Scholarships for current CS students?

<p>Well, I finished my first year in college with a 3.73 GPA and a 4.0 in-major (CS classes, I took 1114 and 2114 receiving As in both), so I was wondering how much the computer science department will give me. I did the dean's list transfer in between the fall and spring semester, so next Fall will be the 2nd semester I will have been in my major. I am hoping for a decent bit of money from them.</p>

<p>I don’t think the CS department is going to give you anything unless you apply for some specific scholarship. See, [Scholarships</a> | Computer Science at Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Scholarships”> I don’t have any specific experience with these scholarships but I wouldn’t expect a huge amount of money.</p>

<p>It’s probably going to rely as much on your need as your achievements. You did fill out the general scholarship form for engineering, right?</p>

<p>Also just so you know, ENGE 114 and CS 2114 do not count into the in major GPA for CS at VT. So most likely you do not have an in major GPA yet.</p>

<p>PrimeBoss “(CS1)114 and CS 2114 do not count into the in major GPA for CS at VT. So most likely you do not have an in major GPA yet.”</p>

<p>If so, that would be very odd. Both CS1114 and CS2114 are required CS courses for the CS major. The advisor would know for sure.</p>