Scholarship Questions

<p>Does the University of Miami superscore for scholarship purposes? I saw that they will superscore for admissions purposes but I am not sure whether this policy transfers over to scholarships as well.
I have an ACT score of 32 without superscoring and a 34 superscored, does this put me in comptetition for some of the higher scholarships or is the Dickinson scholarship the highest that I would be elligible for? I have taken the hardest course load available to me, AP/Dual Enrollment and I am ranked 1st in my class at a competitive public high school of about 400 students. Any guesses as to what money I could receive if I get accepted?</p>

<p>Yes, they superscore the ACT. Congrats! I think 24,000 and a Singer/Stamps invite.
Best of luck!</p>

<p>You’re one point lower than me on the ACT (35 in one sitting) but higher in rank (I was only in the top 7% of a class of about 500). I got a Stamps invite and the university scholarship ($24,000). You should get the same, even with increased competitiveness this admission cycle.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I hope you’re right, Miami’s my top choice right now if I get in, but I am going to need all the merit aid I can get in order to afford it!!! But I guess I should worry about getting in before I jump the gun and start thinking about scholarships :/</p>

<p>when are you notified about merit $$? Is it online with the acceptance or does it come in the letter? Also, how soon after online notice do the letters arrive?</p>

<p>According to the early decision board from last year it was in the second paragraph of the acceptance letter/email. But who knows if it’ll be the same again this year</p>

<p>Historically, it’s included in your letter via physical mail and online through myUM.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all applicants this weekend! I just found this from the day my DD got accepted last year and thought you might like to see what it looked like. Perhaps this year will look a bit different, but she saw this when she signed on to her my UM. I believe that she got a separate email with the invite to the Stamps/Singer weekend later that day or the next. Again, best of luck to all! We can’t wait to hear how it goes!</p>

<p>Congratulations, xxxxxxxx
Welcome to the UM Family! </p>

<p>Dear xxxxxxx, </p>

<p>Congratulations! You have been admitted to the University of Miami for the upcoming fall semester to begin your undergraduate career in xxxxxxxin the School of xxxxxxx.</p>

<p>We are also very pleased to notify you that you have been selected to receive the xxxxxxx Scholarship for $xxxxxxx per academic year, in recognition of your outstanding academic achievements.</p>

<p>You will now join a highly select group of students as you continue the next phase of your academic journey. We are confident that you will make a valuable contribution to the University’s tradition of scholarship and excellence. You are now a Miami Hurricane, part of a vibrant, progressive university that is making its mark on the world. We will depend on you to help us make that mark – and to grow right along with us. You and your family should be extremely proud of your hard work that led to your acceptance. Welcome to our community!</p>

<p>Your official acceptance packet has been placed in the mail and should arrive soon. I also encourage you to reach out and meet your classmates through the Social U. </p>

<p>Again, xxxxxx, congratulations and welcome to the University of Miami! We look forward to seeing you this fall. </p>

<p>Best wishes,</p>

<p>Edward M. Gillis
Executive Director of Admission</p>

<p>P.S. xxxxxx, please remember that your formal acceptance to UM is pending our receipt and review of an official copy of your final high school transcript with date of graduation.</p>

<p>Pay your Enrollment Deposit</p>

<p>Pay your Enrollment Deposit later and return to Main Menu</p>

<p>thanks Din. I hate waiting!! Question…did your daughter receive an email, or did she find out the decision by logging into her MyUM account?</p>

<p>She logged in and there it was. Not sure what time she logged in.
At 2pm she got an email with the Singer/Stamps invite. She sent that in and got her rsvp at 3:06pm. All of this happened on the Friday, Feb.3 in our case.</p>

<p>Thank you DinDune for sharing. I know my D will not get an invite for that type of scholarship, her stats are way too low. But good luck to everyone tomorrow. My D gave me permission to check and we’ve slowly accepted the fact that she might not get in. She really loves it and if she gets in, there will be much celebrating in our house. If not, she promised not to cry and we’ll take it from there.</p>

<p>Din, you are killing me!!!</p>

<p>I think that I will be crying tomorrow either way. Hopefully, they will be years of joy and pride!</p>

<p>Yes I kind of a wreck.</p>

<p>One hour and 15 minutes until Friday…oh boy, I need to get a life!! Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Right there with ya LINYMOM!! :)</p>

<p>I’ll be at work until 4 and then I have to run up to Kohls to return a pair of shoes. D will be at a huge basketball game between her school and rival school in Manhattan. I’ll be checking on my phone when I can.
Good luck everyone!!! This is so nerve wracking and exciting. We probably won’t hear right away since I’m guessing the S/S invites should go out first since travel arrangements need to be made.
Again…GOOD LUCK!!!</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten notified about the Singer Scholarship yet?</p>