Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>What, do I have "Google" stamped across my forehead or something?? I don't know; why on earth would I have the answer to your question in my own head?? Do what I do -- look up the information online; you have a computer, you know how to use Google, so go! Google! Google it yourself and stop asking me for information you can find yourself!</p>

<p>Now that our kids are in high school, it is interesting to see that your daughter isn't given every honor as she was the first 8 grades. Student Council, Principal for a Day, everything, while my daughter continuously raised her hand and was never picked. I was surprised your daughter didn't make National Honor Society, but I guess the honors now depend on hard work. And if you are wondering what she is doing with her time, she has over 2,000 pictures of herself on her Facebook profile, many of them self-taken. Did you teach her to be so self-absorbed?</p>

<p>I am not usually a negative person but I have to admit I am smiling.</p>

<p>NO, not liking to let 8 relatives tell you how to smile and where to stand doesn't mean my kids have no self esteem. I was shrinking inside while you were giving directions - guess that means I have no self-esteem.... or that you are silly and your kids who love to pose for dozens of photos are self-centered and obnixious...</p>

<p>Ha. How does it feel?</p>

<p>For years, you claimed that "working hard" would take you to the same heights as me. First, you promised that I would fail in Junior High. Then, you said, "Well, High School is way harder, you'll get a wakeup call then!"</p>

<p>Never happened. No matter how much you want to deny it, I haven't made anything below a 94 average my entire life, and I've never studied half as long as you.</p>

<p>Flashcards are worthless, and so are study sheets.</p>

<p>Listen in class and contribute, rather than scribbling down every last word in your notes.</p>

<p>Life is too precious to waste buried in your finals notes.</p>

<p>To my brother: I know I put on a nice face and pretended not to care, but this is the second time in a row you've forgotten to get me something: 10 months ago, on my 18th birthday, and a week ago, on Christmas. I could care less about the gift, but you always forget. I ordered your gift weeks in advance (and it was something you loved, too [and I loved enough to buy a copy for myself with Christmas gift cards]), and you forgot about me. When we went out shopping for our family gifts together, we even joked about what you'd get me. And then, on Christmas, you opened your gift with joy, and then that look fell across your face. I knew already: there was no gift for me under the tree, so that look of terror was just a confirmation that you forgot.</p>

<p>I wouldn't care if you just got me a scratch ticket. But I remembered you in the midst of all my papers and finals, and you forgot about me. Again. I know you're not too wrapped up in your friends to forget about family, because you don't have any close friends. I remember your birthday every year. I always remember you at Christmas. So every time you forget about me, it hurts a little bit more. You of all people should that the thing I hate most is wasted effort. If I'm wasting effort by remembering you, please let me know so I won't buy anything expensive. I'll still get you something, because, you know, it's rude not to get your brother anything at all.</p>

<p>And to my new boss at work: You don't do the scheduling for a reason. You have no idea who's a hard worker and who's not; who has a family and who doesn't. You're a nutcase, and we think you're on drugs. No one can come off a 24 hour shift and still be that alert. You didn't even take a break?! Anyway, I find it somewhat of a slap in the face to not give me any hours at all, especially when this is my last full week at home, so you won't have to schedule me after next week. And I know this isn't your fault, but my old work-study job was kinda-sorta liquidated, and I somewhat doubt my new job will let me work full time over the vacation. Your timing is uncannily poor. Oh, and you're a poor position for my old boss. At least he was nice to us.</p>

<p>Who's bright idea was it to build our dorm kitchen in the middle of the floor with no windows and scarcely any ventilation?</p>

<p>Im not a parent but i have a lovely rant:
a fellow classmate you may be, but i know about your grudge against me since i danced with that boy in 9th grade. three words: GET OVER IT! yeah i danced with him, and even though you got him to get away from his date so he would dance with you, HE CHOOSE ME (and dang he was cute). Now through high school, you have sabotaged me every moment you have had the chance: sarcasm whenever i made a comment in class (especially US Government), talking behind my back about how horrible I am, copying my homework by stealing it from my locker, doing everything possible to undermine my play in basketball (and who got kicked off the team for a horrible attitude, inability to work with others, and not working at the game at all?? YOU). I am SOOOO sick of you. i know you are jealous of my intelligence. i am applying to ivy league colleges and you, well you are applying to OU (and may not even get in)(not to diss Sooners at all:)). Sorry that i kick butt at school and you are too busy trying to ruin peoples lives to work. i hate it when you mock my efforts, my long nights of studying, and when you initiate pointless fights. Cut out your petty jealousy and for once in your life act like the nice person that you claim to be. You do not belong in our class, because for the past 3 years, you have disrespected our grade as you hung out with the grade above us. Do you not get it? WE DO NOT LIKE YOU and your bossy, vengeful, ways. we are sick of your manipulation, especially me. And i cannot WAIT to be rid of you! Have fun at community college when you fail in life because a coworker discovers your "little tricks".
whew, i feel a bit better now. if only i didn't have to see her for 5 more months.:0</p>

