Scholarship Timeline

<p>Yesterday the acceptance letter and the presidential scholarship award letter arrived for my son. We knew it was coming but still pretty exciting to actually receive it.</p>

<p>When does notification of the $2500 engineering scholarship occur? Does it occur in the spring or will we see it sooner?</p>


<p>DS received his Engineering scholarship letter in mid to late October.</p>

<p>Thank you for assuaging my curiosity!</p>

<p>The official answer to my question arrived in the mail today. My son received the engineering scholarship. He is feeling pretty good having such a great option nailed down so early.</p>

<p>UA does a great job in offering and delivering their scholarships and I think this will help in their academic recruiting (not that they need much help). My son received his letters relatively early but they sent the actual scholarship certificates in a nice folder to the school administration (or counselors office) who delivered to my son in class…I’ve heard UA also hand delivers at some school Honors nights on stage - sons school doesn’t allow anyone to receive their scholarships publicly and only allowed students to self-report them for a background side show, kind of silly. A little rah rah would have been nice in an otherwise long boring evening. </p>

<p>My son received scholarship information from the university last week. He is taking the SAT and ACT one more time. If he gets a higher score (fingers crossed)how do we notify the university to get the bigger scholarship? </p>

<p>Have him list UA as a recipient when he signs up for the test. They will automatically get the score and upgrade the scholarship if he receives a higher award.</p>