Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Don’t understand why Baker is taking a beating on the internet for opening up places of worship in the state starting today (at 25% capacity with masks required). I am not a religious person, but understand how having places of worship open can be comforting during a difficult time like this.

I have called, texted and emailed a realtor regarding a property listed for sale. We have a particular storage need and I just need an answer on that before scheduling an appointment to see the property. Why oh why won’t you answer the question! I’m tempted to write a letter to your seller letting them know how you’re dropping the ball for them.

Dear little old man (our dog), I love you sooooo much!

Big sigh of relief you were peppy on our walk today & seemingly back to yourself after giving me a scare last night what with being so lethargic & not-normal.

I know our time is limited, but Mr. Handsome Man, you are my best little buddy!

Went to my first ( and hopefully last) virtual wedding. What I’d like to get off my chest. How do twenty-somethings get so egotistical that they disallow their own parent from attending their wedding? This was based on the bridges parents not being able to attend ( clear throat: I mean unwillingness to drive a couple of states to see their child marry).

When I saw my SIL on the Zoom conference at the “virtual” cocktail party with her head in her hands, I wanted to vomit. We all had to suffer through this nonsense for hours. To make matters worse, the couple lives in the home of the groom ( and yet would not let them attend because her parents were unwilling). Yep. Then we got the FB updates and link to videos. No Thank you.

Then we were subject to an endless parade of “tributes” to frat brothers, co-workers etc. No thanks to either set of parents. But the bride did drop a mention of the “built in babysitters”. Again whom she refused to invite.

This is not sitting well with our generation ( the aunts and uncles and others) who have kids from teens to twenty-somethings.

Does self indulgence have no limits? My spouse and I are floored. I blame it on putting too much into a kid. Telling them they are the most important thing from birth and giving them too much. The parents on one side mortgaged their house for this kid and can’t retire because they are still paying.

I couldn’t sleep after this and told my kids this is a totally unacceptable way to treat other people.

May you receive as you have given.

I have to assume that people who freak out over every possible danger and people who ignore the existence of valid risks represent two sides of the same coin: people with no ability to process numbers. Life is filled with risk and we all choose the risk/benefit ratio we are most comfortable with; if you think you don’t, you’re in denial. Watching the hysteria on both sides makes me even more firmly convinced that applied statistics and probability should be a required high school course, taken after algebra and before pre-calculus. Most people won’t use calculus but every single person in this country should understand how to evaluate the relevance of a single study vs a meta analysis, why error bars are more important than a single predicted value and how and why peer review works.

Today is the day when I hit a wall. Starting to lose my marbles. Too much togetherness is not always a healthy thing. It’s hard to be upbeat anymore.

Our small office opened to the public today. The average age of the walk-in customers was about 77. In my area, the elderly (including my parents) are not staying at home.

Silver linings in all this craziness. Extra time with our son. A town coming together to celebrate our HS Seniors. Health. Zoom with friends we normally wouldn’t “see” this often. John Krasinski SGN.

Well, 2019 was filled with loss and sadness - my good friend’s son died by suicide in June, my mom died in August and my dad died in December. I was hoping 2020 would be better and then the pandemic happened… more sadness and loss for so many.

I still feel overwhelmed at times but I try to stay positive. My friend and her H seem to be holding their own in dealing with the loss of their precious son. They have a good support network of family, friends, their faith and each other to see them through the dark hours.

I miss my folks but I am thankful they are not here during this crazy time. I would’ve been a basket case with worry trying not to expose them while still going to their home to care for them. They lived a long, full life and I know they are together again in a much better place. One day, I will see them again.
Love you Mom & Dad! :heart:

Well, the last bit of hope for a little normality this summer for my daughter was eliminated today with the cancellation of her internship. SO sad and SO done with this virus.

You say the Governor has held us all hostage, and you say that this has all been overblown. Then you say you deserve more pay because you “put your life on the line” working at a grocery store. Why are you scared? If you were really worried, wouldn’t you realize that the Governor is just trying to help people like you? And if it’s overblown, why do you think you should get hazard pay? You can’t have it both ways. But the real question is, if it’s b.s., why aren’t you holding your grandkids? That’s what I thought.

Nothing better than an hour long chat with an old friend/colleague you’ve known for 40 years but lost touch with when they moved across country, and reconnected quite by happenstance. It was exactly what I needed today. There is a Yiddish word “beshert”, meaning “it was meant to be”. If ever there was a perfect example of the word, this was it.

What’s happening to the civility on some threads?! We shouldn’t talk to each other like this.

Doctors do not discount drugs that would help people just because they don’t like you.

I just can’t believe the self-centeredness of some people.

You’re an idiot. A dangerous idiot.

Your dismissal of a school because you’ve “never heard of it” may reflect more negatively on you than on the school.

Why would you take that precious baby to Chili’s now!?! And all those people that liked your Facebook photo of her there. At least one person posted she hoped you are keeping the baby safe. That’s the post I liked!

I think I’m going to pray for you.

I hear the wandering, long absent supplicant may have a chance of being heard.