Scary! You either get a Cal Grant or UCB Grant!

<p>nono. i am not at cal now. the B&G fees are included in your fa package. thats why i have the 23K rather (or 19K without the loans) what are your total numbers?</p>

<p>What do you mean they’re included??? Mine isn’t included. It says I have accepted $13,600 (grants) and then there’s about $8,000 I can accept from loans.</p>

<p>yeah b&g just promises to take care of the 7K tuition fees (the extra nearly 2 K is from the health insurance), if you qualify for more u get more. my family income is really low. We had an unfortunate situation. so in grants for example, the <em>UG GRANT-IN-AIDII</em> i get 4622 per semester. That is for the B&G.</p>

<p>I don’t think that’s B&G because the Cal website says they won’t make assessments or start allocating B&G funds until after the fall semester commences (hence the late fall reference in my other posts). The UG is Berkeley’s “personal” grant for you, and it will get deducted from if you get a cal Grant also. </p>

<p>Question…if my parents have health insurance, can I just waive that and keep the $2k?</p>

<p>Yes, you can. As long as you are covered. I too am a little disappointed by this financial aid package. My EFC is also 0, and even with 5.5K in loans, I am still over a 1000 $ short of an OFF campus budget. UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD met my costs easily, so I am a little scared. btw, did anyone apply on-campus but was budgeted as being on campus? I am so confused. UCB financial aid office, get ready for my call.</p>

<p>i believe u can. I am getting the health insurance knocked off. I asked my admissions officer today and she said its cool because I already have full coverage HI.
thats odd bc they calculated my need to exactly what the website said.
i would call your fin aid administrator and have him explain each line to you. and what the B&G will appear as.</p>

<p>I totally empathize. Hopefully my parents will want to keep me on their plan! Lol. </p>

<p>And I totally get that too, jdecker1-- UCSD and UCLA gave me a LOT of grant aid. UCLA has been very generous with me. I would have had more than enough there.</p>