Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Pay your share parents. I volunteered to coordinate the funds, have done it for years now and every year I have to nag and worry about the same few parents paying their share. I have better things to do with my time. You don't lift a finger to help, expect everything and then don't want to pay for it. How dare you question my snippy #5 reminder e-mail! Yeah I'm angry - I'm dealing with adults who can afford private schools for their children but can't pay the sports bill on time.</p>

<p>I am tired of you ditching my kids. You're their grandmother. Act like a grandmother. My son called you and said he wanted to do something with you. You and he came up with a date and I bought the tickets for the event. Now you don't want to go because you got invited to a party on that day. Are you serious? The rest of us learned that this is rude when we were twelve. You have been ditching my kids for decades. Go ahead, choose the party over your grandson. He's on to you and has decided he won't be scheduling things with you again. Your loss.</p>

<p>That was really unnecessary. Calling out the coach in front of the kids because your ds isn't getting playing time is really uncool. I don't know whether your ds really was kicked off the team, but, if he was, a major reason no doubt was because you constantly tried to pull rank and go over the coach's head. Also not cool. I like you and know that you're upset, but the real reason your ds isn't getting playing time is because the other kid is better and, maybe, because of your poor attitude. Just because your son is an upperclassman doesn't mean he's guaranteed playing time. I know it stinks that you feel like a freshman has come in and taken your son's spot (happened to my son last year, so I really do feel your pain), but that kind of public dressing down accomplishes nothing but make you and your ds look foolish. I'll miss you at the games.</p>

<p>Watch me everyone, I will become a completely different person by next year. That is my first and foremost goal. No one or nothing is going to stop me as I will be 100% committed to my goal no matter what.
The only books I will read about outside of schoolwork are books about social skills. I will only spend time on social networking websites or sites that can help me improve socially. I will try to get out of the house as often as possible, as long as possible. Sorry, mom it's nothing personal, I know you're trying to protect me, but I need a life.
I will focus on learning how to drive so I'll have more places to go. I will get a job to save enough money for a complete makeover and new wardrobe. I will read the news and be up to date on pop culture.
I will observe others in real life to know what to do and what not to do.
Watch me, every living soul in this universe as if you even blink for a moment I'll be so different you will all barely recognize me. Not even you will recognize me mom and dad. I will be someone many will be proud to know. A person with a life most will envy. I will have so many friends and invitations that I wouldn't know what to do with all of them. Just give me one year.</p>

<p>March 7, 2010 will either be the worst or best day of my life. I hope all goes well.</p>

<p>To my kids hs--YOU S**K! Pour our tax money in to sports. The school has no AP, IB, Debate Club until MY D started one. She made NATIONALS, first in her hs. She is from NY and nationals were in Texas. This did not make local newspaper, but hs athlete deciding to attend some local CC gets a news conference.</p>

<p>I could go on and on w/ the lack of any recognition of any academic or those requiring "any intelligence" activities vs sports.</p>

<p>I, and some of my friends, have said, "Our kids have been successful in spite of their hs education not because of."</p>

<p>I would rather sell out to pop culture and have a kid who's a casual gamer, than a kid "who finds his own things to do" -- ie, smoking dope & drinking.</p>

<p>Just because we do not have a fence around our back yard does not mean it is ok to drive your 4 wheelers and dirt bikes back and forth across our yard tearing up the grass and making an awful noise 10 yards from our back door. Does the presence of a - what do you call it - oh yea -HOUSE - not clue you in that this is private property? Not a field? Or a dirt bike trail? Seriously parents - do you not teach your kids about boundaries? My kids and most of the neighborhood kids all knew this from a very young age.</p>

<p>Dear faculty member assigned to be the rep for a scholarship:</p>

<p>Thank you for not responding to my e-mails and voicemails until three days before the scholarship app was due, leaving me to scramble to a) complete the app, b) beg three letters of recommendation from my teachers on short notice (who came through, God bless them), c) discover that I didn't have enough time to order an official transcript, and d) churn out a four page essay. And then you act like it's MY fault for not being prepared? You never nominated me or, indeed, indicated you were going to nominate me! Maybe if you'd responded two and a half months ago when I first e-mailed you I wouldn't have had to rush and overnight the application to get it there on time! I rue the day the president assigned you as the faculty rep! SO MUCH RUE.</p>

