Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>On a similar subject to the dioramas are group crafty projects and power point presentations. Kids, why don't you contribute and get your parts in on time? And parents, why don't you reimburse me after I took your kids to purchase supplies and had the darned things on my dining room table for a week? And teachers, don't you realize that group projects are universally hated by parents and diligent students, even though you like them because you have fewer things to grade? Let everybody stand up and be counted!</p>

<p>Moderator's Note
We all know that we love to chat; however, please realize that the rules for this particular thread are different! The purpose of this thread is to vent, period. Discussions (agreements, disagreements, support, whatever) are not permitted. To that end, I've removed the posts discussing dioramas and/or group projects. Those can easily be taken to another thread.</p>

<p>Thanks for your cooperation!

<p>Dear John: I really appreciate you firing me yesterday. I'm sorry I objected to you billing clients $90 an hour for my services and only paying me $15 an hour with no benefits. I'm sorry I was called for jury duty. I hope the high school graduate you hired to take my place will enable you to build the sophisticated civil practice you claim to want. You're a jerk and hey, get some meds.</p>

<p>I saw the photos on Facebook - the ones of you and your new best friend chugging liquor in your bedroom. And I read the comments where your friend said you guys got the liquor from your parents' garage. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to print those pages and hand them to your mom.... she needs to stop playing tennis 24/7 and pay attention to her kids instead. But I can't do it, because you and my D (your former friend) are in a catfight right now, and my attempts to help keep you from becoming another teenage alcohol statistic will backfire on my D.</p>

<p>So which is it? Do I stand idly by while you continue on a self-destructive path, or do I risk my D's being blamed for using her mom to get back at you (which would be totally untrue)? I guess my responsibility is to my daughter. But I really hope your parents wake up and smell the coffee - or should I say the liquor on your breath.</p>

<p>I am sick of your sick, manipulative, undermining, controlling garbage. It is pathological, but since its been going on for over 50 years, why should I expect any different? If you really want to "help" (yeah right) instead of scheduling things he either doesnt need, cant afford or conflicts with what is already scheduled and confuses him and everyone else, why dont you contact the case manager like you are supposed to and let her handle it? If you <em>really</em> wanted to help, you'd donate some money to your father since he can't pay his bills. Oh, you "can't help at this time"? You and your wife are both Drs with no kids. What do you do, eat your money for dinner?? Why don't you just disappear again for another 15 years like you did before. Life was easier without your underhanded, manipulative nonsense. Don't go away mad, just go away.</p>

<p>Dear College Financial Aid Office,</p>

<p>What is wrong with you people?!!! You do nothing but financial aid all day long, and you still screw it up. Don't you realize how stressful the whole college app/financial aid app process is? Stop hiring temporary workers and hire professionals to look at the FA docs. LEARN HOW TO PUSH THE RIGHT BUTTON! We've been at this for months, thought we were FINALLY finished, and now you push the wrong button. AAAARRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!</p>


<p>One Stressed Out Mom</p>

<p>To my 13-year-old son: I'm sorry you hate school and life in general. Just get off your butt and realize how much you've been blessed with, and life would go much better for you. Your dad and I have already "done" 8th grade, and we can't spoon feed the material to you. You're an incredibly bright young man, but you're going to have a rough go of it if you don't get your *$% together really soon. I'm tired of stepping on egg shells around you all the time and trying to make things better for you. The counselor said you're not depressed, so you can't use that for an excuse.</p>

<p>Why do I always have to be the one to walk the dog? Why?...Why?....Why!!!!</p>

<p>To Person A: I didn't send an email about the event because you specifically told me you would do it. You told me your email list would reach more people than mine. But you didn't do it, and now no one will be there and it will look like my fault since I'm the one in charge. I know you are busy, but don't offer to do things and then don't do them - that's the opposite of helpful. </p>

<p>To person B: when Person A fell thru, I asked you to send an email at the last minute, since you're the one who maintains my (smaller) email list. And you proceeded to send out HALF of the email I sent you, which made no sense. But of course you signed my name to it, so now I really look like an idiot.</p>

<p>To self: If you want something done, DO IT YOURSELF.</p>

<p>Dear Ex-Friend,</p>

<p>I want nothing, and I mean nothing to do with you anymore. You were a great friend at one point, but not anymore. I'm so sick and tired of you acting like you're the best at everything. Well, FYI, you're NOT. I'm so sick of you *****ing about your problems which you bring upon yourself. I'm sick and tired of you. I feel like you stalk me, and I'm really ready to get a restraining order. If I don't answer my phone, either I'm a) busy or b) don't feel like talking. So DON'T call me 14 times after I don't answer and text me 20 times saying 'where are you at?!'. And really, don't go calling other people to find out where I'm at. It's plain creepy! I've told you to leave me alone numerous times, yet you don't. Thank God we're going to different colleges, because after graduation day, I never want to see or talk to you again. </p>

<p>haha that really helped :]</p>

<p>To everyone else in the house: Am I the only person who knows how to replace a roll of toilet paper???</p>

<p>For 20 years I have been fruitlessly asking that lights be turned off in this house. Now, the one time when I actually want a light left on, for the amaryllis we are starting, why do I always find it off??</p>

<p>to my D's friend (soon ex!): my D is tired of you playing with her feelings! tired of you trying to beat her academically, tired of you changing your mind every days about plans on week-end or vacations always canceled at the last minutes! she is not calling you anymore and she is happy she will go in a different direction as you for college! you used my D and everybody around you just to achieve is going to be hard on you i promise! and i know, D will be successful at any college, even if it's not a Ivy , like you think you 're going for sure! i used to like you.. not anymore!!!</p>

<p>to the major appliance makers,</p>

<p>Some of us still want our appliances in beige (almond, bisque, biscuit, etc.). Not everyone wants stainless steel or its alter ego satina (silver).</p>

<p>To the family of my ***hole ex boyfriend,
LEAVE ME ALONE! I'm finally on a successful path to getting your son/brother out of my life for good, you making drama and getting yourselves and him involved in things that have nothing to do with you don't help! I've moved on, I don't need any of you anymore making my life more miserable than you already have, so stop it!</p>

<p>To my Guidance Conselor,
LEAVE ME ALONE. Yes, i could get into a top college that YOU think'd i'd be great for. BUT I DO NOT WANNA GO THERE. I will be perfectly happy at my "mediocre" college, being a big fish in a small pond. STOP TELLING ME THAT I COULD DO BETTER. i know this..i just don't want to</p>

<p>P.S. I am not taking the SAT and you can't make me!</p>

<p>To the whole world:</p>

<p>Why do I seem like I have the best social skills and common sense typing on a keyboard or writing with a pen, yet I have a low social IQ in real life? Why can't my mind click at the right times? I don't get it.</p>

<p>To Facebook:</p>

<p>Why does the photo of the guy who recently broke up with my kid keep popping up and suggesting him as my "friend". I think the breakup has been harder on me than on her but I don't need the reminders of him. There was a reason I never asked to be his friend nor he mine.</p>

<p>Please snow...snow...SNOW !! Lot & lots so school and work are cancelled !!!</p>

<p>WHY do I have NO SELF CONTROL.</p>