<p>Two questions:</p>
<li><p>What is the difference between the Scholars and Honors College? I'm pretty sure it was answered, and if it was, please link me!!!</p></li>
<li><p>On my acceptance letter it says I got put into "letters and sciences" major although I am positively sure I put down a major during my application process. Is this a bad thing? Will I still be able to study the major I wanted, even though I wasn't admitted into that college?</p></li>
<p>Thanks! Also, congrats to the people who got accepted!!! :)</p>
<p>Hi lolwutmhm, </p>
<p>Congrats on your acceptance into UMD! I just got mine as well :)</p>
<li><p>Here’s a thread about differences: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-maryland-college-park/716271-college-park-scholars-honors-gemstone.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-maryland-college-park/716271-college-park-scholars-honors-gemstone.html</a></p></li>
<li><p>This could be the result of either of these: </p></li>
<li><p>It could mean that you applied as an LEP (Limited Enrollment Program major, where there is a limit on the # who can major in the school’s most popular ones): ex: business, architecture. Full list: [University</a> of Maryland - Limited Enrollment Progams](<a href=“http://www.lep.umd.edu/]University”>http://www.lep.umd.edu/) The admiss counselors may not have seen you as a perfect fit for the major (or maybe it was just super competitive this year), but they saw you as a fit for UMD in general, so they admitted you, but now want you to pick a different major.
<li><p>Maybe you entered something wrong in you app by accident? You could try contacting them. I think you may also be allowed to apply for a certain major (after a semester of work) if you decided to attend UMD. (correct me if I’m wrong about this step though because I’m not sure).</p></li>
<p>Call or email admissions, they can check on your major. What do you think you applied for?</p>
yes! I actually did apply for an LEP major. So does this mean I have 0 chance of making it into that school? </p>
<p>And thanks for linking me :)</p>
<p>The UMD LEP webpage states that students in their sophomore year of the Letters & Sciences program may apply to transfer into any LEP, as long as they have taken the appropriate prerequisite courses for their desired LEP. Basically, work hard and you can still get into a school other than Letters & Sciences. Hope this info helps!</p>
<p>The same thing just happened to me; accepted to Letters & Sciences, but not to my intended LEP major
good luck!</p>
<p>oh thanks! and yea, I’m thinking about changing my major in general, but who knows, I have a year to ponder haha :)</p>
<p>and as for scholars, do they guarentee you housing all 3/4 yrs?</p>