<p>Dear Registrar's office:</p>

<p>You should be pictured in the dictionary under "bureaucratic red tape" or perhaps just "pure evil." When an advisor told me I could retake a class I failed seven years ago that's still on my academic record, I jumped at the opportunity. This time around I got a 4.0 in this class, but was puzzled to see the old, crappy grade still on my academic record. When I contacted you, you claimed you couldn't change it because the old prefix code was different from the current prefix. When I pointed out that it was because at some point the school changed that prefix for the entire computer department, you then changed your story and said you couldn't change the grade because the new course was worth one credit more--more--than the old course and because one letter of the class's name had changed. I had to get two teachers, an advisor, and the dean of the computer program involved to get the grade changed. And then, the next quarter, YOU DID THE SAME THING AGAIN!</p>

<p>At the age of 19, I already feel like a talentless hack.</p>

<p>I've coasted through life on dumb luck and a wellspring of love and support from my family, I've squandered countless opportunities for intellectual enrichment and true love, and I fail to appreciate all the gifts and blessings that Providence and Fate have given me.</p>

<p>I feel painfully, painfully inadequate, and terribly alone and unfulfilled.</p>

<p>Being reasonable and having a conscience are the only badges of pride I can wear.</p>

<p>But, wanting something more doesn't mean I'll ever get it.</p>

<p>What the heck is wrong with our society that teenagers have to have only exclusive relationships? That's like getting married and divorced over and over again. What ever happened to casual dating a few people and then eventually going steady with that special someone? The "serious relationships only" system leaves kids to choose between constant social drama and avoiding that but staying with only one person to the exclusion of meeting anybody new. I'm glad I'm old. Bah-humbug.</p>

<p>How incredibly embarrassing for you. I wonder whether anyone has seen it. You should ask to have that taken down as you look even more disturbed than you did originally, and you make the rest of us look bad, too.</p>

<p>Can you please follow through? Your intentions are always wonderful; you hit the mark, maybe 30% of the time.
If we were your employer, you'd be fired.</p>

<p>To my Dear D. Don't complain to me how sick you feel and that you think you need to go to a Dr. I give advice- agree to pay for the Dr. You now tell me you are going to cancel the appointment and don't think you are sick enough to need to go to the Dr. Make up your mind. You called me and the first thing out of your mouth was I think I need my blood drawn!
It is extremely frustrating. You ask for help and now are annoyed that I think you need the Dr. You have asthma, You are fatigued and tired. Your chest is tight. You have not taken any asthma meds for a long time nor gone to the Dr.
But you are an adult and it is your choice. Have to keep reminding myself.
But if you call me tomorrow complaining again about how tired you are I might scream.</p>

<p>Seriously? Again? AGAIN!?</p>

<p>Do you really need more people to join? Why can't you just be happy with that? I guess it says that you should, ok that's ok. But do you have to say that the other one is wrong. Have you done any research about it at all? Do you see the benefits and good things that have come out of it? Oh ya that that's due to something else not because of that. Your way is not the only right way. Stop insulting and demeaning mine.</p>

<p>Lady, let it go. You crack me up, personally, but others actually believe your vitriol and hyperbole.</p>

<p>Dear complainer,</p>

<p>You do not have a better idea. You are not helpful when you bring in materials reflecting your own bizarre viewpoint (which you think should be distributed to anyone in your path). Does it not occur to you that you create a problem for staff and volunteers alike every time you enter the building? You participate in no programs, make no donations, and contribute nothing but aggravation. You eat lunch at the senior center once a week - that does not make you a valued member of the community. Please stop complaining about the small size of the desserts and the lack of white bread at every meal. And stop nagging for mashed potatoes and gravy - you'll live longer if you pass up the carbs once in a while. </p>

<p>Lunch is a $3.50 donation. You have a large home, a job, and a familiarity with every restaurant in town, so I know you can afford it. Where else in the world can you get an entree, fruit, a salad, a small homemade dessert, and a beverage for that kind of money? Stop nudging for bigger portions - you don't need them. And so what if you don't like corned beef and cabbage? We can't have a Saint Patrick's Day event without them. Just stay home.</p>

<p>I hate you!!!! Hate you for comparing our kids! and yes, your daughter is ahead!!!</p>

<p>(it helps :) )</p>

<p>Yes, we're going on an awesome trip. Sorry you can't afford one. How long has it been since I started helping you w/finances? JUST STOP SPENDING! Good grief, did you need to rent a car to drive two hours away when you've got two cars? Did you really need to have that party (and put it on your card)? I can't stand your whining!</p>

<p>So do you think you maybe owe her an apology? You called her a vindictive b*tch when she tried to let you know about the alcohol and the suicide threats and the other issues, and did absolutely nothing but make excuses as usual (no surprise there). Now he has been thrown out of school and you are being forced to deal with the problems. Thank goodness he didn't seriously hurt or kill someone else, or himself, before you were forced to finally do something. For God's sake, and everyone elses, stop making excuses for him and get him the help he needs.</p>