Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>I'm so sorry for your loss.</p>

<p>Your wife, who'd never met the man, had the grace to offer condolences on his death. You knew him. Your disregard was ill-bred and barbaric; you were intentionally hurtful at a time that was already painful. Grow up.</p>

<p>You should not be teaching gifted children.</p>

<p>to the people who must make a decision:
Please make a decision!!! I can't do it for you. I am only the travel manager. I'm the person who books the hotels, buses and restaurants, but I can't do this unless... you tell me the dates you want to go!!!</p>

<p>Two vents from my travels:
1. To the very drunk man who sat next to me briefly on the train at 9:30 in the morning and managed to offend me in no minutes: Get help. If the conductor spoke to you after I got off at my stop, yes, I was the annoying woman who told him about you. I wanted to spare the next passenger in the seat next to you.
2. To the woman sitting across from me in the airport gate waiting area: Why did you give me such a rude stare and heave a big sign of--what? disgust? annoyance? I have every right to read Newsweek, even if I'm flashing President-Elect Obama in your face. It was more than a little scary.</p>

<p>To my classmate:</p>

<p>I know half the class probably thinks I'm a loser and laughs at me behind my back; I may be socially retarded but I'm not completely dense.
When the professor asked us what we did over the weekend and I said "nothing." Then you kind of taunted me with the "Oh c'mon you must've done somethin', even if it was just sleeping."
Then I said, "I helped my parents take down a canopy, went on the Internet and read. I know, it was boring."
The class laughed, the prof. smiled and said "Better luck next week." Then you joked around and said, "Hanging out with your parents is not boring! I wish I could hang out with my parents and do nothing!"</p>

<p>I don't believe for a damn second that you did nothing. From the way you ramble in class all the time, you probably have a million friends and party every weekend. I bet you said nothing because you couldn't say what you really did.</p>

<p>Thank you for showing me what I can't have in the most discreet way possible. Thank you for inferring that everything is all hunky dory in my home and my parents just LOVE having me around all day, every day! I may have no social life, but at least I get to see my parents as much as an infant does her mother! Yippee!</p>

<p>They don't mind having me stuck at home all day because I can't keep a job for more than a month due to my failure as a social being. I could have helped them pay the tuition if I was a normal, red-blooded college student just like you, but alas, I'm a "special" child and my parents are so delighted to pay for all my "special" needs. Would you like to pitch in? I have no shame in being a charity case!</p>

<p>Sarcasm aside, I really do love my parents, but I do not imagine for a second that my whole situation is not difficult for them, that they would love for me to have a life more similar to yours, so I could be happier NOT so I could be like you. </p>

<p>You don't know anything about me. Even if you really do have distant parents, my family situation is nothing to envy. My father was rarely home for my entire childhood and my mother was so anxious about my "specialness" that she did not want me to be tainted by the cruel world that misunderstands the gifts special folks like me bring, so therefore she held me, really, really close. I was afraid she was gonna smother the special out of me. Oh the loss that would've been!</p>

<p>Basically, stop the immaturity. I already feel cut off from all of you enough as if is.</p>

<p>To myself:</p>

<p>Whew, that felt better. I actually feel that what I wrote was kinda funny, even though that wasn't my original intention. Interesting.</p>

<p>To my Mom:</p>

<p>I am grateful for all that you have done. You were really trying to protect me, not smother me as I may have implied above. It's just that these idiots don't get it. I was just saying that I want to be more like normal college students, so I could pay back everything, literally and figuratively.</p>

<p>I loved you. I still do. I probably always will.</p>

<p>Please look for a real job. I'm so stressed I feel like my head is going to explode.</p>

<p>Please have your kid evaluated. Please. His issues are not going to magically disappear. He needs help; please get it for him.</p>

<p>To the movie theater:</p>

<p>Please hire me. I hope you are too busy or lazy to call my previous jobs despite circling yes on the application saying that I could. I'm more socially adept now, I promise!
Plus, I really need the money. Badly.</p>

