Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

My childhood love, why did you leave? The occasional anguish I got from remembering the times we had together eventually propelled me to confess to you…six years later. Absolutely irrelevant now, I did it solely for the sake of my clarity, so I could move on. I never expected that you would emulate the same feelings I did, but when you did, I can’t say I was completely surprised. Deep down, I had a feeling that it was mutual, love that remained reminiscent from the years we can’t have back now. Things have changed, and us as people probably developed different interests and opinions. Still, you told me that if you were to come back, you would maintain the same feelings-you told me that we should pick things up from where we left them. Obviously, I would love to, but this completely contradicts the academic barrier I’ve built for myself ever since I entered high school… I’ve strived to better myself by studying hard and not to mention this semester will hit me hard with the amount of work I have. With SAT coming up soon and my focus dwindling due to unexpected events like this, I don’t really know what I’m doing anymore. In my head, I can imagine how it would be like if you did come back, but I know realistically, there are a million ways it could easily fall apart. I’m sorry for waiting this long. If I had known how things would be now, I would have given you my heart earlier.

The American electorate is in trouble

Dad, I wish I could tell you that every even slightly homophobic comment makes me wince. You were upset that JKR made Dumbledore gay, so how are you going to feel about me?

just because i get (in your opinion) good grades doesn’t mean i don’t work for them. i struggle in the class just like you.

I’m feeling inadequate right now.

I know it’s a little bit absurd, since I’m doing fine, and I’m happy, and things are going beautifully for me.

My parents think that I sprinkled the universe with stars, and while it’s wonderful to have their support, I’ve got to come to terms with the fact that I’m no different from any other academically-focused kid in the world. My achievements are all small-scale.

And I’m happy, right now. I am. I don’t have to be exceptional to be happy. I only need to be engaged and able to challenge myself. There’s no one I need to impress.

Sometimes I wonder about being a teacher. It’s the only specific career I’ve ever been able to hold onto, but I wonder if I would feel like a failure if I ended up a schoolteacher. But are those my feelings, or just the reality of American culture pressing upon me? I know that I don’t have to know now. In the meantime, though, I don’t mention it. I’m scared to. Instead, I read the blogs of teachers, I learn about certification, I think about policy.

I’ve been so emotional recently. Not necessarily in a bad way; I’m just in a vulnerable spot. I’ve been shedding a lot of tears while not being sad.

I need to move out of this town. I need an impetus to get on my feet, because my head and my books and my stress will keep me stuck if I’m not careful.

Why make your competition on a THURSDAY when everybody eligible will be missing SCHOOL?! Stupid!

Please stop saying the n-word after I’ve told you that you can’t use it. All it does is make you sound like a racist, pi*s me off, and show what a great friend you are. It’s really not that deep, there are hundreds of substitute words.

You have ruined my grade. Just because you don’t ever do the readings doesn’t mean you have to bring everyone else done. I hate you. So much.

your relationship is ruining my life and i don’t know why it affects me. Y’all are too immature for each other and are too different from each other. I hate how this makes me feel. You took away my best friend. Your clinginess and need for attention is so annoying. Everything was so much better until you came along, again. I’ve tried to think about how people think about my relationship with my boyfriend. They have no reason to hate us. You guys, though, are so annoying. Focus on finding happiness in yourself. You guys ruined each other freshman year. You’re going to do it again this year?

You do not know anything about Spanish. You have to look everything up online and you constantly say wrong things. Everyone who has you hates you and wants to get you fired. You complain way too much about how this is your first year at this school and how you hate this classroom. Your classroom is literally one of the biggest in the school. Stop complaining! Take a stand for yourself and don’t let students bully you and make you cry because they are arguing. And no, the school can not move the smartboard to a different wall just because you don’t like the pole.

You are adorable, in a grandparent way. Your texts are so oddly formal in their diction and you’re really fun to talk to. I kinda hate that one of the reasons I text you every day is to be sure that you’re alright. I hope you get better soon!

Edit: We’re talking about morphological of social science right now. My granddad is adorable.

Ugh why does it cost $12 to send one ACT score per school? It should be like $2 at the very most. I bet they make more money sending scores and than administrating them.

I also don’t like that I have to pay $12 to send an ACT score to a school. I was going to apply to UIUC, Cornell, and Ohio state until I realized I would have to pay to send the ACT scores to them. Oh well, I got into UMich, so at the end of the day I’m glad I didn’t pay for them. I only applied to the four schools that I sent my ACT score automatically to.

Why can’t there be a job in which I solve triangles all day?

(ironically, it is about one’s “ideal partner”, and though I wouldn’t say you were my ideal partner - you come close to the barebones requirements I’ve always set for myself, at least on paper)
I’m so nervous for SAT scores; I forgot how the grading scale worked when I was taking the test, and I know I won’t be able to score the perfect 800 in math I had been working SO hard toward after I remembered how the grading scale worked. I tried so hard to study because I didn’t want to retake the test, but I know I probably didn’t reach my goal of a 2300 or up. And as bad as it is, I was hoping that stellar SAT scores could cover up - even if just marginally - the fact that I’m utterly inconsequential, at least compared to my peers - who start organizations and lead them and are overall just difference makers.
Meanwhile, there’s me. Sigh.

I can’t stand English teachers.

I’m sure there are some genuine, nice ones out there. But every one that I have met has been stuck up, unnecessarily rude, egotistical, and condescending. I mean seriously, get over yourself. I have had NO problem with any other teachers throughout high school, except my English teachers. But don’t get me wrong, I am not saying this because I am bad at writing or anything, nor do I get bad grades.

There’s no reason to act condescending to students. Unlike you, we haven’t spent 8 years studying literature/english, we are just in high school. If we make stupid mistakes don’t just ridicule us. These kinds of teachers are just mad that they were never able to write a book after spending thousands on education.

1310 PSAT B-) no studying.

I feel like caring too much about you is a crime - or rather, you make me feel like that.
I’m getting better at not caring about my friends and not placing too much hope on them as I used to, but I’m finding it harder not to do that with you. I care about you a lot, and I don’t know how to say it - at least not in a straightforward manner. I end up joshing with you, and I don’t like it because you reciprocate, and it hurts, and I just want you to act the same way that you did before, when you didn’t know if I would like you. I guess these are your true colors.
I’m scared that I’m losing my personality - have I done this every time I talk to a new love interest? Is this why all my friends start drifting away?
I’m trying to understand why I am defunct, and I’m trying to fix that, but sometimes I just can’t breathe. I’m tired. I’m so tired, and not simply physically.
I’m glad that I didn’t get the role of Mulan, though - I don’t think I would have been able to handle it nor to give my all.
I just want to know about my SAT score so I know what to study for the next time around; I wish I had done better and not needed a retake.

Why doesn’t it show up that I’ve posted? Am I under some kind of warning that I’m unaware of, or does the mobile site have problems?

I shouldn’t be jealous or envious of my friends’ achievements, but I’m selfish, and I want to be great too. And I promised myself I would stop comparing, but it’s so hard not to; it’s unbearably hard for me not to compete, because that’s what I’ve always done.