Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Microwaves should be for killing things, not preparing them to eat.



<p>I really wish I didn't tear up when I'm frustrated. It makes people kinder to me, but it's annoying when what I really want to do is explain things clearly. And I'm not actually sad, more angry, most times when I cry.</p>

<p>Getting all As all the time does not mean you're smart. Neither does lucking into awards, spending thousands of dollars on college summer programs and SAT prep, and using a REAL researcher's project as your award winning science fair project. Your college essay is terrible. Just because teachers love you for your As doesn't mean that you are a smart person- just smart at studying, memorizing, and retaining information. Your writing is so awful that it's laughable- who cares if our 60-year-old English teacher gives you a 90% on every essay? You are annoying and arrogant. The thing that you do where you act like a stupid retard is not cute but I don't think it's an act either. I asked you if someone was smart once (I hadn't met them) and you said you didn't know because you didn't get their SAT/GPA. Are you kidding me?? Do you honestly believe that that's the only indication of intelligence? </p>

<p>The people on CC are blinded by your ACT/SAT/GPA. You are grossly misrepresenting the awards you have and the extent of your extracurricular involvement. Colleges are going to see right through that. I know that you're so sure that you're getting into Harvard or Stanford, but I would bet money that you won't. How is it possible to be so singularly focused on college? Your career choice is stupid. I asked you if you knew what it was and you said the stupidest & most incorrect answer imaginable. Do I have to mention again that your essay is crap? It's not only grammatically incorrect, Ms. 800CR/790W, but it also completely lacks cohesion and is chock full of arrogance. </p>

<p>Being at the top of a class of less than one hundred in a really uncompetitive school is nothing to brag about. Why don't you try to go to one of the huge elite public IB schools and then let us know how you're "RANK ONE", like you have reminded everyone since 9th grade (oops! guess you're not anymore though huh?) You have dabbled in a few mindless ECs but have never had a commitment to anything. You believe that your ticket in is that science fair project you jacked. You basically bought that, you know. You did none of the research or experimentation, and then had a teacher at our school do all the statistical analysis for you. You skip school on test days and project due dates and then squeeze information from your friends so you can get a 100% on the test. You completely lack morals. You are a stupid girl. I hope that you fail in college.</p>

<p>Dear Parents,
Thanks for turning up the TV during dinner when I try to tell you about my day. Keep on thinking this leaves no mark.</p>

<p>i told you when you were applying that the college you chose was rated the most unhappy undergraduates/the worst and most unhelpful teachers/the most miserable college experience/most uncomfotable campus experience etc etc but you had stars in your eyes. now i see every post on your facebook page says how miserable you are/how miserable your classmates are/how unpleasant the weather is/how unreasonable your profs are... i will not say i told you so but i will post on this page!!</p>

<p>To W:
Quit acting like you're holier than thou. And why do you think you're so much better than everyone else? YOU'RE NOT!</p>

<p>To T:
I like you...when are you going to figure it out?</p>

<p>To gloaters on CC:
No one cares if you were able to get a private tutor to get your SAT score to a 2400, or to cheat off of other students to get a 4.0. Get a life!</p>

<p>To self:
You're not a parent...what are you doing in the parent cafe?</p>

<p>Yes, I will HELP you look for colleges....NO, I will not do it all for you and present you with a list of 6 - 8 schools for your applications. Last I checked, Facebook does not have a college search function. AT least log onto and run a few searches !! But you're "too busy."" Excuse me while I work 60+ hours per week at 2 jobs on no sleep</p>

<p>I know you are furious that I am organizing your school papers. But I wouldn't need to if 1) they weren't all over the living room 2) you weren't getting Cs and Ds. I don't read your journals, facebook, email, etc. But I get to look at your math and english work. If you don't like it, then pull your grades up and stick your papers in a binder!</p>

