Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

Welp. Hurricane Irma’s about to steamroll directly over our county tomorrow as a Cat 3 or 4, and I likely won’t have power or Internet for anywhere from a couple days to a week, which sucks (haha first world problems I know). Equally pissed that a) since we couldn’t board up our windows and they aren’t made to fit hurricane shutters, some of them are probably gonna blow out and let all the 95 degree weather and mosquitoes in, and b) we have a gigantic online precalculus assignment due Friday which I’ve only finished half of and I know my teacher is too technologically inept to change the due date for.

Also, I know we’ll probably be OK safetywise (we’re not in a zone likely to get severe flooding), but a lot of my close friends live in evacuation zones - some live next to rivers or are a mile or two away from the ocean - and haven’t evacuated or done much to prepare?? And I’m just really worried about them?? + our school floods hard in even minor rain and a lot of our classes are in trailers so idk what’s gonna happen with that.

Whatever. At least this will finally give me incentive to get some studying done and work on our D&D campaign notes - if there’s a school left to go play it at when this is all over, lmao.

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I hate how my school wants us to work in a group for everything. I learn better on my own and in math they just throw us the papers and don’t teach us how to do it. And I have a team test Wednesday and I’d rather take a test by myself because I had to work on a poster with my team and they made my grade drop to an 88% but they insisted I was wrong when obviously they were wrong.

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I do NOT want to be sick again. I was sick for a few weeks during the semester, and that affected everything. I can’t be sick now! I got into All-State and need practice! I also want to spend my break productively, not vomiting!

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Thanks @skieurope for reopening the thread. I guess I’ll go first.

I just read this thread:Homeless, didn't get in through the waitlist, have no where else to go, need advice. What a crazy emotional ride.

Sometimes I forget how good I have it. Sure high school can be rough sometimes but I’ve gone through no major struggles in my life. Some of the stuff I worry about is nothing compared to what others go through every day. I don’t have to worry about where the food is coming from, or if we can make rent. I don’t have to work a part time job to make ends meet. I’ll always be thankful for this. I often get caught up in everything and I wish that I had more. But honestly, what I have right now is way more than enough. I have an amazing school, great teachers, and I have friends and family I can count on. I know this sounds like a thanksgiving speech but reading that thread really put everything in perspective.

This got sappy fast but I wanted to write it down somewhere, and read it again later if I need it.


thank god this got opened again because I’ve been posting in the parent thread. embarrassing but necessary since this was closed. reposting in a place I feel more comfortable in.

yes i know i use “nontraditional” pronouns online. most people on CC might not have ever heard of these pronouns, but i digress. i use these pronouns because i am COMFORTABLE. i would obviously not be using them otherwise. they/them pronouns are already one of my main sets of pronouns, if you’re not used to these other neopronouns. they’re not there to cater to you, i don’t particularly care if YOU’RE not comfortable with them. you’re not the one being referred using them, therefore i don’t really care about your input. i don’t use these neopronouns in real life, even if one of them makes me feel really comfortable but i cannot for fear of outing myself and being made fun of. would it be so hard to just give me the slight liberty of letting me feel like myself online?


My High School graduation was trash. The student speakers treated our graduation like a crappy spoken word/ slam poetry night. It never should of been political in nature. They acted like what was being said was profound in nature. Not only that, they did away with having valedictorian and salutatorian speak🤷‍♀️ I’m glad highschool is over for me.

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mom, you’re the only thing keeping me alive right now.

finished and uploaded vital state college apps. feeling good! now time to finish the ultra reach college applications (mit)

also thank god to whoever added the celebrate button on common app

lets get this thread back rolling?

i was gonna write something but it’s better to just think it out myself. i really wish him the best luck

Sometimes, my school’s policies make me wanna rip my hair out.

  1. I took pre-calc honors as a freshman. We could skip AB and go to BC in 10th, but my counselor told me that “I might not get an A, I should reconsider.” I ended the first semester of pre-calc with a like 96% or smth, but in January/February, like a month after 2nd semester starts, I have a 90%ish in Pre-calc and that’s what my counselor says. Eventually though, she yields and says she’ll let me take BC sophomore year. Come 3 or so weeks before 10th grade stars, we get our schedules. I see on my schedule that I got AP Calc AB. I didn’t ask my counselor what was up or anything since I knew it was good to have a strong foundation in calculus because the career I want to do is highly highly highly dependent on calculus. Plus, taking AB in 10th grade would still allow me to take all the math classes; I’d do BC in 11th, then multivariable calc Honors in 12th. Come like October of 10th grade, school announces that next year is the last year that there’ll be multivariable. So that’s in 11th grade, when I did BC. If I was able to do BC in 10th, I coulda done multivar in 11th and it would have ended well. Now, maybe the reason I got AB in 10th was cause I got an A- in Pre-calc H 2nd semester. I was barely shy of an A. But 2 years ago, when I was in 10th grade doing AB 2nd semester, I ended the class with a 98, and for me personally, the class was easy. We also drop our lowest test grade at the end of the semester(and another AB teacher’s class gets 4 extra credit test points that increases their grades by at least 1% at the end of the semester). So, yah, I’m frustrated.

