Why canā€™t I focus?? I have National Science Olympiad in two weeks and havenā€™t studied since March. I have too many things to do and I feel like Iā€™m drowning and Iā€™m only a freshman. And my stupid stupid plane wonā€™t fly more than two minutes and I canā€™t get my tower to be less than 7 grams. And here I am sitting in stupid CAREER PREP class, which I shouldnā€™t even have to take, but itā€™s required, and itā€™s just a waste of my time. I just want school to end already!!! Three weeks left!!


My grades are slipping up because nutcracker coach is pushing me really hard this season.

I hate P.E!!! I hate having no one to talk to and my pe teachers giving me a hard time. Curse all my stupid classmates who are so cliquey.Curse you ex friend for dumping me when you became popular so I have no friends in pe!!! I hate having to walk around the track alone while everyone has fun talking to one another because the pe teachers rather talk about how their to pay off thierr debt! I hate it how even though people know Iā€™m lonely they ignore me.They rather talk to stupid girls who eat their own snot and chew on pens like itā€™s candy!I hate it how people I know ignore me to talk to other people even though they can see Iā€™m on the verge of tears.They think there good people,yeah right how good can you be if you canā€™t even acknowledge a lonely girls existance! I hate how my grade is an A- because I canā€™t find a group in that horrid class! I literally have to worry about how Iā€™m going to find a group instead of worrying about my grades. I feel so worthless always having people judge me because of my looks.

Im done ranting now.Screw you pe class!

Iā€™m running for class Stugo, and I get frustrated sometimes because we canā€™t make any speeches. Iā€™m the only new student to the district (came last year as a freshman) whoā€™s running, so Iā€™m at a disadvantage. Virtually, itā€™s a popularity contestā€“itā€™s a smallish district in the suburbs so the other contendees have known each other since elementary school and will naturally vote for their friends. Even if I donā€™t get elected, Iā€™m still happy if someone I know is able to get in to make actual, impactful change. The current Stugo is only there to pad their resumesā€“we elect them, and never hear from them again. :confused:

Iā€™m sorry I broke your heart. Iā€™m sorry I dragged you around making you think you had a chance, when everytime I got your hopes up, I crushed them. Iā€™m sorry I kissed you and told you I loved you, then told you that I could never be with you. Iā€™m sorry for running to you everytime I needed someone. It was all unfair to you, now everytime I see you I hate myself. I really do miss you but I canā€™t continue to take advantage of you. The reality of it is that you deserve so much better, and I hope youā€™re truly happy now.

Can parents plEASE understand that depression is not just something that you can ā€œthink more positively about and get overā€

Also I just took the sat subject tests today and probably failed them allā€¦

To whoever hires/assigns teachers at my school: I know itā€™s more worthwhile for the schoolā€™s image to assign the best teachers to struggling students (they have greater progress to make and can increase the schoolā€™s stats by more) but can you please find teachers who arenā€™t awful for the honors kids! We are under-stimulated and given busywork every class! You have to do a better job at finding us good teachers. It is not fair to us that our middle-school teachers challenged and engaged us more than the ones you hire!

To my English teacher: Your opinion is not always right!!! Marking us down for a well-supported thesis just because YOU interpreted the poem a different way is incredibly unfair. You just assign us busywork to do all class, while you chat. You donā€™t support critical thinking at all. Instead of analysis, you promote memorization. You are my least favorite teacher. Ever.

To my French teacher: You are okay, I guess (not as bad as English, math, and my coach) but you are always so convinced you are right, even when you arenā€™t. You get mad over the smallest things sometimes, too.

To my math teacher: You are SO boring and monotonous! You always make mistakes and spend the entire class going over the hw, so we have no time to learn the dayā€™s lesson.

To my Metalworking teacher: To be fair, I hate the subject, so anything I say about you would just be a reflection of that. If I enjoyed the subject, I would probably like you as a teacher. One thing: you grade REALLY harshly. It is an art class; you can probably ease up a little.

To my Chem teacher: Thank you for being the one teacher who actually engages us. Your in-class experiments are always fun, and your willingness to connect things and create learning moments is great. If we ever have a random 'what-if" question, you will look up the answer and explain it. Thank you.

To one of my coaches: I am done with you. You can be nice at times, but other times you fill us with terror. I dread practices where you are in charge.

To my classmates: I donā€™t understand why you like our English teacher so much! Is it because she always gets distracted and teaches us nothing? She is an awful teacher, and all of you are encouraging her.

Iā€™m sickened by all the white supremists protesting in my own state in a city I always loved. These people cannot be ignored or accepted. Their threatening ideologies go beyond protecting. Weā€™ve learned about this sort of thinking before. Prayers to all the students, especially those protesting back and in danger.

Why can I never be good enough???
My classmates think Iā€™m a genius. But Iā€™m not.
My team mates think I could go to the Olympics. But I couldnā€™t.
My best friends donā€™t understand what Iā€™m going through right now. They listen to me, but how can they understand that I have a panic attack every time that I think about seeing people? How can they understand what its like to have anxiety? How are they supposed to know what its like to have your health deteriorate by the day, and you donā€™t know why, and so many doctors donā€™t know why, and all you can think is that youā€™re an embarrassment to everyone around you?
How do I explain to the guy I like that I only turned him down because Iā€™m not ready for a boyfriend, not because he is worthless. How can I make myself believe that its not my fault that he left my school because of his social anxiety?
How am I supposed to finish another year of school, knowing that no matter what I do, Iā€™ll never be the best at anything, ever, in my life?
It hurts so bad when you try to make a friend, just to find out that they just talk to you for ā€˜free therapyā€™ and honestly donā€™t care about you at all.
Ya know, at this point, I should just stop caring what people think.

I feel a little better now

So itā€™s senior year and I have college applications, the SAT next month, a job, and AP classes. And guess who just got broken up with and canā€™t function. Yayyyyy

if youā€™re sad, just dab on the haterz and itā€™ll go away

Iā€™m so stressed out and why do teacher assign homework, and so called fake friends, donā€™t say you miss me and then go hang out without me. I notice and it cuts really deep