Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

Trying to make it in high school while you have socially anxious tendencies is so difficult. I can’t even leave a message to inquire about accommodation for the AMC 10 without nearing hyperventilation, so how am I supposed to handle college interviews and become a leader and find mentors to help support me? To know that you’re the only one holding you back from achieving your goals is so frustrating. I feel completely subpar and it’s nobody’s fault but mine.

You are terrible people. No amount of money, church attendance, or influence will make people forget how you made them feel.

Not directed at anyone on CC.


Please do not respond to another person’s vent on the thread. If you have something to say to them, please do it via PM if it is in reference to a post they posted on this particular forum.

A comment on the gifted program: they take kids at age 7 or 8 and tell them until they start hs that they’re better than everyone else. So they pool in to hs with everyone else and act like they’re the best thing ever and teachers favor them cause it says “gifed” on their record like us regular kids can be just as smart and have personal reasons for not going into the gifted program (money for mine-- you have to pay for the transportation to the school) and so they can’t just waltz in and treat us like dirt.

@mylungs: y’all suck. I hate being sick. My dog is whining at me to take him on a walk. I can barely take myself on a walk. I hope I feel less dizzy/hoarse/achy tomorrow.

I want to say i hate myself for failing 3 classes out of lack of paying attention…not because i didn’t do the work but because you didnt follow up with teachers and didnt look at your grades until august…3 months later

I hate myself for having a gpa good enough to make it into my dream school and now being on the border of getting in

I hate myself because a 3.8 is a 3.30 because of a stupid semester.

I hate the fact that my lack of attention might keep me out of my dream school

I hate myself for ruining my life

I hate myself for being in the 75th percentile of my class when i have the potential to be in the top 1%

I hate myself for not trying hard enough until this year

I hate the fact that I half-a$$ed this semester and pulled out a 4th quarter comeback and got a 3.778gpa

I hate the fact that I didn’t put in my full effort

I hate the fact that I could have a 4.2 instaed of a 3.3

I hate myself for not working hard enough

I hate myself for the last 3 years.

I hate myself for all of the stupid things ive done

I hate myself for not reaching my potential

I hate being made fun of for my last name…im basque get over it

I like my heritage

I don’t even feel bad taking advantage of affirmative action because of ignorant people

I hate how trump has made me feel scared in my country

I hate the fact that I love this country and am being persecuted because of my birth place

I hate feeling unsafe in the country i love

I hate being an american and being called a mexican

I hate all of this bs from politics

I hate how cruz and rubio come from immigrants or are immigrants and still treat us like a mess

I hate being insecure about my background

@ apush teacher

jfc, you’ve been teaching apush for how many years now? idk but it’s a lot. you’re a really cool guy and you known like evrything about anything, but class time is not when you should be telling us that. we’re at LEAST 2 chapters behind on where you want us to be because you’ve spent classes talking about unrelated things.

it’s been a semester and we have 11 grades in the class. 1 test, 1 essay, the exam, 2 participation grades, a presentation, and a handful of quizzes. fine, i can deal with the 11 grades. but jfc, we’re supposed to be preparing for the ap exam! last year you didnt cover all the material and we’re behind last year’s class now.

1/6 of the multiple choice questions on your exam were styled like the ap questions. we’ve hardly done anything to actually prepare for the writing parts of the exam. half of us haven’t written a dbq since freshman year, and there’s like 3-4 months until the ap exam and all we’ve done is 3 essays

it’s been a semester and we’ve hardly prepared for the ap exam. no wonder apush has the lowest average ap exam score at our school. i never though i’d say this, but i want more tests. i want more essays. i want more graded assignments.

Nobody knows I’m wearing rainbow socks under my boots and jeans :slight_smile:

I asked my English teacher of two years to write me a letter of recommendation back in early October. She said yes, told me that I was “at the top of [her] list,” but every two weeks when I asked about it, she’d give an excuse about her time constrictions and tell me that she would get to it. Every time a deadline came up, I had to scramble to find another teacher to write a letter for me. It got to the point where in the middle of December, I asked if she would be able to make it in time for my Common Application deadlines early January. She said no.