  2. As if this wasn’t enough, we have an AP/Honors limit every year. You know, I’m fine with there being a limit/restrictions 9th and 10th grade, but not 11th and 12th. I know there are schools that don’t even offer AP classes, but I think our school has really really good teachers and the school HAS and OFFERS AP classes. So, the policy:
    9th: no AP’s and you can basically only take 2 honors classes in 9th(english and math; everyone takes a basic physics class which is smth ill get to later don’t worry) and I’m fine with that for 9th grade
    10th: 3 AP’s / Honors max. This is smth I’d argue should be different. I took Chemistry Honors, AP Calc AB, and AP World History as my ap/honors classes. My classes rn are just too ez, I ended the first semester with my lowest score as a 95%, and for 2nd semester, my lowest was a 96% ish. I would have taken English 2 honors if there was no cap for 10th grade. Also, I dislike how they don’t offer AP Chem to 10th graders; IK some other schools don’t either, but our school only offers it to 12th grades.
    11th grade: 4APs/Honors max WITH A TWIST. I took AP US HISTORY, AP CALC BC, and AP BIO. You can take AP BIO 11th or 12th but can’t take AP CHEM 10th. Now, you might be wondering why I only took 3 AP/honors classes in 11th grade when my 10th grade classes were so ez. Well, if I drop an AP class(take 4 AP classes instead of 3), I’ll be able to take 2 extra classes in high school that I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Here’s how. The TWIST for the 4AP/honor max is that you can only take 4AP/Honors classes, IF you have a free period for both semesters. Now, keep in mind that we have another class that talks about life stuff and meets only 1 time a month. The other 9 times in a month, we get a free period, so this is like saying that you need 1.9 free periods if you want to take 4 Ap/honors classes. I decided to take 3 instead and be able to take another Astronomy class(we have 2, originally planning on taking 1, but decided to drop an AP to be able to take both since astronomy is what I want to as a career and in college as long with Physics) and Data Science in high school.
    12th grade: 4 APs/Honors Max. Currently taking: AP PSYCH, AP CHEM, AP PHYSICS C(our school combines the E&M and mechanics into 1 class), and AP STATS. The only problem I have with 12th grade policy is the fact that we couldn’t have taken Physics C as a junior. I would have loved to take Physics C as a junior and do AP Bio in 12th(since you can take AP Bio in 12th for our school; you either do chem in 10th and bio in 11th or bio in 10th and chem in 11th btw which I also don’t get because for the people who do chem/chem honors in 10th, you can take bio/bio H/ bio AP in 11th, but people in 10th grade who take bio/bio H(cant take BIO AP in 10th), you can only take Chem/Chem H in 11th and not AP CHEM in 11th). Yah, since I’m planning on a physics major in college, I would have liked a physics rec from a teacher who would have had me for an entire year. Other than that, no complaints for 12th.

Yah, so that’s the policy. NEXT

  1. Wanted to take college classes as concurrent enrollment during 2nd semester of 10th grade since my classes were too ez. Counselor X told me I could at first, then I brought the forms to sign, but later X told me that I’d have to audit the class(take the class for no credit). I said sure and spent 1 month, for hrs a day, for a community college that would let a high schooler audit a class, and after emailing/calling/looking up on their websites like about 50-60 colleges at least(some were online, so being local didn’t matter), I found 1 perfect college that was actually like 15-20 min drive in person so it was perfect. I start the registration, bring my forms to Counselor X, and I was told that I couldn’t dual enroll(I call it dual enrollment even though it’s technically concurrent enrollment) until summer. Our school administration doesn’t allow us to dual enroll during the school year, and I never understood why.

Honestly, I also don’t understand why there are so many restrictions on the classes you can take. If it’s because people stress out too much or people are taking harder classes than they can handle, there shouldn’t be a limit; I think people should be able to take an extra AP case by case. Like I personally believe I should have been able to take a class in 11th grade instead of the free periods.

These eleventh hour posts asking for help in deciding between MIT and Caltech or Harvard and Yale: they’re fake, right? Or people flexing their acceptances?

I get that earning your aerospace engineering degree probably makes you a little busy, but you can answer my text. I’m sorry that I wanted to maybe grab lunch or see your dorm when I go up to your school that I also got accepted to. Are you now too cool to text with someone who’s a senior while you’re a freshman in college? I remember when you came home and didn’t bother to text a “hi I’m in town hope you’re doing well”. I know I can be slightly annoying when I vent at 1 am but… at least like the message bro. If you’re too busy with classes to meet up say that and I’ll totally understand, but you have to be real and say that.

It’s been a week since I texted my best friend that I’m visiting his college. He doesn’t respond meanwhile he’s always talking to everybody in our groupchat with some of our college friends and other friends still in high school. You know that the only people from school that didn’t make me want to stab my eyes out are now off at college and then you choose to ignore me. I really hope you’re on college confidential. So hi, you invited me to work at and then never talked to me while I was there. I know you’re probably disgusted by me because of behind the cabin therapy, but that’s my fault for telling you all of that.

i know i said i hate you but don’t, i should because of all the sht you put me through all the sht you continue to put me through, i have done everything for you i loved you i still love you even after everything, i said you i needed you and you just left me on the phone in tears, i said i was in a dark place and you broke my heart even more yes i knew it wasn’t going last but i thought it would last longer then it did. edit: ps im not short im normal height, your just taller then me

I don’t understand how people are ok with themselves knowing they emotionally destroyed someone.

ok yes its my fault i didn’t clarify that i was joking but what you said in response hurts me alot, i tried so hard to fix it and little do you know i’m still trying everyday (you know the situation between me and your mom hurts me so why bring it up?) and it took you so long to see that it upset me and then you have the nerve to say i don’t have the right to be mad? i do have the right to be upset