Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Oooo -- just found this thread -- how cathartic!</p>

<p>To the friend who canceled our weekly get-together for the 4th straight week: Don't insult my intelligence by telling me, for the 4th time, how important this is to you and that it will happen next week for sure. It's an hour. You could make it happen if you wanted to.</p>

<p>I am sick of women -married or not- that keep having babies they cannot afford. For the very poor, birth control is available free. For others, surely the monthly pills are cheaper than actual child care costs? Yes I know it(generally) takes 2 to "tango", but the woman has the last word on childbirth.
I am sick of having to help pay for kids that I had no part of the fun making.</p>

<p>I'm tired of men not being responsible for birth control, and if I hear another man whine about having to pay child support, I'm going to haul off and hit him. Condoms are cheap and easy to buy, and don't require a prescription and putting anything into the body that has negative side effects, so use 'em, mister, each and every time.</p>

<p>You know who you are...</p>

<p>I said very nice things about your child's college acceptance. It would be nice to hear the same from you.</p>

<p>No, my child is not at the top of the class due to "brilliance". It is called hard work.</p>

<p>To the high school, will you please stop the obnoxious "awards ceremonies" where one child is "the chosen child " who receives 6 or 8 awards while other students who have accomplished the same are unrecognized year after year.</p>

<p>Also to the high school, just because you don't know a child's name doesn't mean he/she isn't any good and should be cut from tryouts without being looked at.</p>

<p>To the parent of the popular kid, please don't tell me how much fun your kid had in high school. Mine hated it.</p>

<p>This is great!</p>

<p>To my sister:</p>

<p>You have no idea how lucky you are to get out of this banal town where everything and everyone is so average that it is disgustingly annoying. While you are meeting brilliant and interesting people from all over the world in the best city in the world, I'm stuck in this crap town whether I like it or not. This town is turning into a ghetto if it isn't one already. I'm sure you don't miss the horrible music I hear blasting in the streets right now or the loud motors revving as if someone is riding a damn turbo engine motorcycle.
Sometimes I feel that my IQ is dropping (not that is was anything special) whenever I hear the thug across the street and friends yell like buffoons over something stupid. At least the fist fights I see them get into are entertaining. At least we have professional thugs in this town who are able to dodge the police before they show up. No one even gets arrested because they're so smooth at hiding their drugs and mini-riots. Go ________! </p>

<p>I talked to the thug's mom yesterday. She was proud of me for going to college and she was even prouder of you for going to a prestigious school to pursue a smart, lucrative major like engineering. She is another one on the list of people who think you're older than me. She even remembers you being the taller one as kids when you were actually very short back then and I was tall. I forgive her because she's a drug addict, but that was the most blatant sting to how much of a failure my life is.</p>

<p>At least this is a blessing in disguise because my tuition is pocket change compared to yours, but why at the expense of being left in this stifling way of life?</p>

<p>Just to make sure I was clear- I have absolutely no objection to paying support for my child(still a family, by the way, not divorced). My objection is paying for the children that aren't mine, and that I don't even know!
I will still stand by my statement, that women have the final word on childbirth.</p>

<p>Why do you ask me how I can allow my son to go to journalism school when the field of journalism is dying and he won't be able to get a job? First, it's none of your business. Second, you're not well informed. Journalism as we have known it may be dying, but human beings will always need news and information, and someone will need to provide it. You may not be interested in the nuances, but as the child of a journalist myself and someone who happens to read quite a bit about this issue, I am. Third, when I attempt to have a conversation with you about my second point, do not question me as if I'm stupid. My opinion of you has just dropped several notches.</p>

<p>By the way, you're not the first person who has asked me this question, not by a long shot. He's only a freshman, and I'm already really, really tired of it.</p>

<p>Dear provincial snob - the fact that you haven't heard of the colleges my children attend does not mean that they aren't real colleges. The fact that these schools are several hours away does not mean that my kids "couldn't wait to get away from home." The fact that I keep my mouth shut when you brag about your children doesn't mean that my children are pathetic little underachievers. In fact, their grades and test scores were significantly higher than your kids' were, but I'm too polite to say so. My kids have accomplished much - you might actually even have heard of some of their achievements, if not their colleges - but I'm not playing the "My Kids Are Better" game. So please stop bothering me with your tired old routine.</p>

<p>If you didn't think that the sun rises and sets in our little neck of the woods, you might know that my kids' schools are considered top tier by US News, of all things. So you actually look kinda foolish when you ask "why would they ever go there?"</p>