<p>Dear boss,</p>

<p>Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up PLEASE.</p>

<p>Just please shut up and stop yapping.</p>


<p>For five damn minutes?</p>

<p>Pretty please?</p>

<p>to some of the people I know: everything this christmas worked out, gift giving-wise. Everyone I gave a gift to gave me a gift back and I didn't, like i usually do, give gifts to people who don't even consider me important enough on holidays such as Christmas. </p>

<p>To some other people at school: stop talking in class when you don't need to. when the teacher says, for example, 2 + 2 ... don't yell out "equals 4!" because for the love of god we all know that, and if we don't, I don't mind someone raising their hand to ask a question, but don't finish their sentences all the time. Also, stop using advanced math and science terms ALL the time outside of class when you're asking for help. I can tell you do it to let other people around you know how smart you are but it annoys the hell out of me even if i'm in those classes. I guess I just prefer to stay modest. :)</p>

<p>dear classmate.</p>

<p>you are not getting in to harvard. I don't care where other people apply in general; I don't care about "competition" and I'm not applying there anyway. but: you. are. not. going. to. get. in. your GPA wasn't good enough to get into national honors society--why the hell would you get into harvard?</p>

<p>"oh, I haven't visited, but I guess if I get in I'll go and check it out." um, what? your attitude baffles me. you're not just going to waltz into harvard if you feel like it. who the hell do you think you are? YOU AREN'T GOING TO GET IN! not saying you aren't a smart person, you are--but not nearly as much as you seem to think you are, not to mention you're one of the most socially retarded people I've met. but you are kidding yourself if you think you're going to magically get into most of the schools you're applying to.</p>

<p>Dear parents,</p>

<p>I love you and I sincerely appreciate all that you've done to help me get through college. However! You do not get to take credit for "paying for college" if you give me money AND TAKE IT BACK. I'm sorry, but that leaves me in a worse position than if you just hadn't contributed at all, and I'm really sick of holding my tongue when you brag to your friends that you put me through college. Like hell you did. I paid for 90% of it with work and another 8% with loans.</p>

<p>Also. Stop telling me you can't afford to lend me $100 to pay for textbooks in the same sentence as you telling me that you've just bought a new (yes, new -- 2008 model with less than 50 miles on it) car. Times are tough? Tell me about it.</p>

<p>With all the love in my heart,
your daughter</p>

<p>I love this thread. </p>

<p>To my third grade teacher:
Fine. You won. Are you happy? Was it worth ignoring everything I told you about how I was treated by the other kids? That believing you precious kids that had had you as a teacher for two years before over me has given me so many problems over the years? That it completely ruined my self-esteem, to have no friends for a year. That e v e r y d a y still is a struggle. Silly, I know. But I can't help but wonder why? What did I do wrong? I was just a kid, nine years old. I didnt deserve to be ridiculed like that. But I wish I could show you where I am today, laugh in your face and show you my friends, people that love me and care for me. You never thought I'd get any, did you? You didn't think I deserved them.
I hope I meet you again someday and get to ask you these questions.</p>

<p>To the principal and school psychologist in my third grade school:
No, why should you have listened? I get it. But you could at least have bothered to show up for appointments. A letter two years later about how I was right and they were bullying me and would I mind to come talk to you about it doesnt really cut it. Sorry. </p>

<p>To my elementary school gym teachers:
Thanks for giving me body images issues. Thanks for making me hate sports and beliveing I am too fat to be able to participate without being laughed at. Thanks for making fun of my health problems.
it's because of you I have such problems with food, sports and health. so just thanks.</p>

<p>To M:
I thought i was doing so good, but you saw right through it. I am trying harder. And I had guessed you had eating disorders, but I still love you. You're a great friend. I just don't want to bring that whole conversation up too much.</p>

<p>To S:
Are we still best friends? I dont want to be petty. You're entitled to having other best friends. But still. I'm so insecure. I wish I wasn't. But I dont think I know how to act without you, you're the one person that knows me better than anyone else, y'know. I dont want our friendship to fall apart.</p>

<p>To A.
Stop stealing my best friend. You're irritating me, because honestly, you're not that perfect. I'm glad you're so rich. Enjoy it.</p>

<p>To L.
You're going to lose your daughter if you continue like this. She's already afraid you don't love her. Please, please,please, show her that you love her. I'm so far away, I can't do more. She's my sister, I love her more than anything in the world. Sometimes, I think J is a better mother to her than you are.
And why did you marry your husband? You both have places in my heart, but I dont understand why. He's so wonderful. But you've even told me you think it was a mistake to marry him.
But honestly, he's a better person than you are. </p>

<p>Wow. This ended up being really long. I guess i just needed to get some things off my chest. ;)</p>

<p>This has absolutely nothing to do with college or anything remotely important, but it's something I've wanted to get off of my chest for a while.</p>

