Chance me please? and advice :)

<p>Basically, UM is my number one choice, but i need a good scholarship to even consider going. I'm only going to be a junior, so I guess I still have time. I need advice on everything I need improvement on in order to get accepted and to get a scholarship. Any chance at all to improve for Singer? Doubt it :(
Female- White </p>

GPA: UW 3.4 W 4.0 (I need to bring these up, right? :( )
Rank: top 14% :/
ACT: Never took it yet, but practice test I have been getting around high 20s :/ Goal: 34
by the time I graduate, about 12 honors and 9 APS
EC: 200+ hours,
Member (2 years) of International Club for , National English Honor Society, and history Club
Job: Filed papers at my dads office
Have been dancing ever since the age of 4
Golf since the age of 6
Tennis since 5
* Won NUMEROUS awards/competitions for tennis, golf, and dance. Probably about 30 all together.
Play Piano and Sing for 3 years
I don't really have a lot of Academic Awards, But I was awarded the President Award in 8th grade? doesn't mean anything :/

<p>One thing. Why is your ACT goal only a 34 and not 36? One of my favorite quotes of all time by Michelangelo: </p>

<p>The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.</p>

<p>My ACT goal is a 34 and not a 36 because I know I’m not smart enough or determined enough to get a 36.</p>

<p>I believe that you need to be in the top 5% of your class to receive a scholarship, especially the full ride!</p>

<p>alright, I will work on that :)</p>

<p>what if a school doesn’t rank top 5% and only goes up to top 10%??</p>

<p>hmm, I don’t know. Top 10% is good too, and I think you can get a scholarship with top 10%, i would ask your school though about the top 5%</p>