I’m not aggravated because she didn’t write a letter. I’m mad that she committed to do it and let me down. I was one of her best students for two years, and she couldn’t find an hour or two to write me a letter and help me get into a decent college. It strikes me hard, because I guess I thought she cared.

Albeit, it did make me appreciate my other teachers so much more. My AP Biology teacher from two years ago has shuffled leading three extracurricular activities, teaching at a community college, and his family life with teaching at my high school. Regardless of everything on his plate, he’s never once turned down any ask for a recommendation, extra help, /anything/. It’s kind of amazing. And my history teacher helped me out no questions asked when I had to ask for a letter of recommendation like three weeks before application deadlines. Basically, there are bad teachers, but there are also some pretty awesome ones.

Who are you to criticize me? I know you’re better than me and smarter than me at literally everything, so when I do better than you one one stupid test why are you allowed to criticize me for it?? I’m sick of it, I’m sick of being treated like dirt cause you’re so much better than me and you know it.

You are smart. You are valid. You are important. You are an amazing artist and writer and friend. You are such a valuable human being. I’m sorry that your family hates you and that your depression and anxiety prevent you from being truly happy. I want you to be happy…

I love you. You’ve given me four years of happiness. We’re meant to be together. I can’t bear to think of my life without you in it. I hope it doesn’t come to that next year.

I wonder if I have anxiety but I feel like that’s just a problem I’ve created myself and I’m only being annoying by perpetuating it.
I hate that I can’t stop caring so much about everything. I wish I could be okay with not being valedictorian. I admire myself for wanting to push myself to the limit and for knowing I could do it, but I’m mad that I don’t keep my best (physical) interests in mind.
I hate that I feel like I’m never going to be good enough and I wish I could stop crying every day and I wish that everything was simpler.

Rooster Teeth more like Screw Yousterteeth

Dear everybody in possession of Liquid Ass,

Go away. You suck.

Sincerely, everybody with functional noses

I hate that I can’t vent about my grades without seeming pretentious. You don’t know the pressure I’m under to do well. It’s from my parents, myself, and even from you. But then when I don’t do well, you laugh at me. When I do, you resent me. When I’m stressed, you get mad at me for even thinking about wanting to complain because other people are doing worse. That’s not how it works. You don’t get to tell me that people used to hate me for caring too much about my grades. I work so hard, and I am where I am because of that. You aren’t here too because you didn’t stop to think that I may have made the right decisions regarding my education.

Oh my god. I cannot do this, because every time I do, you always belittle me. Look, I get that you are upset that you didn’t get into honors English or ap world history, but you have no excuse to blame it on me. And stop being so pretentious. You claim you are supposedly smarter than me me because you took algebra 2 over the summer, so you mock and scorn me. Well, news flash, I wanted a stable foundation in math before I made any risky decisions.

Also, to why are you lying to me about how your brother got into Harvard and received merit aid. Um, but Harvard doesn’t give merit aid? And getting in on January? Thought Harvard’s notification date for EA applicants was earlier than that? I dislike being lied to, and I don’t understand why you feel the need to. Impress me.

And by the way, saying that you were sick is not a fake excuse. You are sick and I’m glad people are helping you get better. (Ugh, I hate that it’s impossible to describe mental illness like a physical illness without negative connotations.). It was so good to see you today. I couldn’t really say this, but we were all wishing it was something like pneumonia or appendicitis.

I’m sorry if you find this. Blabbing on the Internet was really cathartic for me, and I tried not to name anyone. But still, it’s a violation of trust and guess who feels like an ass now?

Honestly, I don’t know what I need to gain respect from you guys. I let you guys use my things( which some of you guys have lost or have not taken care of properly) and I am a pretty kind person,if I do say so myself. I don’t understand why none of you guys genuinely respect me or help me like I help you guys. I respect you guys. Obviously, you guys don’t respect me.

Calm the frick down. You’re abusing the thread.