<p>i got a mesmer scholarship for 1700, plus 2600 in stafford loans for a total of 4300. i hate to sound snooty, but is this it? the amount i have to pay looks like it's going to be about 8k more than my fafsa EFC. there's no way i can afford that unless i sell my kidneys.</p>
<p>Are these scholarships generally easy to renew?</p>
<p>You should be able to receive the same amount of scholarship for all four years, unless your financial situation drastically changes for some reason.</p>
<p>I was accepted... but did not apply for aid. Is there any way to get some merit money? Or did you have to apply for those seperatley (which I didn't, oh no)</p>
<p>reeze - i think the max. a student can borrow over the 4 years is $23,000. is that what you read too? the amount they are eligible to borrow increases each subsequent year. </p>
<p>does anyone know if wash u would, therefore, decrease the scholarship amount year to year as reeze points out since the student is eligible to borrow more each subsequent year? good question reeze.</p>
<p>Wolffy, they have specific merit scholarships that require a separate application, which was due in January. Additionally, some have indicated that in previous years other, unadvertised merit scholarships have been offered to some accepted students. These don't require an application, and there's no way to know whether or not you'll receive one unless you get something in the mail about one. I hope I do!</p>
<p>I applied to the full-tuition scholarships but did not win.</p>
<p>I received the Olin scholarship with my financial aid award.... Are you saying that there are more scholarships to be had?</p>
<p>See <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=157907%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=157907</a></p>
<p>i was wondering will we lose our scholarship if we decide in the middle of the term to change schools, the LS&A. I got a mesmer engineering scholarship.</p>
<p>My understanding is you continue to receive the scholarship even if you change majors or schools.</p>
<p>so if i got mesmer, then if i want to go to biology during the year, i will still get the same amount of money?</p>
<p>I believe so. I suggest you contact the school directly for an official answer.</p>
<p>is anyone a Danforth Scholar ?</p>
<p>I got the mesmer scholarship for 17,500, but that means I have to pay 13k more a year than my efc</p>
<p>I got the Danforth scholarship...</p>
<p>Congrats Achil! Will you be at Wash U next year?</p>
<p>Also, if you have any questions about WU or the Danforth Program feel free to IM me at Jennie084 - I stumbled across this board and probably won't be back on a regular basis :)</p>