Scholarship minimum requirements

<p>Do you absolutely HAVE to be in the top 7% of your class to receive the $16,000/year scholarship?</p>

<p>I have a 1390 SAT and a 4.5 GPA, more than enough for admission, but I go to an incredibly challenging High School, and a 4.5 GPA BARELY gets me into the top 10%. Is there a chance of me still being able to get the 16k/year scholarship?</p>

<p>What’s your unweighted GPA? </p>

<p>Also, they don’t do the pre-defined incremented scholarships anymore - it’s all grouped under the name “Presidential Scholarship” and is offered in various amounts, from as low as $5k up to $25k, just from what’s been posted here. It’s all very wholistic.</p>

<p>3.83 uw gpa</p>

<p>Did you take the ACT? If not I strongly recommend you do. As for class rank, my son’s school does not report class rank so it is not some magically cutoff. As Seeking uni said it is a combination of things.<br>
Best way is to check the following thread <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; (starting at post 361 or page 25) and you can build a perspective on what UM is generally looking for with the Presidential Scholarship. Also look here <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; for some info.</p>

<p>My daughter received a $30K scholarship upon receipt of her admittance letter. Then went on to interview and received a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>We were told that to be eligible for a Singer or Stamps Scholarship, you needed a minimum 1500 on your SAT.</p>

<p>Singer/Stamps scholarships are not the same as the university (Presidential) scholarships.</p>

<p>My sons initial Presidential scholarship amount was $23,000. He was later invited to compete for the Singer scholarship and he was lucky enough to be selected. He received merit scholarships from other universities and they were all about in the same range so I am wondering if possibly they are looking at financial information and taking that into consideration when offering scholarship money. His stats are 2370 SAT, 5.70 weighted GPA. I dont know his unweighted GPA, sorry. Oh and his high school doesnt rank.</p>

<p>^^I see your son’s stats and think, “He won High School…all of High School.”</p>