Scholarship/major question

Hi I am a junior from NY visiting Bama in august, right now it is definitely my too school! I got a 30 on my act & above a 3.5 GPA. Im looking into the chemical engineering pre-med track im also planning on rushing. In the engineering school I know that a 30 will get me full oos tuition plus the stipend. If i later decide engineering isnt for me, would i completely lose my entire scholarship? or would it just turn into the scholarship of 2/3 tuition that youd generally recieve for a 30 act? The fact that engineering school would give me the full tuition really attracts me except Im worried about my future in engineering looking towards med school. Please help thank you!!

If you change your mind about eng’g, then the scholarship goes back to being 2/3

Since you are a junior, you still have time to retest, you should take as many ACT and SAT tests between now and the last acceptable testing date. Study, study study. Use prep books, free local prep classes, low cost HS prep classes, whatever is needed to raise your scores. Get the highest score possible to see if you can achieve the score needed for the full tuition scholarship. It is well worth the price of the testing to try and raise your scholarship level. Just remember that Bama does not super score and that you do need to take the writing portion of the test.

If you’re worried about engineering being difficult, you should reconsider Chem E as your major. It is the most difficult of the engineering disciplines, and Organic Chemistry is known to be a killer course. If you’re looking for an engineering degree that is useful should you change your mind about med school, I would recommend mechanical engineering as a very well rounded and useful degree.

@NoVADad99 - Since the OP is looking towards med school, she’s going to be stuck with Organic Chemistry no matter what she majors in. Makes sense to kill two bids with one stone and major in ChemE.

You should be really careful when you choose ochem teacher.