Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>To HS AP teachers of Seniors-</p>

<p>Yes, they are doing the work. But, could you cut them just a little slack, eh? Do not make them explain in minute detail why an assignment was filed 5 minutes after the deadline. Do not refuse to excuse late assignments when the student has been out with mono 'because it is a college class". The college professor would consider those circumstances too !</p>

<p>Before you sign her up for yet another sports camp/clinic/travel team with the hope that athletic talent will get her accepted into college, hire a tutor. No matter how talented you believe she is, most schools are not going to be able to overlook her C-/D+ average.</p>

<p>And for the record, it's NOT the school, the principal, or just about every teacher she's ever had. Your daughter is unmotivated, disruptive in class, a classic "mean girl", and is not interested in anything except sports, boys, and shopping. Instead of taking her to the mall 5 times a week, you might suggest that she stay home and read a book for once.</p>

<p>To the schoolmates I talked to on the bus today:</p>

<p>When we were talking about how being together brightened each other's day, I don't think any of you realized how much I meant it. Whenever I socialize I'm afraid of not being able to hold a conversation or being drained by interaction. I'm usually nervous because I'm worried if my lack of experience or ability is obvious. This time I felt none of that. You guys are so easy to talk to and funny. I've even realized that I can catch up with your quips and banter too. Thank you for making my otherwise sterile social life more enjoyable today.</p>

<p>By the way, you were all probably joking about the bus party, but it felt like a real party to me.</p>

<p>Yes, I am very irritated with you right now. I've asked you repeatedly to NOT put important stuff in your coat pockets--the same coat you carelessly throw around. Now again you've lost the loaded gas card plus your ATM. Once...we all make mistakes. Twice....ridiculous. </p>

<p>The fact that you failed to tell us about the missing ATM card and the missing checks--twice is irresponsible. </p>

<p>How in the heck am I supposed to be able to trust you to move away from home??????</p>

<p>You're responsible in so many ways, and we appreciate that, but this is absolutely ridiculous. </p>

<p>I also wonder if you waited to mention it until today because you knew I would not discuss it with you today considering....</p>

<p>Gah! Sometimes I just want to yell at you, "Grow Up!" Why do you say you are
going to do things that you know you are not going to do?</p>

<p>And then I realize - you may look full size, you may get a gold star for eloquence,
but in some ways you really are still a kid.</p>

<p>After ignoring this thread for the year that I have been reading CC, today was the perfect time to try it. Just reading the first 3 pages has made me feel better and I know that my "problem" is minor compared to others but I still need to vent, so here goes:</p>

<p>To the vb coach who is not giving my son any practice time with the varsity team, could you at least tell him why? He has gone to all of your mandatory "optional" practices. He comes out of practice drenched with sweat, so I think he is putting out some effort. He is doing ok with his club team and made some good plays at the recent tournament--the club team that you urged your players to try for and only 4 went. He placed in the 5th court at Penn State (national champs) camp, the second highest placement of the 7 kids from his high school that went. You chose him for a major academic award a year ago, so I don't think that you dislike him personally. I wish that you would just talk to him so that he knows what he needs to work on. Unfortunately, the players all know that you will not tolerate ANYONE that questions your coaching decisions, so he can't ask you what is wrong. I guess that it is just one of life's lessons and he will survive and grow from it.</p>

<p>This is a bit mean and a few years old but its always made me mad!
When you told your daughter that she would be more popular if she would just stop being best friends with my "nerdy" daughter it broke my daughters heart. When she took your advice and started to do everything to exclude her like having a notebook where everyone wrote mean stuff about each other and invited all the other girls at the lunch table to be in on it except my daughter you justified it by saying hey she doesn't have to include her in everything and suggested my D find some new friends. After all the mean things your D did, my daughter finally decided she'd had enough and was pretty miserable, you seemed pleased. I am happy to say that my D is now at an Ivy League school, successful and happy with lots of great friends and your daughter is a bleach blonde bimbo at the local community college...but hey at least she's popular.</p>

<p>It's very not-cool to kick me out of the department for economic reasons, pawn me off someone else's department where I have to start all over learning a new kind of engineering, and still try to keep getting me to work on your projects half-time.</p>