<p>I chose not to sacrifice integrity as everyone else on this design team has done. I've done everything you all asked of me and more. Even when you changed the time frames on me, even when you've not provided me with the information that I've needed to do my job, I've worked hard to get things done in the time allotted and have even sacrificed living with my husband so that I could remain loyal to this team and continue with this company. And now, you've admitted to me that the company has thrown my occasional small mistakes (mostly resulting from your own errors) under a microscope so that you all could force me to transfer to Structural Siberia, designing retaining walls and light pole foundations instead of skyscrapers and stadiums. Everybody else knows, and everybody has told me that they know, that it's because I said that I might like to transfer to our branch office in order to live with my husband.</p>

<p>I did this long-distance marriage for you. Is it no wonder that Gen Y has little loyalty towards their employers these days? We are expendable, and you throw us away.</p>

<p>You are not the people I was led to believe that you were. I am disappointed in you, down to the core of my heart. But you know what? I will take these lemons, and I will make the best darned lemonade out of 'em that you ever did taste. </p>

<p>And then I will pour that lemonade into your laptop.</p>

<p>to my boss,
you are one of the most evil, non sincere person I have ever met. You lie so much that you cannot even get your lies straight. You try to come across like you are every one's friend and so kind and nice and funny. Instead of being the leader you are suppose to be, you let crap happen and say nothing to those people on the team and the ones who have been dedicated and stayed with this god forsaken job, you make their lives miserable. I have seen you corner staff when you think no one is looking. You have let so many good and honest people slip by this department because you choose not to lead. You get by by blowing fires out. You don't have a game plan and you think by staying on the job 12-14 hrs a day makes you look like a good manager. Why is it that all the other department directors/managers have so much more respect than you? If You were under Lee Ioccoa, you would have been fired for poor time management. No one cares that you are still here. Everyone looks forward for you going home. We all see. The person that you regarded so highly and was grooming for your position left you high and dry when a better offer came along.
You thought that because she knew how to use a computer that she must be super intelligent and she knew this so she played you like a fiddle to get what she wanted, then she left. Serves you right. You keep talking to us like you sent us a memo and we are not following it, but guess what, your rules change and you never send memos and you cannot even keep anything straight. God help us. I wish you would retire already. You look terrible and you need to stop smoking.
Sorry, but I had to rant.</p>

<p>To the Mother of THAT little girl who was once friends with my DD: You do not get it, do you? These little tidbits, these things you raise, about the times my daughter did 'this' or 'that' are NOTHING compared to what your daughter does that I keep silent about. YOU tell me that your daughter was hurt by the actions of mine. Did I tell you that your daughter makes plans every single day on the dreaded bus ride right infront of my daughter but never includes her? Right to her face? Remember that time you mentioned that a friend of my daughter called yours and invited her to a sleepover and somehow she took it poorly, as an example of her being excluded when, truth be told, she was being invited? </p>

<p>Well, my daughter invited yours to go skiing on X day, only to find out she made plans to go with another person, never invited my daughter, and my daughter was crushed. Add to that that our daughters ride the bus together every day - and every day my daughter listens to yours gloat about this or that or the other - and EXCLUDE her. And, every day it hurts her, to the point where I have suggested that I drive her to school instead. BUT, she's strong, and she actually says to me that she'll never let your daughter see how much it hurts. AND, you do not get it. YOUR DD has turned into some ranging queen bee who has to be head of her 'posse' - maybe these traits you want to encourage - but you've let her grow to be a strong willed, inconsiderate jerk. I once wrote off her behavior - her excessive bossing of other people around - as a symptom of that illness you say she's got - but now, no. Now, I think she's just an inconsiderate little pain, and you do not see it - and for so long as she's cultivating the 'right' friends- you will not. </p>

