Scholarship decision is on OASIS link now

<p>D didn't get letter yet, but OASIS shows she was awarded Trustee with $38,570/year.
Now, you can check your scholarship decision from this link:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>At the least those running for trustee would get deans right? because under awards i have no information posted still… =/</p>

<p>Which school? D was admitted to SCA. maybe different school releases it at a different time?</p>

<p>D’s status was updated (web refreshed at Web Refreshed: 4/1/09 12:00 AM). you can see it is just updated today.</p>

<p>i am CLAS =/</p>

<p>USC has approximately 8000 finaid awards to upload, or at least a good percentage of that number for those who requested finaid. It seems they just started, so don’t worry that yours isn’t up or complete yet.</p>

<p>Hmm I hate waiting. You think they’ll all be up by the end of today?</p>

<p>God, I hope they will all be up soon. I cannot see mine either.</p>

<p>How do you log into oasis?</p>

<p>you can create a user ID and password to login. if it is first time, usc will email you a key which is used to create ID and password.</p>

<p>btw, D just received her trustee scholarship letter today.</p>

<p>Hey so I emailed the finaid office, and they said that if you can’t see your award on OASIS yet, then they’re not done figuring it out. Your award will be available sometime w/in the next two weeks so keep checking OASIS :)</p>

<p>My S did not receive letter yet, Oasis update was 04/1 and showed his finacial aid award, there was nothing about the presidential or deans scholarship does this mean he did not recieve either one. He went to the interview in Feb. Thanks for any info and good luck to all…</p>

<p>Nah, I just received my presidential letter today, and my OASIS link has nothing either. I live in southern California, but I turned in a few financial documents late, so that might have accounted for OASIS being blank.</p>

<p>I just recently submitted my non-filing statement along wity my partents tax returns so I’ll probably have to wait a bit longer.</p>


<p>what kind of award was showed in OASIS? need-based?</p>

<p>the scholarship should be included there. maybe it isn’t uploaded yet.</p>

<p>In my oasis package it said “university Scholarship” $4,000 which was updated 4/1/09 however he interviewed for the presidential scholarship in February at Explore USC and there was no mention of this in his package. I was under the impression if he didnt receive the presidential, that he would get the Dean’s Scholarship of quarter tuition. I’m hopeful that my son will hear that he qualifies for either the Presidential or the Dean’s, or is the Oaisis the final package?</p>

<p>Hi springup. We are still waiting to get our letter too. My son also interviewed for Presidential. I’m sure your son has nothing to worry about, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not guaranteed Dean’s. My son’s friend was up for Trustee and got Director’s for $4,000 per year.</p>

<p>Oh my Goodness, thats terrible about your sons friend, wow to go from Trustee to Director’s is a huge difference. Honestly if I had known that it could have been such a drastic difference I dont know that I would have spent the $3,000 to travel from NY for the interview. I did call the admissions office after my son told me about the oasis pkg and was told that the scholarship awards were mailed Monday and that I would have to wait on the letter to see if he in fact was awarded the scholarship and then I should inform financial aid if in fact it was different from what I had already received.?</p>

<p>I got my pres scholar notification today via snail mail. I live in Vegas. </p>

<p>Still nothing up on the OASIS though…</p>

<p>ugh I can’t wait anymore.</p>

<p>curse nothing in the mail yet or online cuz my documents are missing (they keep adding more)</p>