
How many courses is “normal” at Wellesley? I’ve heard four, but I read that upperclasswomen (I’m guessing sophomores, juniors, and seniors) can add a fifth class during add/drop. Is this common or is it only in extreme cases (e.g. needed to fill a distributive credit at the last minute)? Also are professors good about dismissing on time? Looking at the course browser it seems like classes can often be only 10 minutes apart. Would appreciate any input.

Also, would most of the classes be located in the “academic quad” so you could get to the next one in 10 minutes?

4 classes per semester is the norm at Wellesley. Some students take 5 periodically but not on a regular basis. I don’t think advisors recommend that first years take more than 4 per semester in any case. It’s not necessary to take more than 4 unless you have a special situation, i.e. you were abroad all junior year and have to pick up distribution requirements senior year, or you were on leave and need to pick up a unit to graduate on time.

Most classes are either in the quad or in the science center, which isn’t that far. You can schedule back-to-back classes with the 10-minute time in between; but you won’t have time to go back to your dorm to get your books or eat lunch. Many students take back-to-back classes. It’s not a problem.

Thank you!