Scholarship probablities

<p>Hey, I'm currently a junior in high school. Just wondering, has anyone received a significant amount of scholarship money as rising undergrads at tech? </p>

<p>If so, what are the chances of me getting a good amount of money with a 4.5 GPA, 2100 SAT1, a couple of decent SAT II scores, and a good amount of extracurriculars?</p>

<p>If you are in state, don’t expect a significant amount, unfortunately, even with stats that are exceptional.</p>

<p>Ahhhhh :frowning: that’s sad… Why?</p>

<p>If you want scholarships you’re going to have to go out and beat the bushes for them. They do exist but you’ll have to look. Who offers them depends on your field. Make sure to fill out the VT general scholarship form; I was considered in state my last 3 years (on a technicality though) and I got a couple thousand a year through that. It’ll depend more on your need than anything else on a lot of them though.</p>

<p>The need component is very important. If you look at most of the Tech scholarships (and most at any state u really) they are merit/need based. Very, very few of the general ones are merit only. Like chuy said, you may be able to find some within the various departments, but it will take legwork on your part. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! Would it be wise to start looking/writing essays for scholarships this summer? And I think I qualify for the need type scholarships haha</p>

<p>Always be looking for scholarships.</p>

<p>Hi- definitely fill out the General Scholarship. I recieved 17,000 from Tech between scholarships and loans(5500 in loans). They have a Scholars Scholarship that they give to certain freshmen that is non-renewable and you don’t apply for it. Personally, the people above aren’t being accurate, because I’m out of state and was still able to find money to cover half of my expenses. There are literally thousands of times more scholarships through their portal available for in state students, which oos students can’t get even if the parent is a legacy and your family has been in VA since 1614.
Also- ask your department for departmental scholarships that others don’t know about. Plus you should get a account now because there are many scholarships you can start getting now- they taylor find scholarships for you and are a trusted site by the US Gov’t and FinAid offices</p>

<p>Well, I wouldn’t say that those people aren’t being accurate, just maybe not to the OP’s (and yours, and also mine) situation. If you don’t have a lot of financial need as determined by VT then they aren’t going to give you a lot of money, in state or out of state. If you do then they might, although you’ll have to look for most of it. I got enough scholarships my Sophomore and Junior years that VT was cutting me a check and I didn’t have to take out loans (while I was paying in-state tuition) so it is possible. You just have to have high ‘need’ and look hard.</p>

<p>I’m saying that you don’t need to have high need. You just need to work hard. I do NOT have high need (My EFC was $30,000- which is NOT high need at all) and have more than half my tuition/fee/etc paid for all by money from VT because I haven’t received scholarships from outside sources sadly(outside scholarships are different and you do need to have high need or a minority status to get). I’m saying it is possible.</p>