Scholarship application

What does this look like? Are there essays to write? Thanks.

You will not be able to apply for scholarships until you are admitted to UA. I don’t believe there are essays (or if there are, they are very short paragraphs - maybe 1 or 2?, but I may be confusing that with the Honors College application), but be aware that UA’s scholarships are AUTOMATIC if you meet the qualifications/requirements/deadlines - they are not competitive, so if you meet the criteria, you get the scholarship.

Two key corrections to my post, above -

  1. you will have access to your scholarship application once you have your mybama log in, which occurs shortly after you send in your admissions application. I just looked - there are 4 or 5 boxes where you have (limited) space to write about your activities, extra-curriculars, and so forth, and anything else you want the scholarship committee to know.
  2. there are automatic scholarships (non-competitive), and then there are competitive scholarships, such as the ones outlined in the additional scholarship application - these additional scholarships may require additional essays or paperwork, or auditions, etc., depending on which ones you are applying for.
    Let us know if you have other questions. Sorry to confuse anyone.