Scared of failure?

<p>Do you ever have those moments where you think life after HS could be much worse than right now? Like the entire world is cheering you to fail?</p>

<p>i’ve felt like i was destined for it</p>

<p>you know, like i’m a promising hero with a tragic flaw and sooner or later the flaw will envelop me and i’ll disintegrate</p>

<p>but my flaws are becoming less and less tragic by the day, i guess that is a symptom of maturity</p>

<p>I used to, but recently I’ve felt that the future will be too great to fear.</p>

<p>I dont fear failure. I fear working hard, getting everything i dream of, and being disappointed by it. Like it wasnt worth it.</p>

<p>Your life will be what you make of it. [/extremelytruecliche]</p>

<p>I thought that I was going to end up living with my parents until I was in my 30’s. I’m grateful that I’m living on my own now before age 20.</p>

<p>My life has gotten better since I moved away from my parents but I don’t feel that my life will be spectacular because the goals I have in mind are quite unrealistic.</p>

<p>OP you need to change that attitude immediately. Don’t fear the future, embrace it. When you want to do something, pursue it… life’s short, party naked.</p>

<p>not in your way, but i do fear failure: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Fear is overrated…</p>

<p>i feel like i won’t/shouldn’t fail, and so far i haven’t completely failed yet, so i’m terrified of failure… i don’t know if i could handle it</p>

<p>like i told someone else: i think if i actually did fail, i would kill myself {because failure for me is so unlikely that i would have to do impossibly bad to get there}</p>

<p>Pshh, who cares about the future? When you get down to the quantum mechanics of it all, there is no arrow of time.</p>

<p>The existence of verb tenses has deceived you.</p>

<p>wow. you are on cc. you are some of the brightest minds of our generation, and you are worried that you are “destined to fail”? forgive me, but that is ridiculous and you need to deal.</p>

<p>^ since when were the posters on cc representative of the “brightest minds of our generation”? I would hope the best and the brightest were off doing more meaningful things than posting/■■■■■■■■ on cc… If your assumption is true, then our generation must be really pathetic</p>

<p>^Or just damn awesome at setting priorities straight.</p>

<p>■■■■■■■■ on CC can be productive too…</p>

<p>I would hope they were out finding a cure for AIDS and cancer instead</p>

<p>Blah, they have 40 year old research scientists for that…</p>

<p>I would love to fail
then I could drink all day, put up my cot in bars, cry to random strangers, holy **** best life ever</p>

<p>and you could make babby by accidentally in your base</p>

<p>i wish i could fail but i just straight up dont make mistakes.</p>