<p>I just wish I knew if we still are best friends? I know it's stupid to be jealous, and that this is a result of my low self-esteem, but I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you as a best friend. And I think we might not be that anymore... It makes me want to cry, and tear her hair out. </p>

<p>M. Sweet, sweet, wonderful M. Why do you do this to yourself? Please, I just want you to snap out of it. My friend is in there somwhere, and I cant see her because of the anorexia. I just want you to feel well again. We're graduating in a couple of months... </p>

<p>G. Love, take care. Please, please,please.</p>

<p>M+D. I hate when you're fighting.</p>

<p>To myself. I dont want to be weak. I dont want to feel like I dont deserve friends. I want to be normal, and I am. It's so stupid to let things that happened 10 years ago affect me, but i cant help it. I just want to feel accepted and feel that i deserve it for once. I have friends, i just cant understand it, believe it and have confidence in it.</p>

<p>frazzled, hate to interupt your rant, but I feel your pain. For yrs, I had to deal with one such mother and her non-stop bragging about her kids ( who happen to be great ) not once has she congratulated me for what my kids have accomplished. Now that 2 out of three of hers are out in the workforce, and the last a junior in college, they do their their best to stay as far away from her as possible !</p>

<p>To Mom and Dad:</p>

<p>Please don't get angry if I don't become independent as soon as you'd like. I want to get out of here more than anyone thinks. With how everything is going nowadays, no one wants to live in this neighborhood forever. I'm sorry for being so useless, especially during this economy. I just have a really, really hard time keeping up with social demands. It's so annoying to have to try so hard at something that most people do naturally.</p>

<p>To the thug across the street:</p>

<p>I wish I could say I'm doing better than you. I wish I could say that I turned out more successful than you, but I did not. We're both failing in different ways and will part in similar ways, you'll go to jail and I'll go to a mental hospital.
I was jealous of you when we were kids. You were so clever and an amazing athlete. Now you only use this to dodge the police, sell drugs and get into fights. You are a sad waste of potential.
Now I envy you because you at least have a life. At least you have more friends than what you know to do with and get to do fun things while I'm stuck in my bland life.</p>

<p>Dear Mom/Dad,</p>

<p>You sent me across the US to get an education at the best university in the world. You spend more than I could ever imagine to let me take classes with brilliant professors. I have the whole world right in front of me, but I keep turning away. I can't explain it to myself. I'm lazy and I'm not changing. You don't see it yet, but you soon will, with disappointment. And as much as you'll yell at me, in the back of your mind you'll think its your fault.</p>

<p>It’s not obvious to me!! I don’t know what your words mean!!! I DON’T I DON’T I DON’T THAT IS THE TRUTH Even if I spend the rest of the week researching recent Fox news programs and conservative pundits on “liberal agenda” I still won’t know what those words mean to you!! </p>

<p>A recent post used the phrase “unicorn chaser” which immediately suggested to me someone searching for a mythical animal (an impossible task) and it made sense to me in the context of the post; but after a quick internet search I realized that poster most likely meant something completely different which also made sense, and a lot of sense, in the context of the post.....</p>

<p>I am not trying to trick you! I am trying to understand you. Why I want to I have no idea. Why this aggravates me so much I also don’t know. But as a change of life woman just about everything is aggravating me these days. Maybe I will start posting on this thread every day.</p>

<p>“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.”</p>

<p>Do your job, please.</p>

<p>Dear world economy,
why did you have to crater just when my babies are entering the working world?</p>

<p>I'm not good enough</p>

<p>Please put your own wants aside and pay closer attention to your child. This is not like you . Your behavior is sending some red flags flying and you need to wake up and look around you. Everyone else is not wrong. Please stop before the damage is too deep and repairs can not be made</p>

<p>To the high school teachers:</p>

<p>Please know that the boys DO NOT like to do the various craft projects you assign. My DS let his middle school sister do his last night - in exchange, he CLEANED her room. That's how bad it really is. BOYS are done with the glue and sissors stuff after grade school.</p>

<p>To all teachers:</p>

<p>No more dioramas! I have been in the working world for 30 years and nobody has ever greeted me at the door with "The clients are here and we need a diorama stat!"</p>

<p>Assign papers. Writing well is a necessary skill. Diorama-making is not.</p>

<p>oh.. my personal FAVORITE!!! Parents, do NOT open grocery store food and allow your child to snack while shopping. Grocery stores are NOT restaurants and it's not yours until you PAY FOR IT!!! Especially fruit that is paid for by WEIGHT!! </p>

<p>Learning patience is a virtue that children NEED to be taught... I feel better... thanks.</p>