Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To my great manager - I know it is difficult for you to realize this from your office a two and a half hour drive away, and the budget is such that you cannot make the trip often enough to observe this firsthand, but the reason why I am practically drowning in work is due to your punishing my level of efficiency vis a vis my colleagues. I guess taking a task away from each one of them and transferring them all to me to do was a great idea at the time, but of course when given the option they all chose the most mundane task to unload. I did not go to night school for five years to get an MBA to have 80% of my time be spent working on manual work that my high schooler can do. I try to complete my work as quickly as I can, taking what I cannot complete home to do remotely, while the peer on one side of me pecks at his keyboard one finger at a time and the one on the other side is writing grad school papers - I did not have that luxury! </p>

<p>You will find out just how deep a hole you are in, when I leave to pursue my dream of consulting and actually using that MBA, and you will have to replace me with two or maybe even three people that you will have to spend a good six months training since now I have no backup....have fun!!!</p>

<p>To the Magnet coordinators at my school - Please let me quit the goddamn program. It's been close to 1 and half years since I first request to drop out. My grades have gotten worse every single quarter and I've been nothing but a pain in the ass for most (if not all) of my teachers. I just don't get why you want to keep me in the program.</p>

<p>I need good grades probably more than anyone in the program. Please? I'm sick of stopping by your office or talking to my counselor like almost every month.</p>

<p>To the H.S. athletic director: Grow a spine! The player in question admitted drug/alcohol abuse to the school nurse. This is a clear violation of the code of conduct -- she should be off the team! But no, you are afraid of her parents. It would be nice if someone in the administration would take stand and do what is right for the players on the team who follow the rules. I'm tired of watching the bad eggs getting second/third/fourth's a slap in the face to good kids.</p>

<p>Hooray - I managed to do something that I needed to and doubted if I could (due to the obscure nature of the test) 96% - yes!</p>

<p>Realize that this isn't a rant, but I've had plenty of those and wanted to vent a big yes....</p>

<p>Mom in the grocery store:</p>

<p>I hope from now on you will strap your dd in the cart. It was so upsetting for you, me and the other shoppers to hear your dd's head smack against the concrete floor that I didn't say anything, but I noticed her big brother also wasn't strapped in. I don't care that kids might fuss. Better that than causing real damage to your babies.</p>

<p>To my dear, dear daughter. You are the most courageous young woman I have ever met. I am so proud of you for the way you are handling yourself as you deal with all the very visible complications of your illness. I could never, ever be so brave. You are an inspiration to me and I feel so lucky that you share your life with me and your dad. Hang in their, kiddo. We love you with all our heart.</p>

<p>^^^^ Now <em>that</em> could be mailed directly if not able to speak....</p>

<p>There is snow forecast, enough that DDs university is changing exam schedules so kids can get out of town sooner. Why will the airlines not play along with this, it would be in their best interests to get people out of the que ASAP before the bad weather hits, but they insist you should pay the full price fare to do that! </p>

<p>You would think there would be a way to accommodate these changes that is a win-win for all. They have empty seats today, if they get canceled fights tomorrow they will have a touhg time accommodating every one, why not get some people out of the way.</p>

<p>Dear local shop owner,<br>
I came into your store today to spend money. I wanted to give you a second chance after a pathetic experience before. I made a conscious decision to try to support a local business in these trying economic times. It would have been faster, simpler, cheaper for me to order online. I was even willing to have your store order what I wanted because I understand small businesses like yours might be hurting. Much to my surprise you no longer carry my shoe size in that brand, not even for someone to try on. Just because it's a smaller size doesn't mean no one wears it or will want to try on the brand before buying. 1/2 the women I work with wear the same size. You lost a customer today, and not just for today, but permanently. If you don't have a pair of shoes in my size for me to try on, I might as well save the gas, save the parking fees, save the time, and order what I want online.</p>

<p>It is not all about you!
You need to learn what is 'over the line' and to admit when you are wrong.
You are alienating everyone who cares about you. You are going to have a very lonely old age.</p>

<p>To the aerobics instructor-we know you're a "stickler for the form" and we do try the best we can, so if it's still not up to your standards, too bad, and coming over and watching us from a foot away is not helping! Your sweat was actually dripping on my hands last week!Yuck!</p>

<p>It's three years today since you've gone and I miss you. My heart still hurts and the world is a little bit colder and darker without you in it. Sleep tight precious girl.</p>

<p>I am so tired of you trying to manipulate the driving so that you don't have to drive late at night. I'm frustrated that you do this thru your d, so I have to teach my d to counter-act it. You're teaching your d to be a whiner and a beggar and a mooch. It's not my fault your h doesn't help with anything - don't expect us to compensate. And BTW, your d started last year - in 10th Grade - harassing my d about a ride to school every day in Senior year. Yeah, that's annoying.</p>

<p>To my son- Do you need a shuttle reservation???? Telling me you might not have a ride to the airport does NOT help me. The shuttle is expensive and I don't want to pay for something that you might not need!</p>

<p>People in SUVs driving too fast and spinning out of control - you are STUPID!!! You made my commute a 3-hour ordeal tonight. You deserve to sit in that ditch FOREVER.</p>

<p>To my co-worker - who is so valuable and precious to our employer (a multi-billion $ global company), that he just had to drag his carcass into work sick as a dog. He is SO SO DEDICATED and we are SO SO GRATEFUL for his SACRAFICE for the company. Thanks for making me sick as a dog the day before my Christmas vacation.</p>

<p>To my grandmother, who died 27 years ago today: I don't usually think of you on this day. I prefer to remember your birthday or your wedding anniversary, because you were born at the turn of the century and married to the love of your life. But for some reason you popped into my mind. My husband is making your Christmas ginger snaps this morning. I wish you could have known him, because his baking would make you proud. I know you look down on all of us with warmth and love--and a strong dose of good humor.</p>

<p>To J and J: Your mother's funeral was very nice. It was unfortunate that only her friends showed up. To son J, I have heard nothing but bad things about you. I hope you treat daughter J's son well - he sounds like he has a chance of making something of himself. Please don't hold it against him that he was the sole beneficiary. To daughter J: we would have understood if you had shown up in shackles, but since we didn't hear a word from you, we assume you never requested day leave from Fed. prison to make the funeral. What a bunch. To J and J's kids and grandkids - please do better!</p>

<p>To BiL...maybe u should try remembering where you and your fam came from and stop acting like such a snob. Ur behavior towards fam is deplorable and you come off as such a phoney to everyone. Ur dad would be so ashamed.</p>

<p>I really do like Asti Spumante on Christmas Eve. I really meant it when I asked you to pick up Asti when you went to get the wine for Christmas dinner. I know some of our oenophile friends are sniffy about my preference for Asti over many champagnes, but I really don't care, because they aren't the ones who are going to drink it. </p>

<p>Apparently, neither am I, because you bought champagne instead. Cheap champagne. Which is horrid. Couldn't you have just gotten the Asti instead, since that's what I really wanted??</p>