<p>I love when I hear how you justify your own exclusions of me to people too. You have a party, you invite my D, but not me, and you invite other girls and their parents. AND you tell them that I was busy ! In point of fact I was at home doing tasks related to DS college applications, but in larger point of fact, YOU never invited me in the first place. LOVE how you manipulated that one. AND, thereafterward, my D asks me why I did not attend, and I say I was not invited - and did not go, but she still feels badly because she's the only girl whose MOM did not GO !!! Yes, that burns me up - and that event was three months ago. </p>

<p>I am furious that every step with this friendship for my DD is a step into a minefield. I see why the friendship weakened. And, it is may be because my DD got tired of being a sidekick and let your daughter go. I hope some of those 'queen bees' you've talked about fearing - as you read your Ophelia - take your DD to task. And hard. </p>

<p>Oh yes, and I do remember all those times you made comments to me about it being difficult for me to have 3 kids, as if you were expressing pity. Yes, when they were itty ones, it was chaos, but loveable. I never needed your pity party, but I took those comments as simple jealousy. Constantly coming out of no-where, those negatives. </p>

<p>AND, I do remember the time my daughter got off the bus in kindergarden and I was not home. You told the busdriver YOU DID NOT HAVE my work phone number, and you would not let my DD walk inside your house. She ended up at another neighbor's house - who asked me why you did not take her in, since 'we' were friends. I did not know what to say, but let me tell you that should have been my tipoff. I should have known then that your caring for my DD would be only if it suited you, and you would do really MEAN things to her because - maybe - you have been drinking during the day and you do not want anyone to know??? NOW, that is just a guess of mine, with no real basis in fact other than the fact that you drink too much at other times. </p>

<p>I had to rant.</p>

<p>To that person at work,</p>

<p>What you are doing is not helping. I want to tell you that I know you will be fired, but I am afraid to do so. You are scattered, and inefficient. Your job is not secure merely because you see the money they pay you as NOT enough. In this economy, your job is at risk. PAY attention. And, stop leaving your desk 5 minutes early every day.</p>

<p>To our partner's wife. I know that you don't have kids and have a great love for animals. Sometimes your compassion for animals is bordering on the obsessive and possibly even sick side. When you come to my house for a gathering , stop telling me how "sorry " you feel for the stray cats that I have provided shelter, veterinary care and food for..stop telling me that you wish you could take them home. Someone else cast them out in the cold. They were starving when they found us , at different times and places. Not only do they have food and heated shelter , but I think they have a much better life than what they had before. No they are not allowed in our house. As you know , they do not get along with other cats and I have 4 indoor cats. One is not clean as far as elimination is concerned.</p>

<p>And also , when there are humans at the party , that is your cue to socialize with THEM , not stand outside in the cold with your pity for the cats. It was bizarre , made other guests uncomfortable and insulted me..I am done with listening to your condecending remarks and insinuations that I somehow neglect those pets.</p>

<p>Here is something I feel sorry about...that you chose to bring a cat home to live with your dog ( who is treated better than your husband ) and two cats. The cat has been diagnosed with feline leukemia and now you have exposed your other cats to this deadly disease..not a smart choice.</p>

<p>Pets are not them all you want , but don't expect other people to extend invitations to them. Don't expect storm shelters for people to change their rules of not bringing your pet in an emergency...again, pets are not people</p>

<p>i love this thread!!! i can listen to you folks all day!!! if the idiots you describe could hear this stuff, i like to think they would die from all the oxygen being sucked out of their lungs. Problem is their consciences are either genetically or surgically removed, leaving folks like you, who sincerely want to leave things better than they find them, standing there to clean up the mess. cant say that this fixes anything, but you have a sympathetic ear!</p>

<p>This is incredibly cathartic -</p>

<p>To that other person at work. Yes, it is "nice" that you have all that money, but terribly cruel what you do with it. You use it as an instrument to control and manipulate others with frightening consequences. I would not want to be you, not now and not ever. Money does not buy happiness.</p>

<p>GET. A. JOB!!!!!!
NOW. TODAY. You are taking a whopping 12 hours and you have lost your scholarship. Sell the XBOX or GET A JOB.</p>

