Scholarship and admissions time table after junior year

<p>I didn’t want to a highjack the thread about UA vs Arkansas, but it brought up something I hadn’t thought of before. If D applies the summer after her junior year, are the new scholarship offers on the table or would she have to wait until that year’s offers are released? When does Bama do that? She is a sophomore, positive that she wants to go to UA and should have the SAT scores for the Presidential scholarship. I think she wants it all squared away as soon as possible, but my concern is a new offer with a higher score., especially in light of the new SAT.
How does this work in terms of timing? Thanks!</p>

<p>The current listed scholarships are only for those students entering as first time freshmen in August 2014. Students planning on beginning their UA education in August 2015 will be eligible for the scholarships listed for that year’s (2015) entering class, regardless of the website being updated to list those scholarships at the time a student applies for admission to UA.</p>

<p>Usually, Bama firms up its scholarship offers in May/June before the apps opens in July. The one exception was the NMF offer that got changed later in the summer one year. </p>

<p>Does your crystal ball show any significant changes?</p>

<p>Ok, let me see if I’ve got this right… In July 2015, D should 1.) know what scholarships UA will be offering to her class and 2.) be able to apply for the class of 2020. Is this right? And she should know fairly shortly whether she is accepted or not?</p>



<p>And, wow…the Class of 2020 sounds so far away! but it’s not.</p>

<p>@wapacker My crystal ball is cloudy. ;)</p>

<p>While I hope Bama doesn’t tweak up their req’ts for their merit awards, you just never know.</p>

<p>the fact that Bama extended its scholarship deadline to first Dec 15th and then to Jan 6th, suggests to me that Bama’s not scared of the cost of these awards.</p>