Scholars Visit

<p>Has anyone ever visited on a Scholars’ visit? How was it? How was your shadow person? I think I’m going to the one in March. I’m so excited!</p>

<p>We attended the first one last year, in late January. It was really well-planned. The students had the opportunity to sit in on a class in their area of interest, and to meet professors in the department. We ate dinner in the skybox in the football stadium, seated with various faculty members and current honors students as well. Parents had their own program, and it was comprehensive enough that we didn't feel we needed to attend orientation in the summer (our son did attend alone). It included campus tours and many information sessions. The dean of the Honors College, Patricia MacCorquadale, was present and very involved throughout the visit.The dorm experience was valuable to our son in ranking the housing choices, and he has kept in touch with his "Shadowcat". He also is rooming with someone he met during the visit last year, and it is working out well.</p>

<p>Will wearing tennis shoes be OK for all the occasions in this program?</p>

<p>You will definitely want to wear comfortable shoes for most of the activities. (They even went to a barbecue at a dude ranch last year.) However, for the dinner with the VIP's from the university, you will be expected to dress nicely-- the girls wore skirts/dresses or very nice pants, and the boys wore shirts and ties, so you will also need dressier shoes.</p>

<p>i am a shadowcat now, and came on a visit last year. the activities at times can be pretty stupid, and on my day i didnt have a chance to sit in on any classes, which i was kindof bummed about. but overall the visit made me want to come to the u of a. its a good time and u meet cool ppl. maybe ill be hosting one of you come march</p>

<p>I think I'll be going to the visit at the beginning of March. I'm not quite sure whether I want to go to Arizona or not, so it'll either make or break it for me. I'm looking forward to it, though, if for nothing else but getting to go back to Arizona. It's a cool place.</p>