<p>did I mention....</p>

<p>GET!!! A!!! JOB!!!!</p>

<p>I thought the recent deep freeze would kill you. No, apparently it will take a nuclear winter to wipe you off of the face of the planet. My fingers are numb, and my arms are sore, but you will lose! Yes, you will! The Roundup sprayer is on the standby. As soon as the outside temperature gets above 50 degrees, I'm brining it out. Beware!!!</p>

<p>To the admission officers of Princeton : please be nice and gentle and please accept my D to your wonderful college.. she deserves it so much!</p>

<p>You did not listen to me when I told you not to do any wash sales in our brokerage account, just in your own IRA account. So today as I gathered up the tax stuff I found evidence that you did just that back in 2005 and the re-purchase of that stock means that I am going to have to learn more about capital gains and losses before I file the taxes this year. I am slightly intrigued by the prospect, but I am still very unhappy with you. I am counting the days until we can convert the remains of that E*TRADE brokerage account into capital losses that will count against earnings when we have to file the taxes that will become Happykid's first FAFSA.</p>

<p>Oh this is awesome and just what I am looking for!</p>

<p>Here goes: Excuse me ma’am, do you really think it is ok for you to “lobby” the teacher so your highly disturbed 12 year old can take a featured part from an older, more advanced dancer? Exactly how do you think that by making this teacher feel responsible for your child’s eating disorder and guilting her into putting your child into a highly pressured situation where all eyes are on her is good parenting? Don’t you realize that you are making this girl slip slowly back into old patterns just like she did last year? You turned a blind eye then even when approached with evidence. Now, you do it all again and everyone (even your older daughter) sees it but you. Maybe you should be a fly on the wall when she is talking to herself during rehearsals, beating herself up, and all of the girls/parents are afraid to tell anyone bc last time you did not listen and brushed it off. There is more going on here than the food she puts into her mouth. This kid is screaming for attention and getting the wrong kind. As for attention, I see the look on your other daughter’s face and she is just miserable. Her sister is getting all of the the energy and attention both at home and at the studio and you are blind to the damage it is doing to this girl. She can’t wait to get out of your house, I can just tell. Hard to be the “normal” one I guess. Do us all a favor and think outside of yourself for awhile. Pay attention as if you were a person watching from the outside in and you will be surprised at what you see. </p>

<p>And while you are doing all of this just to add to your child’s resume for colleges (you and 99% of the other stage mothers there) and so that your child can be the center of attention for being the absolute star bc no intelligent person would actually consider this more than a “hobby” my child is working her butt off and watching you kiss and guilt your kid’s way up to the top. You are sick to take things away from those who actually view this as more than just another tick on their list of accomplishments, those who actually want a performance to be quality. But who has the last laugh? Well, I guess I do bc my child has a healthy self esteem, no sense of entitlement, and is a hard worker bc she knows the sacrifices we have made as a family for her. Some laugh though as I watch your two children suffering while you do what you are to them. Pitting one against the other, so tragic. I am sorry for you and while I know that you will never see the error of your ways (bc I have known many like you, it is never anything you did) many of us pity your poor children nonetheless. Good luck in the future, I know my child will be more ready for the real world from watching what you have been doing for so many years now. It is good for her to know that people like you get everywhere but end up being the least happy in life. An example of what not to do. </p>

<p>And no, my child does not think she is going to be a "superstar" as you so laughingly referred to those other girls with dreams in a moment of unguarded superiority, she only hopes to make a small career doing something she loves and is naturally gifted at. Because (and you know this and so does your D and therein began your problem) she was always the first choice, always will be the first choice, and everyone else knows it too. When they come, they talk about my D whether she is in the back row or the front they all talk about her. You should have left well enough alone and let the first choice have what she deserved and not "lobbied" for your child to take it out from under her. </p>

<p>And now I feel better...</p>

<p>Hugs to you and your D, MomOf3Stars.</p>