I knew waiting for college acceptances would hell, but I didn’t realize the hell could be this bad. I’m hanging on by a thread.
It is not safe for your wife to stay by herself during the day anymore. I know she’s only 60, but her Alzheimer’s has progressed too far. You are gone 10-12 hours each work day and you have skied 27 times (!!!) this season. Your volunteer caregivers have been helping out for six months and they’re exhausted - they can cover only a few hours a day. Your daughter has a toddler and now she’s expecting twins, so she can’t bail you out, either. I get it that you’re in denial, but you’re going to have to man up and take care of the woman who has been your amazing wife for 35 years. It’s hard to believe we’re going to have to stage an “intervention,” but I guess we are.
Why oh why cant politicians learn the first rule of kindergarten-keep your hands to yourself.
How about this: When you hear that something you think is fine is called out for not being okay, don’t immediately discount the fact that it is being called out. Instead, ask why. And LISTEN to the answer. You might learn something.
My friend. I’m so scared, even if you’re not. I hope they caught it early and treatment is successful. We all need you.
What a game!!!
I love my kiddo. I really do. But I do not like her at the moment!
Why are you trying to kill us?
My 20 year old nephew in Ohio, albeit with a medical condition-scheduled by his medical group for a vaccine.
My 61 year old healthy friend in Indiana, got her vaccine.
Healthy people in Arizona, Indiana, Iowa and Connecticut 55 and older-eligible for the vaccine.
Michigan-my essential worker, two autoimmune diseases, had a heart attack at 47 husband who is not 65 yet-Not eligible!
Grocery store workers, retail workers, utility workers, auto workers who don’t live in Detroit, anyone under 65-not eligible
Hard to not feel anxious and angry.
Last year, a lot of my hair fell out in the midst of deaths and calamity.
Now I have 2" hairs coming in all over my head.
It’s not a good look, but I’m glad to see it returning.
When mud gets thrown, everyone gets dirty.
You are my age and you are just now being enlightened about improper behavior? Please…
I just lost a Texas med school classmate (65 yr old) to Covid.
Yea! Michigan plans to start vaccinating 50+ with underlying conditions on March 8 & everyone 50+ on March 22!!!
Someone is clearly off to the KooKoo Docks. Smooth sailing, fellas.
Ugh a second bug in her apartment - the one thing she is terrified of. The landlord better take care of this ASAP.
Sorry you didn’t have time to engage in your daughter’s group text to the family about her husband’s MD appointment and chemo treatment yesterday. “Going to play bridge for the first time since last March!!” seems like an appropriate reply. Don’t you think they would have understood had you been 10-15 minutes late? Your level of self-absorption grows by the day.
You are the best doctor I’ve ever ever had. I just got a call that you’re leaving the practice! and they won’t/can’t tell me where you’re going. I need to know!! I’m sure you’re not retiring – you’re too young. I can’t change docs. You’re too good.
You have been the best kitty. I hope we can make you comfortable and even well enough to go on, but we want to do the right thing for you.
It’s a large Facebook group for like minded folks on a particular topic - not a place for you to show your Madison Reed hair dye job and try to get people to use your referral code so you get a $15 referral fee for each one. That’s really tacky. Oh and your hair looks brassy.