Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

That’s what I thought.

Every day makes me sadder to be a member of the human race. I need to focus on the good to get myself back in balance.

I don’t miss stores, but I sure miss the public library.

I feel as you do, darlin’. I too am ready to stretch my wings. It’s been a long, long time since I lived and did things for myself. I would not change a thing about what I’ve done. I would have done the same thing all over again, for you. But when you leave, I’ll be ready to leave too. That’s a good thing, it’s healthy.

Bread sliced bagels are great for sharing with a bunch of pre-schoolers, but unless you are going to eat them right away they get stale too fast for it to be a good idea.

Big cats eat big cat food, little cats eat kitten food.
It’s bad enough the vet said “She gained a pound. That’s what happens in middle age.” But we can’t have you turning out like your “big brother cat.”
He got so chubby from eating your kitten food that we took him to the vet when he had a “growth” and looked kind of raggedy. Problem was he was too fat to lick himself.

During this down turn of economy, it feels strange to have multiple recruiters contact me to ask me what it would take for me to make a move. When I threw out some crazy number and they still still didn’t back away, I am wondering if I am really that underpaid. :slight_smile:

I have short hair and get it cut every 5-6 weeks. Today was my first appointment in 12 weeks…and my stylist forgot me and went home. I waited 30 minutes before I went to the back room (There was no one else in there) and asked where my girl was. So, rather than her make the 20 minute drive back to the salon, I will go tomorrow after work. My name was in the appointment book and I received and responded to the reminder text yesterday. I cried all the way home. I don’t know if I’m more disappointed with having to live with this mop another day or the fact that I’m so unimportant and forgettable in her eyes.

Ok squirrel, that’s enough!
You ate our okra and nibbled at our tomato plants. Then, we covered the passage past the screens.

You came back (I saw you) and tried again but could not get to the plants. You then chirped next to our house so loudly I thought you were in the house. (I also suspect it was you that peed on the stucco, twice.)

Read you hate red pepper flakes. They are on and around the plants now. Game on!

Been doing our best to support our local restaurants and ordering take out 1 -2 times/week. Haven’t gotten a complete order yet. Not sure if it’s the restaurant or driver but I’m really really sad that they forgot my salad tonight :frowning:

Dear squirrel(s) who ate the wires under the hood of our car: This is war. You won’t win!

I wish some things would never return to “normal.” We really don’t need mall (or school/workplace/wherever) shooters. We just don’t.

Well, we’re having my mom over for courtyard cocktails tonight (haven’t seen her since mid-March), but I still don’t think she understands how this is going to go down as she called to ask what she can bring. I had already told her when I invited her that she should bring whatever she wants to eat and drink and we will do the same. We will be sitting on either side of our courtyard wall fountain about ten feet apart, and there will be a table next to her chair for her food/beverage. If she needs to use the bathroom, she can use the one in the casita, but she will not be allowed in the house. I’m afraid that as soon as she sees the setup (not one we’ve ever used with her before), she will be hurt, but she is back to business as usual (shopping, church, choir) and we are not. Not really looking forward to this.

We’ve reach the point in the pandemic where an important business Microsoft Teams video meeting turned into us introducing our cats to each other.

I’ve drawn the conclusion that those who complain about getting too many emails, have habits that generate unnecessary emails. When interventions are proffered, said complainer isn’t interested in doing the simple clicks to unsubscribe. I’ve drawn the conclusion that those who complain about getting too many emails, just want to complain.

I, on the other hand, have my emails under control because I don’t subscribe in the first place! Grrrrr!

An apology from a lawyer!?! Wow. Of course, you still paid us only 40% of what we billed you, but at least you didn’t threaten to sue us, ha. A step up from our previous attorney clients. ?

Wow reading that content is toxic.

I think folks need to look at themselves in the mirror if they see a consistent pattern of folks or family taking advantage of them.

John, I was so touched by your SGN broadcasts. You brought such authentic joy into the world, not just a typical head nod by a celebrity but a personal investment. You even created a Virtual Prom, followed by a Virtual Graduation. I looked forward to the weather forecasts by both celebrities and regular folks.

I am devastated, John, hoping that what I am reading is just a joke, and that you really are not selling out #SomeGoodNews to the highest bidder??!!

I am not a “celebrity follower” kind of person, but you seemed so real in your efforts to spread joy, and I fell hard for your simple, genuine style. So it makes the heartbreak and disappointment I feel now so much deeper.

Yes, I know it is silly to be “devastated” by anything a celebrity does or does not do. I know I will brush this off in a day or two. This is just one tiny blip in the midst of real world suffering.


It would be funny if it was not actually real. Perfectly real.