<p>To myself:</p>

<p>Please get over your envy of the movie goers come in herds as friends. You were even jealous of the ones who looked like they were in middle school. Pathetic.
Hopefully you will make friends with your future co-workers if you get the job at all. Please, please don't mess up this job in any way.</p>

<p>To the teacher who entered my locked clinic today through another door while I was eating lunch and interrupted my meal: Asking me to don a pair of gloves to see if a bag of clothing is "poopy" is not really my job. I'm sorry your student had an accident. Be glad the boy had extra clothing in his locker and was able to change his clothes without much notice from other students. Asking me to dig through his bag of soiled clothing before he takes them home is really not something I care to do, especially in the middle of my lunch break. The student soils his pants, his mom does the laundry. I'm pretty sure that's the way it's been for years and years.</p>

<p>Please, please, please....have courage, just do what needs to be done. You'll feel better after it's over.</p>

<p>Why do you have to be so lame?</p>

<p>And, I hope everyone recognizes your agenda. Why must you foster discontent? I'll fight you on this. I've been protecting you with the parents up until now, but if you keep behaving badly I'll make sure your bosses know what's going on.</p>

<p>Remind me not to do this next year.</p>

<p>To everyone I socialized with in school yesterday:</p>

<p>Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For being warm and receptive. For showing me that I can make friends and socialize normally. I might even have a sense of humor, as I made many of you laugh and smile.</p>

<p>Now I know everything is going to be fine. It wasn't just sheer luck, I really do get this. :)</p>

<p>For my darling son who graduated 6 months ago this week, it is time to get off your behind and actually look for a job since evidently none is looking for you. It may not be the best job, or even a good job, but you need to start somewhere. You are off our payroll and so if you do not have a job when your money runs out, we are not giving you any more. I cannot help you any more than I have. IT is time for you to help yourself.</p>

<p>To my fellows at work,
please quit assuming your subject is more important than mine and holding your students to finish your assignment, then writing a pass for them to come late to my class... believe it or not, I actually teach something worthwhile. Having kids come in late robs them of the introductory lesson plus robs the kids who were there on time of my attention while I catch the latecomers up with what we are doing.
Maybe next semester we'll switch schedules and you can see how you like it....</p>

<p>To the lady who lives up the street and has three PERFECT flash...they're not! (Just because you never saw them drinking or stoned didn't mean it didn't happen.) You and your husband should stop talking about how delightful and wonderful they are. They never stop and even say hello to anyone. They're rude! Stop telling the neighborhood about the minutia of their lives and STOP staring at me every time I drive 25 MPH down the street! Stop telling everyone how wonderful "My Dennis is." No one cares how wonderful "my Susie is." No one cares who "my Phyllis" is dating. Everyone in the neighborhood avoids you like the plague!!! Feeling so much better now!!!</p>

<p>To whomever is giving out my email as their "junk email" address... cut it out. I don't care about the coupons or the political stuff, but I really don't want to get your bank deposit confirmations.</p>

<p>To all you parents who live in Northeast Seattle and who have argued for the school district to displace a school community so that your little darlings can make use of a building that the displaced community had put money and time and work into, including building a playground- building a black box theatre- renovating an auditorium and dance studio.
This school has been in this building for almost 30 years- ( and since it is K-12, some families with multiple kids have been there almost the whole time it has been open)
but you see fit to have them moved, since in the mid 80s, they were promised that they would someday be back in the South End.</p>

<p>It apparently is a done deal, since your community of affluent and educated parents, is much more persuasive than the community of high poverty, high special needs and minority parents.</p>

<p>Guess it isn't enough that you bought a home in one of the most expensive areas of Seattle, even though they haven't had enough classrooms in that area for 10 years- I agree that they need more seats. I don't agree, that your kid is " special" & I cannot wait until you try and get them into college and find out that " everyone is special".</p>

<p>( I also cannot wait until you find out that " all that money that goes begging" for college scholarships, is as real as the tooth fairy. :D )</p>