<p>I *<strong><em>ing hate American Cheese. There's probably five or six hundred better cheeses in the world, and the only one that I can get sliced at the grocery store is the yellow crock of *</em></strong> called Land O' Lakes. I have no idea how this cheese became so popular, but the fact that it's EVERYWHERE attests to America's total inability to distinguish good food from bad. I almost applied to college in Europe just because the food is better there and because I'm sick of eating feces unless I drop big bucks at some five-star affair. And don't think I'm superficial. I just know the truth.</p>

<p>PS: Any food cooked in a microwave also sucks. Microwaves should be for killing things, not preparing them to eat.</p>

<p>Make a little move - she's ready.</p>

<p>I'm a travel coordinator for a high school sports team. Oh God, I want it to be over! I want it to be over ! I want it to be over! I am so sick of thinking about this! ......Ok Rant over. Back to work.</p>

<p>to my d's former boss. You terminated her today for a supposed policy violation where you have no written policies or procedures whatsoever. You have no documentation or credible witnesses to the alleged infraction. You ignored her suggestions to install video surveillance which would have vindicated her (and protected you from potential liability as well). If this was such a grave issue as you contend, then termination should have taken place immediately. You should not have let her continue in her current function FOR 6 FULL DAYS because the facility was fully booked for the holidays and you needed her. If your supposed general manager was on vacation, then it was your responsibilty to protect those in your care. The truth is you needed her, as she is easily the best employee you have ever had. You waited till it was convenient, and fabricated an excuse because she is one of your highest paid employees and you need to dump the overhead. You can now hire three part timers with no benefits. At least be honest in telling her why you let her go.</p>

<p>Your staff (save for one) is untrained, undisciplined, and unsupervised. Your support of those in titled positions of responsibilty is a joke. You rehired an employee after my daughter was physically threatened and she had terminated the offender. You continually ignored any concrete suggestions to implement cost effective purchasing methods, inventory management and safety issues for the charges in your care. You are a sycophant and an a** kisser to your high profile clientele.</p>

<p>What was a thriving, booming business with excellent potential has deteriorated over the last three years due to your ineptness and lack of attention. Your employees are stealing from you, in both time and material stock. You have resisted any attempts at organization, structure, and controls. Your general manager is incompetent, and has no credentials in the field. In fact, besides yourself, d was the only employee with credentials. In this economy your business will not last a year.</p>

<p>You are already in violation of state employment law. Your general manager does not even know this. </p>

<p>D has not wasted five years in your employ. She has learned how NOT to run this type of business. Your loss is your competitor's gain.</p>

<p>Good riddance.</p>

<p>End of rant.</p>

<p>I am not a racist but Affirmative Action drives me crazy, all candidates should be viewed w/o looking at race or religion. I do not want to get deferred or waitlisted to my number one school because of some quotas they have to fulfill so they can send out pamphlets in the mail with diversified student pictures. I am sorry if I offend anyone, I am not pro discrimination in any means. The fact of the matter is, Affirmative Action is reverse discrimination. If this about the problem of minorities not having a fair shot, how about cleaning up urban streets and improving public school systems so for once no child is left behind. The most qualified students and those who fit the university best and can bring something special should be admitted. But no one should get bonus points in the application process because they are brown or black. I don't care if you lie to me and still admit lower qualified minorities, but don't call Affirmative Action a good idea because it is not equal. Diversity is good and well, regionally, racially, religiously, and economically, but no one student should get an advantage because they are white or black. We would think universities would learn something from University of Michigan. End of story.</p>

<p>To my boss, stop talking to me like im a retard because I can't cook food in six freaking ovens when you couldn't do high school math if I gave you a problem. My goal in life is to actually get an education, sorry I do not practice for a part time job in high school well enough for your liking. Same for my manager, your a college drop out, don't talk crap to me like your smart cause your not. Your 29, balding, fat, single, and sweaty. Shut up.</p>

<p>K done, thanks Thread and to anyone who actually read. Again sry about AA it gets to me sometimes.</p>

<p>Now that our children are both in college, please stop being so competitive. What's the point? I don't want to know your child's GPA. And I'm not going to tell you my child's, so stop fishing.</p>

<p>I can't say it better</p>

<p>When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be. </p>

<p>Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. </p>

<p>And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be. </p>

<p>Let it be, let it be, ..... </p>

<p>And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me,
shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be. </p>

<p>Let it be, let it be, .....</p>

<p>OK, I did have the green light. BUT I was in the left-turn-only lane, it was 6:55 am and I was sitting there waiting for the on-coming traffic to give me a clear chance to turn safely. That does not give both of you the right to honk wildly and then pass me on the right and whip around in front of me just as the traffic cleared enough for me to make that turn. That one of you was able to whip into the driveway to your building 30 seconds sooner (I lost sight of the other one of you) does not justify your driving recklessly. Change your radio station to something slow and calming, or get up five minutes earlier in the morning!</p>