<p>Ok all you experienced, smart CCers,
How can a scholarship application that is made with Adobe be typed into so that we don't have to try and print and use our best penmenship? I've tried, but the document won't seem to let me type into it. Any hints or tips would be GREATLY appreciated.
ps it's not one that will let you fill in and then print it out either. The directions say to type or print clearly, LOL!
Thank you!</p>
<p>It sounds to me like you need software which is usually called a “PDF Reader”. This overrides the original settings in the pdf and allows you to interact with the pdf e.g.type anywhere in the document, highlight text, save it etc. There are plenty of these on the market but a good free-trial one is called ‘Foxit Reader’. You should be able to locate it by simply googling for that name. It is quite easy to use.</p>
<p>One of the drawbacks of the free version of most PDF Readers is that when you print out the name of the software is printed (e.g. up in the RH corner). But you can simply tippex that out and then make a copy of your final version.</p>
<p>Here’s a link to an earlier discussion of the topic:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/97547-how-do-i-fill-out-pdfs-my-computer-2.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/97547-how-do-i-fill-out-pdfs-my-computer-2.html</a></p>
<p>You probably need the Adobe Acrobat program, which of course costs $$, to open the application and allow changes. You should then be able to type in your answers IF the application was created to allow that. Some pdf forms can’t be “changed” online.</p>
<p>I use a pdf reader called Foxit. I much prefer it to Adobe. The free version allows you to type on pdf documents and print them, but you cannot save them (there is a pay for version that allows you to do that).</p>
<p>I have a related question, I think. (Disclaimer: I’m pretty much clueless in the computer department) D has to fill out a visa form for her semester abroad. It was apparently scanned and then sent by the program coordinator as an attachment to the most recent program bulletin. The instructions say the info has to be typed. Can I use any of the above mentioned software to do this?</p>
<p>I found a website called zamzar. I was able to upload the file to their site and wait less than an hour and they emailed it back to me converted to a word doc. I will keep this in mind for any other aps in the future.</p>
<p>You’d best call the college[?] offering the scholarship and make sure that they have no problem acceptig a word doc application.</p>
<p>The scholarships are privately offered and will be printed out and mailed in, so shouldn’t be a problem.</p>