<p>Please stop. I am beyond tired.</p>

<p>To my S's math teacher: please read my emails and answer me!!! i think you are very impolite and rude! and you think you own the school!! NO, YOU DON'T!!!!! i will wait 2 more days for those emails to have an answer but after that i will be going to the Principal and tell him how your mean attitude jeopardizes the studies of the students!!!!!! I DO NOT LIKE YOU!! having you as a teacher had ruin my S's school years!! GO AWAY!! why do you have to teach every grades??? each year i am praying to not have you as my S's teacher but each time you still teaching him!!!NO MORE ENOUGH OF YOU!!!!please Understand that nobody likes you in that school!! if tomorrow i'll make a petition against you i will have every single parent sign it!! I hate you and plse answer my mail fast!!!!!</p>

<p>If you don't want me carrying stuff in my coat pockets then SHOW ME A BETTER WAY. Stuff falls out of my jeans pockets and they aren't big to begin with. I forget my purse or wallet everytime I carry it. I remember missing 15 minutes of apush last year to hunt down the purse I decided to try and carry. The only thing I can think of is a fanny pack, and that's not happening.</p>

<p>Oh and I didn't just wait to tell you this.. I assumed this stuff was in my car and I waited to look. And no, I wasn't smart enough to wait until a day when you "wouldn't get mad" (even though you did.). I DECIDED to look to because of the school delay, and some time to kill.</p>

<p>Can't highjack the haiku thread but the only one I have in mind ...</p>

<p>I hate my mother.
I am my mother's daughter.
When will I be ..... her?</p>

<p>Your nearsightedness is harming your program's reputation in the community as well as the kids it's supposed to serve. When you find out your funding has been cut, I hope you think there's a connection. There isn't. But I really hope you think there is. Karma.</p>

<p>I love my daughter.
She is the light of my life.
She won't EVER be me.</p>

<p>(Please, God?)</p>

<p>We pay you a LOT of money to be a case manager for my dad. Why do you ask me to do all the things you are supposed to handle? I cant schedule your time to get with the caregivers, I cant write your treatment/care plans for you and I cant get your updated current certifications. I also cant research the training recertification programs in your area for the caregiver nor find a fill in during her absence. This is supposed to be your job. I dont need you to tell me how much time it will take you and how much you will charge me. That doesnt exactly help, especially when I feel like am doing all the work. Oh, and try turning on your fax machine. I am already stressed out. This isnt helping. You are supposed to make things easier, not harder.</p>

<p>To person #1:
I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was applying to that ivy league university. I told you it was my dream school, but you told me (more than once) that I had no chance.
Maybe you shouldn't have been so quick to judge.
I'll have fun there next year!</p>

<p>To person #2:
I have never done anything that would make you not trust me. Stop comparing me to that person and telling me to be like him/her.
I have done everything possible. I got straight A's, was accepted to ivy league, did just about every EC I could manage, never missed curfew, never drank, smoked, etc., never missed curfew and worked hard.
Honestly, what do you want from me?
But you still doubt my every word, treat me like a child, and monitor my every move.
I'm so sick of it.</p>

<p>That's good news. I wish it didn't make me feel vulnerable.</p>

<p>To the parents of the kid who went off on me 5th period yesterday:</p>

<p>This would not have happened if you had not given in to his silly tantrums since the age of 2. Now that he is 17 it's sort of one of those things he's going to have live with or teach himself to get over. Wouldn't it have been better if you had left him in time out, denied him TV or whatever when he was a toddler instead of caving in to his baby fits? "Adapt or Die" our birthday boy Charles would say and by not raising him to be adaptive I worry what will happen to the little jerk.</p>

<p>I wish my dh wouldn't be so picky about painting a room to his very, very high standards when we are Moving Out. What part of 'we won't be here' doesn't he understand? Taking two weeks to paint an eleven by eleven room is not practical when we have a dozen other projects that must be done by the end of March. Get it finished and move on! Nobody's going to notice that you didn't do two coats of primer in the freaking closet!</p>

<p>To my idiotic science teacher: please talk about something intelligent for a change! You rant for an entire period (using incorrect facts that you guessed on the spot) about something completely irrelevant to the subject. You wonder why the highest grade on our last quiz was 11/15. YOU DIDN'T EVEN COVER THE MATERIAL IN CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>To my husband: I wish you would would choose a different issue on which to exert your manhood. I can't put batteries in those smoke detectors because I'm just not tall enough and a ladder wouldn't fit. I've been begging you for two months to do this and have bought the batteries twice. I don't know how you can expect me to see your behavior as anything other than setting up an explosive battle between us. It would take you less than five minutes and less effort to do something that I can't. We have children in the house, dude. Is your pride so important that you're willing to risk coming home one morning and finding your family dead? Wasn't it you who just yesterday told me that our daughter has a terrible habit of leaving her hair straigtener on? Put the batteries in, dude, or I'm hiring someone to do it.</p>